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Divine and Human Natures in Christ,
The, article on, by E. A. Lawrence,
D.D., 41; the fundamental idea
of Christianity a deed, rather than
a doctrine or law, 41; in the per-
son of Christ the infinite and finite
to be conciliated, 41; the divine
nature in Christ, 42; a conception
of the infinite by the finite not
impossible, 42; the significance of
the term Logos" to be sought in
the drift of the scriptures, 43; a
personal distinction in the God-
head unequivocally revealed, 45;
the Arian view of this distinction,
47; the Sabellian view, 48; the
doctrine of the Bible intermediate
between Arianism and Sabellian-
ism, 50; the human nature of
Christ, 51; meaning of the word
"flesh," 51; evidences of the hu-
manity of Christ, 52; temptations
and sufferings of Christ, 54; a
human nature in Christ needful
in order to his being an example,
58; the origin of Christ's humanity,
59; his humanity an emanation,
59; an immediate creation, 60; a
derivation from the Father, 61; the
sinlessness of Christ, 62; Strauss's
and Renan's Lives of Christ, 62;
union of the divine and human in
Christ, 65; the two natures not
identical, 66; no conversion of the
divine into the human, 66; no
transmutation nor mixture, 67;
difficulties in the union of the two
natures not greater than those
attending every other theory, 69;
the incarnation and redeeming
work of Christ conditioned on this
union of the divine and human
natures, 70; the doctrine of Christ
mysterious, 72.

Dorner's History of Protestant The-
ology, noticed, 571.


Eastwood's Bible Word-Book, no-
ticed, 588.
Ecce Deus, Ecce Homo, and Deus
Homo, noticed, 580.
Education, Theological, in England,
article on, 431.
Egyptology, Fresh Notes on, article,


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Gage's, Rev. W. L., Translation of
Ritter's Geography of Palestine,
noticed, 400.

Gangauf, on Augustine's Speculative
Doctrine of God, the Triune, no-
ticed, 184.

Garde's, Dr. P. de la, Clementine
Homilies, noticed, 571.
Geology, its Relations to Theology,
article on, 363, 429.
German, Publications, Recent, no-
ticed, 575, 789.
Gnomological Verses, article by L.
Withington, D.D., 263; examples
of such verses from different writ-
ers, 263; Dr. Withington's own
verses, 269.

Godet's Examination of Critical
Questions relating to the Fourth
Gospel, noticed, 183.

Godet's, Commentary on the Gospel
of St. John, noticed, 573.
Great Crevasse of the Jordan and
of the Red Sea, The, article on, by
Lyman Coleman, D.D., 248; quo-
tations from Robinson, Grove, and
Porter in reference to this cre-
vasse, 248; extent of this crevasse,
250; indications of volcanic agen-
cies along the line of the Jordan
and the Red Sea, 251; volcanic
mountains parallel with the Afri-
can shore of the Red Sea, 252;
coral reefs on the eastern shore,
252; terrible convulsions in the
Sinaitic groups, 253; hot springs
in the Sinaitic Peninsula, 253;
volcanic movements in the moun-

tains of Edom, 254; hot springs
near the Dead Sea, 255; on the
Jordan and the Sea of Tiberias,
255; volcanic indications east of
the Jordan, 256; valley of the
Litany, 258; the great depression
of the Dead Sea the result of vol-
canic action subsequent to the for-
mation of the crevasse, 259; quo-
tation from Tristram's Land of
Israel, 261.
Grundemann's Atlas of Missions, no-
ticed, 775.

Guild's, R. A., History of Brown
University, noticed, 590.


Hackett, Prof. H. B., article by, 176.
Haltzmann's and Weber's History

of Israel and Rise of Christianity,
noticed, 784.

Hanne's Idea of Absolute Personal-
ity, noticed, 570.

Hanne's Confessions, noticed, 570.
Haven, Prof. Joseph, article by, 95.
Heat, Theory of, and Natural Theol-
ogy, article on, 652.
Hebrews, Epistle to the, Authorship
and Canonicity of, article on, 681.
Herz's, Dr., History of the Spanish
Protestants and their Persecution,
noticed, 782.

