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Christi, (Tears of Christ !) a luscious wine, worthy |curred 28 hours sooner. None of us desired the of its reputation. It is made from the grapes in celebrity of Pliny the elder, that 66 martyr of nathe neighborhood of the mountain, and derives its ture," as he is justly styled, upon condition of appellation from the manner in which it exudes sharing his fate. When we grew tired of looking from them, even before they are subjected to any and admiring, (for even contrast may become mopressure but their own weight; it drops from the notonous,) we descended and remounted our donpress like tears, and is of crimson hue. A mile keys, which manifested much more willingness in from the Hermitage, we again abandoned our carrying back their burdens to Portici, than they mules, and climbed the "ashy steep" on foot. had done in bringing them from there. On reachAdvancing slowly, and secured to our guides by ing Naples, it was quite late, and we were rather leathern belts, we accomplished the task without exhausted, yet could not resist the temptation of difficulty; peril there was none, for at every step, going to the Opera, to see Madame Pasta, in we sank into the dried and parched soil, as if tread-"Tancredi." The magnificent theatre of Don ing on newly ploughed ground, and, of course, Carlos was brilliant with lamps, chandeliers and there was no risk of slipping, but the jerking mo- gilding. Its drop-curtain was the most splendid I tion, occasioned by the unequal walk of our con- ever saw-it was blue and gold, with a rich borductors, was extremely disagreeable, and I quick-der of roses, and the centre adorned with Cupids, ly liberated myself from harness, and held the in cars, drawn by various animals. To show, that strap in my hand, to pull against, when assistance" Love conquers all things," was, (I conjecture,) was requisite. As we progressed, our sensations the design. The King and Queen, with their of wonder and delight increased. There we were, suite, were present, and Pasta seemed inspired. environed by a surface of blackened lava, miles in She was more than human. We had heard her extent, and totally devoid of a tree or bush, or any before, but never did she appear as lovely, or sing semblance whatever of vegetation. Above us so divinely. Her voice might have vied with the curled the thick smoke of the Volcano, mingled clearest and softest flute, as she executed most difwith white and greyish vapors, which, owing to ficult and exquisite passages in music. Well might the dampness of the weather, arose from the earth. she be called the Queen of Song. When we retired Below us, lay expanded the "blue glittering bay to our pillows that night, it was to dream of her of Naples," with its twin promontories, islets, vil-syren notes and eloquent acting. lages and cities; beyond these, in perspective, Sultry clouds portended rain, when we arose, next soared a series of undulating Appenines, tinged morning, at an early hour, in order to prepare for with that soft, plumb-like hue, so peculiar to Italy. another excursion—our goal, Pompeii, in its loneGazing upwards, I thought of Pluto's dismal em-liness and desolation! While breakfasting, the sky pire-downwards, of paradise itself. The abodes vented its wrath in a plentiful and rapid shower, after of Misery and Happiness, seemed to have chang-which, the clear blue ether triumphed in the heaved places. The blending of light and shade was ens, and at 8 o'clock we departed, with the presage striking and beautiful! The traveller was right, I of a fine day and travelling baskets well stocked think, who designated light as the physiognomy with provisions for a cold dinner in the Villa of of scenery, and compared a landscape to a regular Diomede, the first edifice that presents itself as set of features, averring, that both may be good, you enter Pompeii, by what is termed the Appian but neither speak, unless the light of nature, or of way-the way we intended going. We retraced mind, illumine them. Owing to the continual our steps as far as Portici, and thence proceeded crumbling of the lava, the crater presents a differ- through the towns of Torre del Greco and Torre ent form almost annually; to us, its outline was del Annunziata, both of which suffered from the that of an oval,-some parts of the edge were too burning torrents of Vesuvius, indeed, were destroyhot to stand upon for more than a few minutes, and ed by them, but have since been rebuilt. We saw a sheet of paper thrust in, was soon ignited. We de- vineyards, which the lava had streamed across, and scended 14 feet into the abyss, and walked upon a becoming cold, had formed, in some places, solid broad and projecting rock, where we distinctly crusts several feet thick, and of a brown color:heard the crackling of the flames in the aperture portions of the road were hewn through these stony whence oozed the fiery smoke. The next day, beds. We were informed that the lava runs very this gigantic rock tumbled down, and created a slowly, and that the smallest impediment will stop dreadful panic in the vicinity of the mountain. its course,-it then swells sometimes to the height The crash it made, and the quantity of ashes and of a dozen or fourteen feet, environs whatever hincinders it forced into the air, caused persons, for ders its progress, till it has destroyed or covered an instant, to believe, that an eruption was com- it; flints and porous rocks, it causes to break with mencing, and to rush from their dwellings. When an explosion like gun powder; trees and wooden

told of this event, I trust all of our party felt grateful to Providence for saving us from the awful end that would have been ours, had the avalanche oc

objects it ignites and consumes; when hardened, it is capable of receiving a brilliant polish, and is applied to ornamental as well as useful purposes.

