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been destroyed? Where is the man who will say: I had rather Ferdinand should destroy one half of the people of Spain, than that the principles of Reformers should be sullied with his death? If there be such a man among those who call themselves Reformers, let him stand forth and overthrow all our present notions of morality and humanity. I confess that I wish that the Cortes or the people of Spain had sent an ultimatum to the Bourbons of France, to say, that as the object of the invasion was avowedly to set up Ferdinand with absolute power, the first soldier, known in Madrid to have crossed the Spanish soil from France, should bring with him the death-warrant of the tyrant whom he came to rescue from wholesome restraint.


As respect is demanded for the memory of Riego, be it this, and may this be every freeman's pledge, and the pledge of him who desires freedom!

To set aside all idea of rashness, I will explain this sentiment, by saying, that upon the appearance of all present probabilities, no future dethronement of a king will take place until he has proved himself a villain. All chances of competition for a crown seem to have subsided in Europe, the question is not who shall wear it; but, shall such a bauble be kept as a nation's plaything? Shall such a NATIONAL FOOL'S CAP exist for ever as the fountain of national folly, national misery, and national degradation? I say, No. Who says, YES?

Having said enough in explanation of the tyrannical part of my letter to Mr. Pitt, I will now delineate the outrage which it brought upon me. This brings me down to Monday, Nov. 24. The first thing I heard on this day was, that a friend, who has often visited me, was turned back when he came to the gate at nine in the morning. The Chaplain, who brought me this information at three in the afternoon, brought with him Mr. Colson the Visiting Ma

gistrate, and I was informed, that the sole object of their visit was to have some suggestions made as to what and where I considered a proper place to be allowed to walk out upon in the day time: as the Sheriff or under Sheriff had promised to come in a day or two for the express purpose of setting that matter at rest. I told Mr. Colson, that I did not expect an acre of ground within the walls of a Gaol, and if they wished to keep me, as I wished to be kept apart from the other prisoners, I should feel content with ihe smallest court yard in the place. He commended the reasonableness of my expectation, and assured me that the Sheriff was coming to satisfy it.

On Tuesday the 25th, I saw the Sheriff going round the Gaol and noticing different places with Mr. Pitt and others, and felt quite satisfied that the object in view was my benefit. Not many minates after, or soon after two o'clock, the Gaoler introduced the Sheriff, Henry Charles Sturt, and after something like a long and civil conversation which passed between us in August. I thought of nothing but benefit from his visit, though he had turned a deaf ear to all former complaints or requests. In fact, I was wholly put off my guard by the Chaplain and Mr. Colson, for within five minutes of the Sheriffs being in my room, he ordered the turnkeys to put irons upon me, and I found, that they came prepared for that purpose. By way of avoiding repetition, I will introduce here a correspondence that followed with Mrs. Carlile, and add to it subsequently. On the day on which this outrage happened, there was a prisoner, a smuggler, by the name of William Waters, to be removed to London, by writ of Habeas Corpus. This man was kept until the Tuesday evening, and sent off to London with the intelligence that I was in a state of madness, as the following letter will exhibit. It will be also seen that the news of my being ironed, with this excuse of madness for it; reached Mrs. Carlile on Thursday morning, or on Wednesday for what I at present know. I have not a doubt, but that there was some deep laid villainous scheme, which

I frustrated by my calmness, and presence of mind, to wait for its unfolding. The Sheriff entered my room with papers which, when he took away, he called his authority. In manners and appearance, he is a mere boy, a strutting puppy, an ignorant aristocrat: he is also the nephew of the Earl of Shaftsbury, which Earl is the King of Dorset ; but more particularly of Dorchester. It will be seen by referring to last week's papers, that this Earl, who may be said to be a minister, from his connection with the Ministers, his being Chairman of all the Committees in the House of Lords, always a King's Commissioner in the Parliament for opening, proroguing, passing bills, &c., posted down from London to his seat in Dorset, at St. Giles's, a few days before this outrage was committed, and I have scarcely a doubt, after reading a letter, which I shall print, from a friend in that neighbourhood, but that he came down to set his nephew, Sturt, to make this assault upon me. The excuse was, the tyrannical part of my letter to Pitt but I have heard from two quarters, that all other feelings were absorbed in venom for my exposure of the cause of the murders in the Milbank Penitentiary. Almost the first words spoken to me by the Sheriff. After the ceremony of how d'ye do, were: "You would have been liberated long ago, Carlile, if you had submitted.” “Submit to what?" was my reply: to which he added nothing: but began to shew choler. The following letters will unfold a great deal of what passed, and all of any consequence.