Hill, Hamilton A., Esq., article by,


Hitchcock, Prof. C. II., articles by
363, 401.

Hofmann on the Scriptures of the
New Testament, noticed, 183.
Hofmann on Conscience, noticed, 783.

calamity, 327; the "Dies Irac,"
334; the battle-song of Gustavus
Adolphus, 336; Addison's hymns,
338; hymns by which special ben-
efit has been conferred on individ-
uals, 342; case of Henry Martyn,
343; Cowper, 345; Robert Robin-
son, 353; influence of one hymn-
writer on another, 354; comfort
given by hymns in the hour of
death, 355; examples in our late
civil war, 359; death of Toplady,
360; last hymn of Henry Francis
Lyte, 361.

Imagination, its Province in Sacred
Oratory, article on, 85.

Ingham's R., Hand-book on Chris-
tian Baptism, noticed, 400.

Jacobus's Notes on Genesis, noticed,

Jepthah's Vow, article on, by Samuel
Warren, M.D., 238.
Jerusalem, Topography of, The, arti-
cle on, 116.


Keerl's The God-man the Image of

the Invisible God, noticed, 187.
Keil's Commentary on the Minor
Prophets, noticed, 783.

Kohut's Jewish Angelology and De-
monology, noticed, 780.
Kritzler's Humanity and Christian-
ity, noticed, 781.


Hupfeld, Prof., article by (transla-Lange's Commentary, noticed, 586.

ted), 1.
Hymns, their Authorship and His-
tory, article on, by Hamilton A.
Hill, Esq., 318; the history of
Christian Psalmody threefold, 318;
a history of hymns, in one respect,
a history of the Church, 318;
object of the article, 319; the
authorship of many hymns uncer-
tain, 319; character of an author
indicated by his hymns, 320; many
hymns deeply personal, 322; such
hymns not meant for publication,
325; many hymns produced in the
midst of trials and difficulties, 325;
hymns written in times of public

Langen's, Dr. Joseph, Judaism at the
Time of Christ, noticed, 573.
Language, Philosophy of, article on,


Lawrence, Edward A., D.D., article
by, 41.

Lechler's Commentary on the Acts
of the Apostles, noticed, 202.
Liber Librorum, noticed. 583.


McCulloch's, J. H., Credibility of the
Scriptures, noticed, 586.
McLelland's, Alexander, D.D., Ser-
mons, noticed, 400.
Magoun, Pres. G. F., article by, 531.

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Moral Faculty as Distinguished from
Conscience, The, by Prof. Daniel J.
Noves, 401; the word "conscience"
difficult of satisfactory explanation,
401; practical evil, occasioned by
this circumstance, 402; the ques-
tion, how this evil may be avoided,
402; the phrase "moral faculty,"
to be used sometimes in the place
of conscience, 403; definition of
moral faculty, 404; the perception
of right and wrong in character,
the distinguishing office of the
moral faculty, 404; the moral fac-
ulty attends exclusively to acts
and states of the will, 404; the
general law of the moral faculty,
or the mode of its operation in
connection with other mental fac-
ulties, 405 ; a diversity in the judg-
ments of the conscience, 408; ex-
amples from the conduct of the
Hindus and the Spartans, 409;
the decisions of the moral faculty,
absolutely correct, 410; analysis
of the mental process in our judg
ment of ourselves, 413; the fault
in our erroneous judgments in the
will, 413; the approbation of the
moral faculty not a conclusive
proof that the will is in a right
state, 415; the utility of the moral
faculty, 417; does the moral fac-
ulty endorse the decisions of the
understanding? 418; an action
naturally wrong, not sinful when
required by the moral faculty, 419;
a person morally bound to do
what his judgment decides is best,
421; the case of Saul of Tarsus,
422; the moral faculty cannot be
directly improved or injured, 423;
the faculties closely related to the

moral faculty may be improved,
425; importance of correct and
well-established principles of action,
426; mode of securing permanent
peace of the moral faculty, 427.
Morley, Rev. E. W., article by, 652.
Mucke's, Dogmatics of the Nineteenth
Century, noticed, 784.