Most of the Neapolitan towns are paved with it, the principal doors of some, the names of the ownboth ancient and modern. As we approached Pom-ers are written in red paint. Among others, I repeii, our interest almost amounted to awe-we ar- collect those of Pansa, the Roman Consul, and rived, and thrilling with curiosity, alighted near the Caius Sallust, the historian,-the latter is said to Herculaneum gate. Our path towards it was bor-have possessed one of the most beautiful residendered by a double row of Mausoleums, massive, ces in the city, containing a great deal of handgrey with age, and bearing inscriptions: some of some furniture and mosaic decorations, statues and which were quite legible. After examining them, paintings, which, with myriads from other mansions, we quitted this funereal suburb and entered the city: public and private, have been conveyed to the Musilently we threaded its solitary streets, their raised seum in Naples, rendering it a complete Golconda footways flanked with tenantless, roofless houses, of such treasures. It is surprising, in what a perwherein the stillness of death prevailed. Not a fect state the things are, and how much the arti. sound was audible, save our loitering steps upon cles of household furniture and utensils for various the mosaic floors, and our low-toned voices, when purposes, resemble those of the present century, we made a casual observation, or questioned the designed for similar use. The streets of Pompeii cicerone who accompanied us. Mirth or loud con- are regular and straight, but entirely too narrow to versation would have seemed unbefitting, while admit of carriages passing each other in any of wandering through that solemn city, with its de-them, so that a certain number must have been apcaying fanes, theatres and dwellings of yore! The propriated to vehicles proceeding in certain direchorrible fate of the beings who once enlivened them, tions-the traces of wheels still indent the pavegleamed, too, upon our memories, and added depthment of several, and not being more than two or to feeling, as we viewed and inspected their forsa-three feet apart, prove that the carriages of those ken haunts. It is inferred, however, that the Pom- times were very diminutive, perhaps mere cars, or peiians, generally, escaped with their lives, as not small, open chariots, such as we see depicted in more than a hundred skeletons have ever been dis-antique paintings. The grandest and best preservcovered among the ruins, and only one in the the-ed of the public edifices, are the Temple of Isis, atre, where, according to history, the people were assembled in great numbers, when the eruption began; and that, as the Volcano always gives indications of a violent and dangerous discharge, hours before it takes place, only those perished, who were too old, too feeble or two sick to run, or perhaps too avaricious to abandon their wealth in their flight. Of this miserly class, it was conjectured, was Diomede, in whose stately mansion we dined, (as above stated,) because his skeleton was found to be near his gate, grasping a key in one hand, and coins and jewels in the other. With him, strong in death was the ruling passion! In his cellar we saw 15 wine casks glued to the wall by lava, and evident impressions of 5 or 6 human bodies. Pompeii was buried beneath a deluge of ashes and cinders, from which it has been completely dug out, and now stands fully revealed, resembling a city that has been the prey of flames, excepting that its walls and window-sills are not blackened by smoke. Its houses are only two sto-warned us, (if we wished to be benefitted by them ries high, but many of them are rich in architectural ornament and arabesque painting,-many are adorned with colonades, inclosing a spacious court, with a fountain or reservoir in the centre. Over

[blocks in formation]

the Palace of Justice, and the Amphitheatre, where the famous combat took place between the Pompeiians and Nocereans during an exhibition of Gladiators, for which the Roman Senate exiled its leaders, and prohibited all such sports for the space of ten years. The shops of Pompeii excite equal interest, though, of course, not equal admiration, with its nobler and more aristocratic buildings. The statuary's, the apothecary's, the carpenter's, the jeweller's occupation is either mentioned on a sign without, or designated by some mark or emblem within. The counter of the apothecary bears stains of vials and glasses, which contained something corrosive; that of the confectioner displays those of saucers and cups, and in the bakery are ovens. We lingered through these deserted abodes, once the busy scene of human activity and labor, but now so sad, solitary and silent," till the slanting rays of the declining sun invested them with a factitious cheerfulness, at the same time that they

ourselves during our ride home,) to depart :—so bestowing the well-earned and expected recompense upon our honest and intelligent "Sivanni," for his services, we returned to bustling, thriving, noisy Naples. The moon rose in splendor as we entered it, and the long ride, and the sentimental, exciting and moralizing day we had spent, did not decrease our appetites, when we attacked the abundant supper which awaited us.


