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been given up. But the very great advance in the price of paper has proved a material impediment; while the small type and crowded page of the former edition have by many been complained of, not only as uncomfortable to the reader, but as a real hindrance to the usefulness of the work.

The improvements in the present edition will, it is hoped, be deemed fully adequate to the advance in the price. Great pains have been bestowed, in correcting the inaccuracies of the style; in rendering perspicuous such passages, as had been left rather obscure from regard to brevity; in giving energy to some arguments which had not been stated in their full force; and in placing several illustrations to greater advantage. Peculiar care has likewise been taken to render the scriptural references and quotations accurate; and further proof, from the sacred oracles, has frequently been adduced in support of the conclusions which had been formed. A correct Index for the conveniency of the reader has also been annexed.

The work, thus revised, the author commends to the candour of the public, from which it hath already met with a favourable reception; and he earnestly begs the prayers of all pious Christians, for the divine blessing on this attempt, and on all his other feeble endeavours to spread the knowledge of the blessed gospel of God our Saviour; and to excite and direct believers to adorn that holy doctrine by their whole conduct and conversation.

MARCH 29, 1798.



Adoption, a privilege of the
believer, 253.
Affections, those required to
be exercised towards Christ
prove his Deity, 111.
springs, 228.

Arianism, a system repugnant


Candour, a false kind of, 43, 44.
Charity, perfectly consistent
with it to consider men's
state as dangerous, 80, 81,

whence it Charms, unlawful, 58.
Children, their duties to their
parents, 65, 302. Necessity
of correcting them when
young, 305.
Christ, evidence of his resur-
rection, 19. His character,
as delineated by the evan-
gelists, perfect, 6, 26. His
Deity, proofs of, 87, &c. Im-
portance of that doctrine,
105, &c. His fitness for sus -
taining the office of Media-
tor, 127 Made an atone-
ment by his death, 147, 148.
Cannot be received in one of
his characters while rejected
in another, 160. His medi-
atorial kingdom, 120, 156-

to reason, 88.
Ascension of Christ, ends pro-
posed by it, 149.
Assurance of salvation, a dis-
tinct thing from faith, 249,
250. Not enjoyed by all Chris-
tians, 251. How obtained,
Atonement, why necessary,
125, 127, 140. Doctrine of,
discussed, 133, &c. Impor-
tance of the doctrine, 146.
Day of, among the Jews, 151.
Authority, a valuable talent,
how to be improved, 320.


Baptism, the form of words
prescribed for it implies the
Deity of Christ and the Ho-
ly Spirit, 112, 203, 347. Not
regeneration, 180. What it
represents, 345, 346. To
whom at first administered,
347. What professions it
implies, 347, 348. Ofinfants,
its good effects, 350.
Believers, their experience,
234, &c. Their privileges,
247, &c. Their dispositions
and characters, 261, &c.
Benevolence, tendency of Chris-
tian principles to promote it,


Christian, life of, represented
in Scripture as a warfare,
234. See Believers.
Circumcision, what intended
by it, 346.

Communion, with God, a priv-
ilege of the believer, 257.
Contentment, produced by

Christian principles, 30.
Conversion, the change intend-
ed thereby, 183, 215-217.
Conviction of sin, arises from

right views of the divine law,
Correction, of Children, neces-
sary, 305. Directions con
cerning, 305, 306.

[blocks in formation]

tion by, answered, 176, 177.
Produced by a divine influ-
ence on the mind, 178. Dis-
tinct from assurance of salva-
tion, 250.

Fear, of God, essential to true
religion, 369.

Flesh, meaning of the term as
used in Scripture in opposi-
tion to the spirit, 238.
Forgiveness, of sin a privilege
of every believer, 248. Of
injuries, a duty, 285.
Fortune-telling, unlawful, 58.
Frugality, a duty, 284.
Future state, 79. Known only
by Revelation, 357. Its na-
ture, 361.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

tified," &c. 166. A mitigat-
ed, erroneous notions re-
specting, 169. Moral, im-
mutable, 222. Its uses in
subserviency to the Gospel,
223, &c. "Dead to the law,"
what meant by the express-
ion, 223. Cannot justify, 75,
223. Bad effects which flow
from want of acquaintance
with it, 229, &c.
Liberality, duty of, 284.
Lord's suppe, a proof of the
doctrine of an atonement,
146. Its institution, 351.
What professions are made
by receiving it, 353. Pre-
paration for it, 354. Bene-
fits of frequently receiving
it, 355. To receive it a du-
ty incumbent on Christians,

Lotteries, evil of, 73.
Love, to God, what it implies,
57, 270. That required
by Christ, 271. Implies his
Deity, 113. Of mankind,
promoted by Christian prin-
ciples, 279. "Of the breth-
ren," 280.


Man, his state in the present
world, 74.

Marriage, 68. Institution of,
294. Necessity of some
form for its solemnization,
296. By what dissolved,
295-297. How it should
be entered into, 297.
Masters, their duties to ser-
vants, 311.
Mediator, office and qualifica-
tion of one considered, 121.
Need for one between God
and man, 124-126. Christ
alone capable of sustaining
the office, 127.
Mediatorial kingdom of Christ,
120, 156.
Melchizedek, a type of Christ,


Messiah, whence the name is Privileges, of true Christians,

derived, 209.
Ministers, duties of, 327.
Miracles, evidence for them,
in favour of Revelation, 18.
Even those of Christ, as-
cribed to the agency of the
Holy Spirit, 208, 209. Have
ceased, the design being an-
swered, 210, 211.
Moses, his writings divinely
inspired, 18, 22, 23.
Mysteries, no objection to
Revelation, 24.

[blocks in formation]


Prophetic office of Christ, 159.
Punishment, future of the wick-
ed, eternal, 79, 370. Justice
of it, 81.
Purgatory, doctrine of, con-
trary to Scripture, 81.


Regeneration, precedes the
exercise of faith, 167. Doc-
trine of, considered, 178,&c.
What meant by, 180. Does
not communicate new facul-
ties, 183.

Religion, natural, 29.
Repentance, cannot compen-
sate for transgression, 75,

Resignation, a Christian vir-
tue, 267.
Resurrection, of Christ, evi-
dence of, 19. Ends of it,
149. General, 362.
Revelation, alone can discover
to us true religion, 13. Com-
parative importance of its
different parts, 33, 34. De-
sign of, 272.

Rulers, duties of, 320-324.

Sabbath, obligation of,63. How
it should be observed, 64.
Sacrament. See Baptism and
Lord's Supper. Meaning of
the word, 344. Nature of
one, 344.
Sacrifices, derived their origin
from Revelation, 133. Jew-
ish, typical of the atone-
ment of Christ, 134. Why
they could not take away
sin, 138.

Scriptures, the, divinely inspir-
ed, 16-28. Their tenden-
cy, 24. Duty of studying
them, 35-37. Directions
for the study of them,37. The

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