Records of the Geological Survey of India, Volume 116, Issue 1Geological Survey of India, 1987 - Earthquakes 1867- includes the "Annual report of the Geological survey of India". |
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alignment amphibolite analysed Andhra Pradesh anomaly Asstt attended bands Bangalore basalt basemetal basin Bihar biotite block boreholes Calcutta carried chalcopyrite charnockite Circle clay coal coalfield core covering an area Deccan Trap deposits depth Director District Divn dolomite drill holes Dutta dykes exploration exposed folds Formation geochemical geological mapping Geologist Jr GEOLOGY DIVISION Geophysical Geophysicist geotechnical investigations Ghosh gneiss Gondwana Group Gupta Headquarters Hydel Hyderabad India indicated Jaipur Karnataka Kumar Laboratory limestone line km located logging Lucknow magnetic mapped an area mica mineral mineralisation Murthy Nagpur nala Orissa pegmatite phyllite power house Project quartz quartzite Quaternary RAC meeting Rajasthan Region river rock types S/Shri samples were collected sandstone scale schist seams sediments shale Sharma shear zone Shillong Shri Singh Sinha spillway sq km sq km area Srivastava strike length studies Supergroup surveys thickness toposheet traverse trending tunnel upto Vindhyan