Muenscher's Book of Proverbs and
Manual of Biblical Criticism, no-
ticed, 201.


Natural Theology of Social Science,
The, article on, by Prof. John Bas-
com, 722; simplicity of the argu-
ment for the existence of God,
722; universality of the ideas which
lead to the existence of God, 722;
the first of these, the idea of cause
and effect and of the infinite, 722;
a cause in one relation, an effect
in another, 723; the cause only
equal to the effect, 724; the simple
notion of cause and effect cannot
raise us above the steady flow of
natural forces, 725; in reasoning
from a finite effect to an infinite
cause, or to God, infinitely more
given to the effect than properly
belongs to it, 725; the weakness
of the argument from cause and
effect seen in the language which.
it employs, 726; this language im-
plies a fatal degradation of God,
727; the only safe form of argu-
ment for the existence of God, 728;
explanation arises from some idea
native to the mind, 728; the idea
of the Infinite, the Almighty, one
in which the mind rests, 729; this
idea alone furnishes an explanation
of the universe, 730, difference
between the notion of the Infinite
and that of a simple cause, 730;
the notion of the Infinite intuitive,
731; no comprehension of the uni-
verse without this notion of the
Infinite, 732; the most simple pro-
cesses of mind sometimes the oc-
casion of the most perplexity, 732;
the manner in which matter is con-
ceived of has much to do with the
directness with which it leads to a
belief in God, 734; matter cannot
be permanent without a constant
renewing of the force that is in it,

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734; this notion of matter not uni- |
versally accepted, 736; no argu-
ment for God in the order merely
of the world, 736; matter not
eternal, because on that supposition
its existence is not explained, 737;
the eternity of matter inconsistent
with the order and wisdom dis-
played in its forces, 738; the fact
that life had a beginning a new
proof of the existence of God, 739;
diversity of conceptions in regard
to the nature of this argument, 739;
the independent origin of species,
739; life organizes matter, but is not
identified with it as an attribute,
741; all vital phenomena occur in
connection with chemical and me-
chanical forces, 742.
Natural Theology: Theory of Heat,
article on, by Rev. Edward W.
Morley, 652; Part I. Theory of
Heat in its Relation to Water,
652; the welfare of man very
closely connected with the agency
and laws of heat, 652; proofs of
the knowledge and goodness of
God as given by the laws of heat,
652; the boiling-point of water,
652; the freezing-point of water,
655; the high specific heat of wa-
ter, 656; the high latent heat of
water, 659; the law of the expan-
sion of water, 662; the sudden ex-
pansion of water at the moment of
becoming solid, 666; water a non-
conductor of heat, 668; the attrac-
tion of the particles of water for
each other and for atmospheric air,
669; the great latent heat of aque-
ous vapor, 670; the high radiating
power of aqueous vapor, 674; the
power of aqueous vapor to absorb
radiant heat, 675; the concurrence
of all the points that have been
stated, an independent argument
for the goodness of God, 678;
other relations of heat besides those
to water, 679; points in which
these relations indicate the infinity
of the divine attributes, 679.
Niedner's Handbook of the History of

the Christian Church, noticed, 186.
Niemann's, Dr., Sinlessness of Jesus,
noticed, 782.

Noyes, Prof. Daniel J., article by, 401.

Noyes's, Prof. George R., Translation
of Job, Ecclesiastes, and the Can-
ticles, noticed, 399.


Phelps's, Prof. A., New Birth, no-
ticed, 398.

