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le api del povero, declamazione di Quintiliano, trasportata nell' idioma ital. con varie osservazioni da Bd. Pasqualigo. Ven., Orlandini, 1734. fol.

18482 de l'institution de l'orateur avec les notes hist. et littéraires, par M. M. D. P. (Mch. de Pure.) Par., Bienfait, 1663. 4°. 2 parts in I vol. 18483 de l'institution de l'orateur, trad. par (N.) Gedoyn. Par., Dupuis, 1718. 4°. Also, Par., Nyon, 1572. 12°. 4 voll. Par., Bailly, 1769-70. 12°. 4 voll. Ed. IV. re

vue, corrigée et augm. des passages omis par le traducteur, d'après un mémoire manuscrit de (J. Agst.) Capperonnier (par Félicissime Adry). Par., Barbou, 1803. 12°. 4 voll. (15 fr., on fine paper 24 fr.) Avec le texte lat. Par., Volland, 1810. 8°. 6 voll. (25 fr., only 12 copies on vellum paper at 72 fr.) Lyon, 1812. 8°. 6 voll.

Gedoyn's translation is very careful and elegant, but nevertheless he has often not attained the meaning.

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Lehrbuch der schönen Wissenschaften in Prosa, aus dem Lat. von H. Ph. Cr. Henke. Helmst., Kühnlin, 1775-77. 8°. 3 voll. (1 d. 12 gr.) Die rednerische Stylbildung nach antiken Grundsätzen od. das 100 Buch von Quintilian's Lehrgebäude der Redekunst, aus dem röm. Original zum erstenmal vollständig ins Deutsche übertragen von F. Reuscher. Lpz., Hartmann, 1822. 8°. (16 gr.) -Versuch einer Uebersetzung einiger (6) Declamatt. des Quint. von J. H. Steffens (mit lat. Text). Zelle, Schulze, 1766. 8°.

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or Lugd., Sb. Gryphius, 1535 or 41. 8° Gu. Philandri castigatt. atque annotatt. in XII. libros institutt. Quintiliani. Bas., Bm. Westhemer, 1536. 8°.- In Fab. Quintiliani de institut. orat. libros XII. commentarii (Adr. Turnebi) nunc prim. editi. Par., Th. Richardus, 1556. 4°. In Quintil. institutionum librum X. annotatt. Ph. Melanthonis, J. Veltcurionis, J. Stigelii, Csp. Landsidelii. Collectæ, digestæ et editæ per St. Riccium (cum textu). Lps., Jac. Apel (1570). 8°. - J. Mlch. Lochmanni progrr. V. emendatt. Quintiliani. Coburgi, 1776-90. 4°.-H. C. Abr. Eichstadii progr. in Quint. inst. orat. III. 3. Jen. 1803. fol. Rhold F. Happel Analecta crit. ad Quint. inst. orat. libros VII-IX. Hal., Bathe, 1810. 8°. — C. Morgenstern progr. Quintilianea quædam. Dorpati, 1811. fol.-Gst. Sarpe analector. ad Spaldingii Quintilianum specimen. Hal., Kümmel, 1815. 8. (8 gr.) Ejusd. epistola ad nuperrimum Quintiliani editorem (Buttmannum). Suerini, Stiller, 1816. 8°.—G. A. F. Gensleri analector. ad edit. Quintiliani Spaldingianam specimen, observationes ad librum X. continens. Coburgi, Meusel, 1822. 8°. (8 gr.)— Adnotatiunculæ quædam rhetoricæ Perseualdi Belligenii in priores duas Quintil. declamationes. Lutet., Ch. Wechel, 1530. 8°.—Epitome s. compendium institutionum oratoriar. Quintiliani, autore Jona Philologo. Par., Colinæus, 1531, or 39, or 42. 8°. ib., Rb. Stephanus, 1547. 8°. 1550. 8°.



Under the name of Jonas Philologus, J. Gonthier of Andernac is concealed, according to Barbier, Dict. des anon. III. 532.-Detailed notices respecting Quintilian are to be found in Florez España sagrada, T. 53. p. 55-112, where also it is for instance proved on new grounds, p. 8285, that he was not the author of the dialogue De caussis corr. elog.

næus. Derelictorum ab Homero libri XIV. (Tryphiodori excidium Troja, et Coluthi raptus Helenæ, gr.) Without place or date (Ven., Aldus, 1505). 8°.