But one faint ripple on the sand beach trace, And sorrowing echo, with a single sigh,

Bemoan thy fall!

Then sleep no longer thou,

Suggested by a picture of the Neapolitan City; But with a watchful eye and vigorous arm


Fair Naples! still a sylph-like queen, thou reignest
Close by the base of stern Vesuvius' mount,
Lifting thy cross-marked spires, and turrets bold,
In grand magnificence. Colossal forms,
Of rich and varied beauty, deck thy plains.
The Sculptor's art, the Painter's magic power,
And all the Architect's unwearied skill
Combine to decorate thy classic halls,
Or wreathe thy brow with coronets of life:
While more than Andalusian charms begirt
Thee round, as wrought by Nature's plastic hand.
Yet, why exultest thou, fair, beauteous queen?
But yesterday I looked, and thou wast not!
Vesuvius' lurid billows swept thy plains,
And tossed, and heaved themselves with awful glow,
And wild, majestic grandeur, round the spot
Thou claimest now as thine: and, like the waves
And frightful ebulitions of the lake,
Seen in Apocalyptic vision, spread
Fierce gloom and desolation all around.

Beneath thee, still those billows surge and heave
With ever ceaseless agitation. E'en now
I hear their sullen, deep, sepulchral voice,
Complaining of confinement long, with threats
Of fierce revenge. And yet thou sleepest still,
Regardless of impending fate. Perhaps
Thou trustest in thy quiet, silvery Bay,
Mirroring thy charms upon its glassy face,
Or painting on the clouds thy walls and spires
With pencil dipt in sunset beams.


How oft have fondest hopes been blasted all,
And expectations suddenly destroyed
By one fell stroke! The fiery surging crests
Have oft contended with the sleeping flood,
Reclining at thy feet, with issue dire.

Their wild, impetuous force, was quickly tamed:
Their lurid glare in sudden darkness veiled:
Themselves, with all their frighted desolation,
Into the cold embrace of that still Bay

Await thy coming doom. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Notices of New Works.

THE ILLUMINATED BOOKS OF THE MIDDLE AGES. A History of Illuminated Books, from the IVth to the XVIIth Century. By HENRY NOEL HUMPHREYS. Illustrated by a series of specimens, consisting of an entire page of the exact size of the original, from the most celebrated and splendid MSS. In the Imperial and Royal Libraries of Vienna, Moscow, Paris, Naples, Copenhagen and Madrid; From the Vatican, Escurial, Ambrosian and other great Libraries of the Continent, and from the Rich Public, Collegiate and Private Libraries of Great Britain. PRINTED IN GOLD, SILVER AND COLondon: Printed for Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, Paternoster-Row, 1844.


This splendid work is coming out in numbers, the first of which we have received from Wiley and Putnam, of New York. The last number will contain a "continuous sketch of the art of Illumination." The others, like the one before us, will be devoted to specimens of the richest illuminations, with brief descriptions of the MSS., from which they are taken. This first number contains only four specimens; the first two from a "Recollation of the Chronicles of England, written for Edward IV." These Chronicles contain, in part, "a strange compound of traditional history, mingled with the fable and romance of the early part of the middle ages, not omitting the slaying of giants and marine monsters, with singular copiousness of detail." The chief illumination consists of many full length figures, highly colored; among which are Clarence and Gloucester, and the unknown author presenting his work to the King. These chronicles "have continued to form a portion of the library of the successive Kings of Eng

Were headlong urged: while scarce a ripple bore land, since the time of their presentation to Ed-
Intelligence to waves a league from shore,
Of their arrival, or their silent doom!

Dost thou, proud city, then, in day-dreams bright, Expect escapement from like dire result? Or trustest thou in ponderous, towering walls, And structures vast, to save thee from such end Thy massive fabric, borne upon the crest Of some Vesuvian billow, yet may glide, Like leaves upon the mountain rivulet, In Autumn storm, till, with tremendous plunge, The molten stream, with all its spoils, is lost In the o'erflowing deep and thy sad fate

VOL. XI-88

ward IV., till the time of their deposit with the royal books in the British Museum, of the noble and still increasing library of which they formed the nucleus."