DEAR SIR, London, Nov. 29, 1823. I AM requested by Mrs. Carlile to write this, in consequence of the report here, that you are more closely confined, and handcuffed. Mrs. C. is quite alarmed about it, and wishes to hear from you the particulars as soon as possible.

We hear that a smuggler has been brought from the Gaol to receive sentence in London; and, he says, that on the Tuesday afternoon that he left at night, the Sheriff and Magis

trates entered your room, and finally bad you put in irons, handcuffs, &c. &c., as you was in a state of madness." The person you mentioned would call upon Mrs. C., has not done so yet, and this makes us fear something may have taken place more than usual. Do let us know without delay, all particulars, if it be by a post letter.

I hope Boyle will not be prevented from seeing you.






Dorchester Gaol, Nov. 28, 1823. I HAVE received Campion's letter this morning, and am sorry to hear, that you have been alarmed by an aggravated report of what happened in this Gaol on Tuesday. It was my wish to keep you ignorant of it, until I could so make a statement as to prevent alarm; and, with this view, I sent you a parcel on Tuesday evening, after every thing openly foul appeared to have passed, without noticing it; concluding, that the receipt of such a communication would counteract any evil or alarm that you might receive from flying reports. But, as this has not been so effectual as I had hoped, I will narrate what has happened.

My last, written on Tuesday morning, communicated, that a Visiting Magistrate, with the Chaplain, had been with me on the Monday, and that they had been the harbingers of an agreeable change in my treatment; promising me free access to the open air in the day-time; adding, that either the High or the Under-Sheriff would come purposely to the Gaol, in a day or two, to make arrangements to that effect. The Reverend Mr. Colson was the Magistrate, and nothing appeared but the most kindly feeling and the most civil conversation. On leaving, I thanked him for his communication; he acknowledged that all I asked was quite proper and reasonable, but added, "You know, Mr. Carlile, I am but one; I will suggest a new arrangement to my brother No. 22, Vol. VIII.

Magistrates, which I have no doubt will have their sanction and that of the Sheriff." My parting words were: "Sir, I thank you, and if you improve my condition in the Gaol, you will find me grateful." This communication, so unlike every thing I have before received, gave me new life, and, as you have seen by my Tuesday's letter, I began to form notions of future comfort and renewed health, even so as to point out to you an arrangement for always having one of the children with or near me.

On Tuesday, the 25th instant, as I was making up a parcel for you, or had just finished all the documents for that purpose, the Gaoler introduced the High-Sheriff, Mr. Sturt, whom I received with all the hopes Mr. Colson had instilled into my mind. The High-Sheriff politely asked, "How do you do, Mr. Carlile, I hope you are in good health." My answer was; "Not in good health, Sir, but as well as my confinement will allow me to be." He drew a chair, sat down; the Gaoler sat himself down on the sofa bedstead; 1 sat down at the opposite end of the table to the Sheriff, expecting an end would be put to every thing unpleasant and improper in the Gaol, as far as it related to my treatment.

The Sheriff began to remonstrate about what I had been saying in and saying out of the Gaol as to my treatment, and declared that the authorities of the Gaol had done every thing that they ought to have done. He grew warm as he proceeded, expressed offence at every observation I made to him, and soon made me sensible by his hauteur and half sentences, that I had miscalculated the nature of his visit. This warning, roused not anger in me, but a determination to prepare, by calmness on my part, for a storm. I was thoroughly cool and collected: he, after proceeding gradually to his object, drew a paper from his pocket, in which was contained an extract from my letter to Mr. Pitt: and after asking me whether I considered my life in danger from the treatment I was receiving, as there set forth, and whether I would act upon the threat there made, as a consequence of that treatment. I replied in the affirmative;

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