Very scarce, and the editio princeps of all the 3 poems, but from a very corrupt MS. Altogether 172 unnumbered leaves with the signatures a-yy, namely, 152 leaves, Quintus; 12 leaves, Tryphiodorus; and 8 leaves, Coluthus. 3 copies on vellum are known: one in the Laurentian library (Bandini Codd. gr. II. 103), the 2nd in the library of the king of England, and the 3rd in lord Spencer's (from M'Carthy's sale at 500 fr.). This last, which is greatly cut, according to Dibdin, Decam. III. 173, is quite a different impression in typographical arrangement from the paper copies, although there is as much in every page of this as of those. 18490

prætermissor. ab Homero libri XIV. (Tryphiodori excidium Troja, et Coluthi raptus Helenæ, gr., cum præf. J. Th. Freigii). Bas., Henricpetri, 1569. 8°.

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18492 Quinti Calabri paraleipomena i. e. derelicta ab Homero, XIV. libris comprehensa. Latine olim reddita et correcta a Lr. Rhodomanno. Nunc accessit epitome gemina, tum Homeri et Cointi tum universa (sic) historiæ Trojanæ. Itemque Dionis Chrysostomi oratio de Ilio non capto. Auctore et interprete eodem. (Omnia gr. lat.) Hanov., typis Wechel., 1604. 8°.

16 leaves of preliminary matter; 709 pages, Greek text and translation; 38 18489 QUINTUS Calaber s. Smyr- leaves, index, emendatt. et notæ ; 283 pages,

Tpwika and Dio Chrysost.; and I leaf with the printer's symbol. A new recension, in which however Rhodomannus did not make use of the Aldine. In the text itself almost all the typographical errors of the Basle edition only are corrected, the appended emendations are therefore the more important. The printing is nevertheless very incorrect. Concerning Rhodomann's two editions see Langii vita Rhodom. p. 283 sq.

and 375 sq. He was unworthily handled

by Dausquejus and Pauw, see ib. p. 224.Thereto is to be joined, In Q. Calabri s. Cointi Smyrnai paralipomenon libros XIV. Cl. Dausqueji adnotamenta. Item in Tryphiodorum et Coluthum. Ff., in offic. Aubriana, 1614. 8°. 8 leaves of preliminary matter, and 309 pages.

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Troja expugnata s. supplementum Homeri.. .auctore Quinto Calabro græce, interprete Lr. Rhodomanno, cum Cl. Dausqueji adnotamentis etc. Ff. 1614. 8°.

Only a new title to the preceding edition, with the addition of Dausquejus's notes. 18494

prætermissor. ab Homero libri XIV. græce, cum vers. lat. et integris emendatt. Lr. Rhodomanni, et adnotatt. selectis Cl. Dausqueji, curante J. Corn. de Pauw, qui suas etiam emendatt. addidit. LB., Abcoude, 1734. 8°.

Neat, and sought after for the series cum notis variorum, but cursorily and carelessly superintended. Rhodomann's

text is repeated with all its faults, and with only a few corrections from the Aldine. Scaliger's, Sylburgius's, and Falkenburgius's unprinted notes are also imperfectly made use of, and the editor's own criticisms are extremely arbitrary, and frequently unhappy. The faults of this edition are severely censured in Jac. Ph. d'Orville Vannus critica in inanes Pauonis paleas. Amst. 1737. 8°. p. 346 sq. 572 sq.

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18497 Q. Calabro tradotti dal testo greco in ottava rima da P. Tarenghi. Without place (Wilna), Zawadski, without date (180.). 8°. 2 voll. Ed. II. Roma, 1810. 8°. 2 voll. (70 baj.)-Del primo libro de' paralipomeni d'Omero di Quinto Smirneo detto Calabro. Volgarizzamento inedito di Bernardino Baldi, pubblic. da Alessandro de Mortara. Fir. 1818. 8°.

i XIV. canti del poema di

A translation by Rossi in 2 vols. was also to have appeared in 1818 or 19. 18498 la guerre de Troie, poëme en 14 chants, trad. (en prose) par R. Tourlet. Par., Lesguilliez, an IX. (1800). 8°. 2 voll. (10 fr.) 18499 Th. Ch. Tychsen commentatio de Q. Smyrnæi paralipomenis Homeri. Gött., Dieterich, (1783). 8°.-Fr. Spitzneri mantissa obss. crit. et grammat. in Q. Calabr., in his work De versu gr. heroico. Lps. 1816. 8°. Ejusd. progr., obss. crit. et grammat. in Q. Smyrn. posthomerica. Witt. 1818. 8°. 16 pages. -C. L. Struve Progr. krit. Bemerkk. zum Q. Smyrn. Königsb. 1816. 8°. 15 pages. Ch. E. Glasewald conjectanea in Q. Smyrn. posthomerica. Witt. 1817. 8°. 18 pages.