The next illumination is taken from the Orations of Demosthenes, written for one of the Farnesi, a name intimately connected with the History of Italian art in the XVth century. The last is from the Venetian Diploma of Semitecolo, Governor of Pago and Isola, on the coast of Dalmatia, bearing date in 1644. Some of the most interesting specimens of Illuminated books are to be found among

the small volumes, called ducali, containing the diplomas or appointments issued by the Venetian State. The picture before us represents the Holy family, in a richly colored group, to which is added the miniature of the appointed Conte, or Governor, taking the oath of allegiance, before his patron saint.

No bare description of these splendid illuminations can give any idea of their richness and beauty. The Vignettes and Initial Letters are curiously devised and inimitably executed. On beholding such specimens of Art, one is convinced that, in this respect, at least, the middle ages did not deserve the appellation of " DARK;" for he scarcely knows which to admire most, the skill and taste of their original executors, or of those who now transmit them to us, in such superb style. In reference to the circumstances of the two periods, he is almost constrained to award the palm to the middle ages.

We have also from the same publishers,
the Culture, Propagation and Management, in
the garden and orchard, of fruit trees generally.
With descriptions of all the finest varieties of
fruit, native and foreign, cultivated in this coun-
try. By A. J. DOWNING, Corresponding Mem-
ber of the Royal Botanic Society of London; and
of the Horticultural Societies of Berlin, the Low
Countries, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Indi-
ana, Cincinnati, etc. Illustrated with many

"What wondrous life is this I lead!
Ripe Apples drop about my head;
The luscious clusters of the vine
Upon my mouth do crush their wine;
The nectarine and curious Peach
Into my hands themselves do reach."

Marvell. How many are there who have ground unoccuThe work will be costly, but those who can afford it, would find it a rare accession to their valu-pied, upon which they might plant vines and fruit

ed treasures of Literature and Art.

A Critical Commentary and Paraphrase on the Old and New Testament and the Apocrypha. By Patrick, Lowth, Arnold, Whitby and Lowman. A New Edition, with the text printed at large; in four volumes. Wiley and Putnam:

New York.


In this happy land of civil and religious freedom, nearly every one might, in more than one sense, "live under his own vine and fig tree," and draw thence not only the enjoyment of luxury, but his own maintenance. To all we say, let Mr. Downing be your example and your guide; embellish your grounds, construct your landscape gardens, and fill your empty space with fruits and flowers, which "grow while you sleep," and bloom and ripen upon the gratuitous air and sun-smile of Heaven.

TRAVELS IN NORTH AMERICA, In the years 1841-2.
With Geological Observations on the United
States, Nova Scotia and Canada. BY CHARLES
LYELL, Esq., F. R. S. Author of the "Prin-
ciples of Geology." In 2 vols: 8 vo.

Our people are, perhaps, not only too desirous of the praise of foreign travel-authors, but also too sensitive to their censure. There is, it is true, great excuse for these feelings; because so much

This is esteemed, by many competent Judges, at least among those friendly to the Church of England, and such as she was a century and a half ago, to be one of the best commentaries extant. It is the fruit of the learned labors of several eminent Divines, some of whom flourished as far back as the latter part of the 17th century. The Commentary, from Genesis to Solomon's Song, inclusive, is by the Right Reverend Father in God, Dr. Symon Patrick, Lord Bishop of Ely. That upon the larger and lesser prophets, is by William defamation has been heaped upon them. But we Lowth, B. D., Prebendary of Winchester. That upon the Apocryphal Books, is by Richard Arnold, B. D., Rector of Thurcaston, in Leicestershire. That upon the Gospels and Epistles of the New Testament, is by Daniel Whitby, D. D., Chantor of the Church of Sarum. That upon the Revelation, is by Moses Lowman.

Besides the critical annotations, and the clear and concise paraphrases in these volumes, there are many valuable and learned dissertations, in connection with the Commentary, not only by the writers above mentioned, but by numerous others, the light of whose erudition these authors have added to their own. The work is in 4 large volumes, bound in cloth, at $16; and may be ordered through the Booksellers in Richmond.

should not expect foreigners to think and judge as we do; and may allow them to condemn us even unjustly, when we reflect upon the influence of education, and habit, and National prejudices.

We are much inclined to believe, that the indignation of our people has been aroused more by the quo animo and the quo modo, of these authors, many of whom must have stifled their own consciences, than by what they have said of us.

