BEING THE JUDGMENT OF THE ANCIENT Christian Church, OR THЕ SENSE of the CHRISTIAN WRITERS CONCERNING PUBLIC The TESTIMONIES in favour of the Universal Scheme, produced by Gerardus Voffius, Monfieur Daille, PART IV. By JOHN GILL. LONDON: Printed for, and Sold by AARON WARD, at the King's THE CAUSE OF GOD and TRUTH.. The INTRODUCTION. S INCE those doctrines which are commonly called Calviniftical are charged with novelty, and are represented as running directly contrary to the whole stream of antiquity, and the sentiments of the antient Fathers, and as entirely unknown to the Christian church before the time of Austin; when, on the other hand, the doctrines of the universal scheme are faid to be confirmed by the concurrent fuffrage of all antiquity, and the express A 2 |