QUINZE joyes, see JoYes. 18500 QUIQUIER de Roscolff, Gu. Dictionnaire et colloques françoisbretons. Morlaix, 1633. 16°. SaintBrieux, 1640. 18°. Quimper, 1722. 12°. and often.

18501 QUIRICUS Barcinonensis. Opera, in Florez España sagrada XXIX. 439 sq.

18502 QUIRINI, Ang. Mar. Primordia Corcyræ. Editio altera auctior. Brix. 1738. 4°.

Thereto should be joined: Alex. Symm. Mazochii de antiquis Corcyræ nominibus schediasma. Neap. 1742. 4°. The Ist edition of Quirinus appeared, Lycii, 1725. 4°.

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specimen variæ literaturæ,

quæ in urbe Brixia ejusque ditione paulo post typographiæ incunabula florebat, scilicet vergente ad finem

there is also a new impression, Brix. 1750. 8°. and of P. I. Lib. 1. also Brix. 1754. fol. with plates.

See also Fr. BARBARUS and Regin. POLUS.

sec. XV. usque ad medietatem sec. QUIXOTE, see CERVANTES. XVI. Brix., Rizzardi, 1739. large QUOATQUEVERAN, see AUF4°. 2 parts in 1 vol.

Unfinished. The spirit of a Mazzuchelli or of a Tiraboschi did not rest on this author, and his eternal meddling disposition never suffered him to arrive at any completion. But rich materials, for instance the Vatican, were at his command, and consequently his raw collection affords valuable single notices. In this and the following work the impression of the original prefaces of the first editions of the classics is particularly valuable. 18504

Pont. (anon.) Pauli II. Max. vita, ex cod. biblioth. Angelicæ biblioth. desumpta, præmissis ipsius vindiciis adversus Platinam aliosque obtrectatores. Romæ, Ant. de Rubeis, 1740. large 4°.

Interesting on account of the appendix of the typographical productions which appeared at Rome, during the government of Paul II.

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18510 RABAUT de Saint-Estienne,
J. P. Précis historique de la revo-
lution franç. Par., Didot, 1792.
18°. with plates.

There are 3 copies on vellum, one of which, 50 fr. Lamy. Also a copy on vellum of the edition in 24°. 15 fr. Lamy. 18511 RABBI, C. Costanzo. Sinonimi ed aggiunti italiani. Parma, 1778.4°.

Earlier editions are Ven. 1741, or 56, or 77.4°. Bergamo, Santini, 1744. 4°. 18512 RABELAIS, Fr. Chroniques du grant et puissant geant Gargantua. Nouvellement imprim. à Lyon, 1533. oblong 8°. Gothic letter.


23 numbered leaves, and leaf. The Dresden copy of this hitherto unknown edition of the 1st book has no title-leaf, and the above title is only taken from the colophon. It is the earliest edition yet known, although perhaps it is not the oldest of all. The remaining separate editions of this 1st book are: La vie inestimable du grand Gargantua, pere de Pantagruel, composée par l'abstracteur de quinte-essence, livre plein de Pantagruelisme. Lyon, Fr. Juste, 1535. 16°. plaisante et joyeuse histoire du grand géant Gargantua. Lyon, Dolet, 1542. 12°. with woodcuts. La vie très-horrifique du grand Gargantua. Lyon, Fr. Juste, 1542. 16°. Grands annales ou chroniques trèsvéritables des gestes merveilleux du grand Gargantua et Pantagruel son filz. Without place, 1542. 8°. This edition contains the 1st and 2nd books. La plaisante et


joyeuse histoyre du grant geant Gargantua. Prochainement reueue, et de beaucoup augmentée par l'Autheur mesme. Valence, Cl. la Ville, 1547. 12°. with bad woodcuts, 245 pages; there is an édit. contrefaite of this last, under the same title and with the same date, likewise of 245 pages in 12°.

with somewhat better woodcuts, which was probably printed at Geneva in the 17th century, and is to be distinguished by having in the 7th line of the title Auheur instead of Autheur.