We of the South have been particularly exposed to libel and aspersion, because there were charges of enormous cruelty and inhumanity superadded to the faults and vices we had in common with our countrymen. When Dickens got to Richmond, be was so alarmed by the dark cloud of slavery which overspread the South, that he fled from the appall

Again at page 144, he says: "After the accounts I had read of the sufferings of slaves, I was agreeably surprised to find them,

ing scene. Featherstonhaugh, however, a quack in science, and far worse in character, had the hardihood to penetrate this Southern gloom; but his terrible accounts tend only to confirm the fears of in general, so remarkably cheerful and light-heartsuch as Dickens.

When a foreigner publishes his travels in the United States, we look at once to see what he says on the subject of slavery, not that we care what he says; for we can, generally, easily anticipate his views; but as a test of the liberality of his mind, and the impartiality of his judgment. When the spirit in which he speaks of an institution, to which he is unused at home, and rendered inimical, by Education and by all that he has ever heard of its horrors, is an impartial and philosophical one, we are prepared to regard him as a lover of truth and justice. Next to seeing how far a man differs from us, it is important to observe how he expresses and maintains that difference of opinion.

ed. It is true that I saw no gangs working under overseers of sugar plantations, but out of two millions and a half of slaves in the United States, the larger proportion are engaged in such farming occupations and domestic services as I witnessed in Georgia and South Carolina. I was often for days together with negroes who served me as guides, and found them as talkative and chatty as children, usually boasting of their master's wealth, and their own peculiar merits."

What will some folks think of the following,

"It is notorious that the hardest taskmasters to the slaves are those who come from the northern free States."

"The more I reflected on the condition of the slaves, and endeavored to think on a practicable So far as we have examined, Mr. Lyell stands plan for hastening the period of their liberation, the test we have proposed, as a professed follower the more difficult the subject appeared to me, and of Science should do. We rejoice at the spirit in the more I felt astonished at the confidence diswhich he has written, and at what he has written, played by so many anti-slavery speakers and wriThe course because he will have an opportunity of reaching ters on both sides of the Atlantic. those whom we could not;-of administering the pursued by these agitators shows that, next to the positively wicked, the class who are usually called antidote, where the poison has been at work. Such " well-meaning persons," are the most mischievous

in society."

testimony as the following may offset the accounts of former false and suborned witnesses,-literally Of course, he takes views of the opposite side suborned, because they wrote for "general circulation" with a view to make the most money. of the question; but in a mild, philosophical and At even statesmanlike manner. page 107, he says of the planters on James River,

We could not only multiply such extracts; but "All the planters in this part of Virginia, to find much else to present to our readers. We hope, whose houses I went without letters of introduc- however, hereafter to give a Review of the work, tion, received me most politely and hospitably. To be an Englishman engaged in scientific pursuits was a sufficient passport, and their servants, horses, and carriages were most liberally placed at my disposal."

Of the condition of the slaves, he says,

and must conclude for the present. We no more expect foreigners to view our institutions or manners as we do, than that all the sugar canes or cotton plants of the South and West should be of one size; but when an author can take such impartial and philosophic views of habits and institutions so different from his own, with his mind pre-occupied, "The negroes, so far as I have yet seen them, perhaps prejudiced, it is conclusive proof of his whether in domestic service or on the farms, ap- possessing some of the highest attributes of man,pear very cheerful and free from care, better fed than a large part of the laboring class of Europe; attributes which, among others, exalted Washingand, though meanly dressed, and often in patched ton above all mankind. garments, never scantily clothed for the climate. The work is dedicated by the author to George We asked a woman in Georgia, whether she was Ticknor, Esq., of Boston; who seems to be a libthe slave of a family of our acquaintance. She eral friend of Letters. Mr. Prescott in his "Conreplied, merrily, 'Yes, I belong to them, and they belong to me.' She was, in fact, born and brought

up on the estate.

quest of Mexico," acknowledges his great indebt

edness to Mr. Ticknor.

The work is very neatly printed, and has many geological Illustrations.

"On another occasion we were proceeding in a well-appointed carriage with a planter, when we came unexpectedly to a dead halt. Inquiring the cause, the black coachman said he had dropped one of his white gloves on the road, and must drive back and try to find it. He could not recollect The North American Review,-October 1845,within a mile where he had last seen it we re- Contains a fair Review of Lyell's travels; and we monstrated, but in vain. As time pressed, the master in despair, took off his own gloves, and saying are glad to find, quotes without comment, most of he had a second pair, gave them to him. When his passages on Slavery. Peter the Great; Milour charioteer had deliberately put them on, we itary Affairs of the Nation; Mills' System of started again." Logic; Brougham's Lives of men of Letters;

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