Philippi's, Dr. F. A., Opening Verses
of the Gospel of John, noticed, 569.
Philosophy of Language, article on,
by Prof. R. L. Tatel, 209; what
is meant by the philosophy of a
thing, 209; nature of language,
not so simple as sometimes sup-
posed, 209; modern discoveries in
reference to the nature of language,
in what field they have been made,
and the reason for which these
discoveries have been so long de-
layed, 210; the knowledge of lan-
guage progressive, like that of all
other subjects, 212; modern con-
troversies in regard to the nature
of man have given importance and
direction to the study of language,
214; language, the expression of
the individual human mind, 216;
the riches of language, 217; think-
ing well, the condition of writing
well, 218; the same words may in
different circumstances be more or
less strong and expressive, 219;
language as a reflection of the hu-
man mind in general, and the
national mind in particular, 221;
language, man's own version of the
universe, 221; language, as being
the most universal of the sciences,
qualified to take the lead among
them, 222; two ways by which is
attained a knowledge of the crea-
tion of words, 223; one found in
the scriptures, 223; the other, the
dissection and comparison of dif-
ferent languages, 225; examples
illustrative of the generation of
nouns and adjectives in the Indo-
European languages, 225; lan-
guage gives great help in investi-
gating the character of a nation,
228; language, the grand expres-
sion of the national mind, 229;
languages cannot be arbitrarily
changed by individuals, 230; the
development of a language, not
chiefly due to lexicographers, 231;

two particulars to be considered
in the external form of language,
its pronunciation and its orthog-
raphy, 232; the task of reducing
nations into races left to language,
233; the Indo-European languages
an organic whole, and the nations
speaking them a distinct race, 234;
each race a particular type of
man, and passes through stages
analagous to those of man, 234;
the Sanscrit the oldest language
of the Indo-European group, 234;
language in its full manhood dis-
tinguished by a noble simplicity,
236; characteristics of different
modern languages, 236.
Piper, Prof. Ferdinand, article by
(translated), 276.

Pond's, Dr. Enoch, Theological Lec-
tures, noticed, 389.

Potwin, Rev. Lemuel S., article by,


Province of Imagination in Sacred

Oratory, The, article on, by Prof.
Joseph Haven, 95; statement of
the subject and definition of imagi-
nation, 95; objections to the use of
the imagination in the pulpit, 96;
the ideal and the real not neces-
sarily at variance, 96; the use of
the imagination does not necessa-
rily lead to a fanciful and redun-
dant style, 97; advantages of the
use of the imagination, 98; neces-
sary to the higher and bolder
flights of oratory, 98; necessary
to a clear and vivid description of
absent objects, 100; necessary to
the clear and forcible statement
of truth, 102; illustrative quota-
tions from Bushnell, Post, South,
and others, 102; imagination nec-
essary to a right apprehension of
many of the noblest themes, 108;
our biblical interpreters lacking
in the ideal element, 109; the
theologian apt to be lacking in the
same way, 111; the character of
the present times requires the use
of the imagination, 112.

Relations of Geology to Theology,
The, article on, by Prof. C. H.
Hitchcock, 363; object of the arti-

cle, 363; geology furnishes peculiar
arguments for the existence of God,
364; the existence of inorganic
matter a proof of a Creator, 365;
matter does not exist of necessity,
365; nor without chemical and
physical laws, 366; an eternal
succession of worlds and systems
incredible, 366; paleontological
arguments from the institution of
the animal and vegetable king-
doms in nature, 367; the succes-
sion of systems of life proves a
Creator, 368; the creation of man
a divine work, 368; development
of man from the ape by principles
of natural selection impossible,
369; Darwinism and the develop-
ment theory not tenable, 370; no
germs and tendencies in matter to
produce organism, 372; arguments
from design, 373; all organisms
from the first constructed on the
same general uniform plan, 375;
development of one organism from
another not tenable, 375; parallel-
ism between the geological succes-
sion of animals and plants and
their relative standing in classifi-
cation, 375; combination in the
fossil animals with their own of
some of the characteristics of other
and higher classes not yet created,
376; adaptations of the physical
world to the structure of the in-
habitants in every age very
marked, 376; geology proves and
illustrates the natural and moral
attributes of God, 377; objection
from natural evil in the pre-
Adamic world to the benevolence
of God, pain and death, 377;
extremes of climate, deserts. de-
formity, and absence of beauty,
380; earthquakes, 381; proofs
of the benevolence, of God, 382;
pleasure the rule and pain the ex-
ception in the lives of all the early
races, 382; the production of
happiness an incidental design of
every bodily contrivance, even
when not necessary to their per-
fect action, 382; a variety of
means provided for the perform-
ance of important animal func-
tions, 383; the general stability

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