18513 Pantagruel. Jesus Maria. Les horribles et espouuentables faictz et prouesses du tresrenōme Pantagruel, Roy des Dipsodes, Filz du grāt geant Gargantua, Copose nouuellement par maistre Alcofrybas Nasier. Augmete Corrige fraichement, par maistre Jehan Lunel. Lyon, Fr. Juste, 1533. oblong 8°. Gothic letter.

95 numbered leaves, and 7 unnumbered. The first known edition of the 2nd book, already reprinted in 1534 according to Brunet. The remaining separate editions of this 2nd book are, Pantagruel, roy des Dipsodes, restitué à son naturel, avec ses faictz et prouesses épouvantables, composé par M. Alcofribas. Lyon, Fr. Juste, 1542. 16°. Pantagruel, roi des Dipsodes, restitué à son naturel; plus les merveilleuses navigations du disciple de Pantagruel, dict Panurge. Lyon, Dolet, 1542. 16°. with woodcuts. The edition, mentioned by Brunet, without place or date. 8°. Gothic letter, with the title, Pantagruel. Les horribles et épouvantables faicts et prouesses du très renommé Pantagruel, roy des Dipsodes, is probably nothing else than a separate copy of the 2nd book after the combined edition of the 1st and 2nd books, without place, 1542. 8°. (see preceding number). Second liure de Patagruel. Valence, Cl. la Ville, 1547. 12°. 303 pages. Of this last there is an édit. contrefaite in 12°. under the same title and with the same date, probably printed at Geneva in the 17th century, which is to be distinguished by its having 320 pages. faicts et dicts heroiques du bon Pantagruel. Lyon, par Loys qui ne se meurt point, 1556. 16°.

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le tiers livre des faictz et ditz héroiques du bon Pantagruel. Toulouse, Jac. Fournier, 1546. 16°.

17th century, which may be distinguished by its having 349 pages, and also by its containing a 4th book not mentioned in the title, and not to be found in the genuine edition. Le tiers livre des faicts et dicts heroiques du bon Pantagruel, composé par Fr. Rabelais, revû par l'auteur. Par., Fezendat, 1552. 8°. Le tiers livre des faicts et dicts du bon Pantagruel, par Fr. Rabelais, revú par l'auteur sur la censure

antique. Lyon, J. Chabin, 1552. 24°. 18515

le quart livre des faictz et dictz heroiques du noble Pantagruel. Lyon, without the printer's name, 1548. 12°. with woodcuts.

48 unnumbered leaves. The earliest edition of the 4th book as yet known, which however, as well as the edition, Valence, 1548. 12°. only contains a part of it. It is complete in the following single editions: Le quart livre des faicts héroiques et dictz du bon Pantagruel. Lyon, Aleman, 1552. 8°. Le quart livre etc. Par., Fezendat, 1552. 8°. Le quatriesme livre etc. ib., id., 1552. 16°. Le quart livre etc. without place, 1553. 8°.


le cinquiesme et dernier livre des faicts et dicts du bon Pantagruel, without place, 1564. 16°.

The editions, without place, 1565. 8°. Lyon, J. Martin, 1565. 16°. and enlarged, ib., id., 1567. 16°. have also the same title. The first 16 chapters of this 5th book, which are known to be not by Rabelais at all, had already appeared in 1562 under the title, l'Isle sonnante.

These original editions of all the 5 books are extremely seldom found together. 18517 œuvres de M. Fr. Rabelais, contenant la vie, faicts et dicts héroiques de Gargantua et de son filz Pantagruel, avec la prognostication Pantagrueline. Without place, 1556.


Containing the first 4 books. The first combined edition of them had already appeared in 1553. There is an earlier and separate edition of the Pantagrueline prognostication, Lyon, Fr. Juste, 1535. 16°. 18518 œuvres. Lyon, J. Martin, 1566 or 84. 16°.

This edition contains all the 5 books. Lyon, Estiart,

The earliest known edition of the 3rd book, although probably not the first. The remaining single editions of it are, Par. 1546... Lyon, Pierre de Thours, 1547. 16°. (with the same title as above). Tiers 18519 liure des faictz et dictz heroiques du noble 1596. 16°. Pantagruel. Valence, Cl. la Ville, 1547. 18520 12°. with woodcuts, 172 pages. Of this last there is an édit. contrefaite in 12°. under the same title, and with the same date, probably printed at Geneva in the


œuvres. Dernière édit. corrigée. Anvers, Fuet, 1605. 12o. œuvres de Fr. Rabelais. Imprimées suyuant la prémière édi


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