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amination previously held, so that applicants cannot by the study of any previous examination qualify themselves to pass. Examination papers shall be duly passed upon by the Board of Examiners, and those which are, in the opinion of the majority of the board, sufficient to entitle the applicant to admission, shall be delivered to the clerk of the Supreme Court, and by him presented to one of the judges of the Supreme Court. License will thereupon be issued to the successful applicant. Those applicants who fail to pass the examination may be permitted to make another application after the expiration of six months upon paying the stipulated fee of $10.

Admission of Attorneys from Other Jurisdictions.

Any attorney removing to this state, who has practiced before the Supreme Court of another state for two years, may be admitted to practice in all the courts of this state upon motion before the Supreme Court, supported by such evidence of his qualifications and legal learning as the court may consider sufficient to entitle him to admission.


Minors may be licensed by fulfilling the above requirements, if deemed by the court of sufficient maturity, character, and attainments.

Attorneys at law residing in other states, having a license to practice law therein, may practice in any of the courts of this state, when by law the attorneys of this state are permitted to practice in such state.

Admission on Diploma.

A diploma from the University of Alabama, conferring the degree of Bachelor of Laws, admits without examination, upon proof of other qualifications required by the statute.

Source of Rules.

Civ. Code 1907, § 2972 et seq.; Rules Sup. Ct.


1820 to 1915.

A complete set of Alabama Reports (down to 1915) consists of:

Minor, 1 vol.

Stewart, 3 vols.

Stewart & Porter, 5 vols.

Porter, 9 vols.

Alabama, vols. 1 to 181.

Alabama Appellate, vols. 1 to 10.

We have reprinted the Alabama Reports, vols. 1 to 80 and the 18 preliminary volumes, in a series of 49 books (2 vols. in a book). This Reprint preserves everything (including the paging) in the original Reports. Each case is fully annotated, showing where such case has been subsequently cited by the Alabama Supreme Court, as well as prior and subsequent reports of the same case, and also showing the disposition of each case that has gone to the United States Supreme Court. Annotations to the Century Digest have also been made, showing, in connection with each case, the exact places in the Century Digest where the cognate authorities have been collected and compared, thus bringing together all the law applicable to any particular case. This Reprint is sold in complete sets only. Write for prices and specific information.

A large number of the Alabama Reports subsequent to volume 81 are out of print, and are very scarce and expensive. The only convenient method of obtaining the later Alabama decisions is through the Southern Reporter, 65 vols. This set contains all decisions in Alabama, vols. 81 to 181, and Alabama Appellate, vols. 1 to 10, in addition to a number of Alabama cases which are not reported in the official reports; also

all decisions for the last 28 years of Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Tables of cross-citations furnished with the Southern make it a simple matter to find the cases, even if cited by the State Report volume and page. The set and continuations are sold at a fraction of the cost of the State Reports covered. In fact, the cost of continuing the Alabama Reports alone is in excess of the cost of continuing the Southern Reporter. Prices and full information will be furnished on request.

WEST PUBLISHING Co., St. Paul, Minn.


One applying for admission to practice in this district shall be a citizen of the United States, or one who has declared his intention of becoming such, a resident of the district, 21 years of age, and of good moral character.


- The application, stating the foregoing qualifications, shall be filed with the district court. The judges thereof, or their appointees, shall examine the candidate as to his legal attain

ments, and the court shall administer the prescribed oath of office if the examiners so advise. A fee of $10 shall be deposited with the clerk issuing the license.

Admission of Attorneys from Other Jurisdictions.

Whenever an applicant shall produce evidence of previous admission in the highest court of a state or territory of the United States, or in the Supreme Court or a Circuit Court of the United States, such applicant may be admitted without further examination.


Women shall be admitted to practice in this district upon the same conditions as men.

Source of Rules.

31 Stat. p. 333, § 32, and page 448, §§ 733-736; Carter's Codes, pt. 3, c. 1, § 32, and part 4, c. 75.


1884 to 1914.

There are four volumes of Alaska Reports to date, covering from the organization of Alaska as district court in 1884 to 1914.

The earlier cases which arose in Alaska are reported in the Federal Cases and Federal Reporter. Write us for prices and full information regarding the Alaska Reports.

WEST PUBLISHING Co., St. Paul, Minn.

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