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Gen. Fayan.


VOLUMES I AND 2, 1921 AND 1922 (NUMBERS 1-6).

Compiled by MISS ADAMS CLARKE, member of the Library Staff of the London School of Economics and Political Science.


Beveridge (Sir William) Economics as a liberal education. No. 1, pp. 2-19. Birkett (M. S.) The British iron and steel industry. No. 5, pp. 149-61. Black (E. I.) The relations of magic and religion. No. 5, pp. 112-8. Bonar (J.) joint author. See CANNAN (E.), Ross (W. D.), BONAR (J.) and WICKSTEED (P. H.).

Bowley (A. L.) Earners and dependants in English towns in 1911. No. 2,
PP. 101-12.

The logic of probability and statistics. No. 4, PP. 97-100.
Recent official statistical publications. No. 3, pp. 302-6.

The relation between wholesale and retail prices since the war.
PP. 195-207.

The survival of small firms. No. 2, pp. 113-5.

Buer (M. C.) The trade depression following the Napoleonic wars.

PP. 159-79.

No. 6,

No. 2,

Burns (A. R.) The Indian Currency Report of December, 1919: and after. No. 3, pp. 269-82.

Burns (E. M.) Recent contributions to economic theory. No. 6, pp. 272-8. Bushell (Sydney M.) The relative importance of co-operative, multiple and other retail traders. No. 1, pp. 64-8.

Campbell (Persia) Asiatic immigration into Australia. No. 1, pp. 52-61.
Cannan (Edwin) The meaning of bank deposits. No. 1, pp. 28-36.
Cannan (E.), Ross (W. D.), Bonar (J.) and Wicksteed (P. H.)
"Barren metal"? No. 5, pp. 105-11.

Who said

Crick (W. F.) Legal aspects of the trade union movement in the U.S.A. No. 5, pp. 119-26.

Dalton (Hugh) Some recent books on industry. No. 5. pp. 181-90.

Some recent contributions to the study of public finance. No. 2, pp. 199-206.

Finer (Herman) Cabinet and party, 1914-21. No. 4, pp. 75-86.
The group system in France. No. 1, pp. 20-27.

Ford (P.) Marx and Marxists. No. 2, pp. 147-58.

Ginsberg (Morris) The theory of progress. No. 6, pp. 228-37.
Gregory (T. E.) The economics of employment in England. No. 1, pp. 37-51.
Gutteridge (H. C.) The law relating to "received for shipment bills of
lading. No. 4, pp. 17-27..


The limitation of the liability of shipowners. No. 2, pp. 180-91.

Hall (Hubert) ed. A classified list of agrarian surveys to the Public Record
Office (London). No. 4, pp. 28-50.

Haskins (M. L.) joint author. See KELLY (E. T.) and HASKINS (M. L.).
Headicar (B. M.) Industrial and commercial libraries of the future. No. 3,
PP. 259-68.

Higgins (A. Pearce) International relations and international law. No. 4,

Pp. 1-16.

Hobson (C. K.) The

Hogg (Margaret H.)

measurement of the balance of trade.
Dependants on women wage-earners.

No. 2, pp. 132-46.
No. 1, pp. 69-86.

Jones (Ll. Rodwell) Commodity maps. No. 2, pp. 246-58.

Kelly (E. T.) and Haskins (M. L.) Foundations of industrial welfare. No. 2,
pp. 116-31.

Laski (Harold J.) Recent contributions to political science. No. 1, pp. 87-91.
Lees-Smith (H. B.) The Bryce Conference on the Reform of the House of
Lords. No. 6, pp. 220-7.

MacIver (Alice M.)

PP. 238-45.

Saint-Simon and his influence on Karl Marx. No. 6.

Mackenzie (W. A.) Changes in the standard of living in the United Kingdom,
1860-1914. No. 3, pp. 211-30.

Malinowski (Bronislaw) Ethnology and the study of society. No. 6, pp.

Martyn (Edith How) The methods of appointment of administrative and
clerical staffs in the Local Government Service of England and Wales.
No. 4, pp. 51-68.

Miller (Margaret S.) Co-operation in Russia. No. 3, pp. 291-301.

Minty (Leonard Le M.) The Ontario Government savings bank and farm loan
scheme. No. 6, pp. 246-55.

Power (Eileen) A plea for the Middle Ages. No. 5, pp. 173-80.

Robertson (D. H.) Economic incentive. No. 3, pp. 231-45.

Ross (W. D.) joint author. See CANNAN (E.), Ross (W. D.), Bonar (J.)
and WICKSTEED (P. H.).

Rowe (J. W. F.) The ball warpers: the policy of their unions and its result.
No. 4, pp. 69-74.

Shanahan (E. W.) An analysis of the new international frontiers in Central
and Eastern Europe. No. 1, pp. 62-3.

Soltau (R. H.) The present position of the President of the French Republic.
No. 2, pp. 192-8.

Regionalism and administrative decentralization in France. No. 5,
Pp. 162-72.

Spencer (A. F.) Siberia in 1919. No. 3, pp. 283-90.

Weiner (A.) Early commercial intercourse between England and Germany.

No. 5, pp. 127-48.

Wicksteed (P. H.) joint author.

and WICKSTEED (P. H.).

See CANNAN (E.), Ross (W. D.), BONAR (J.)

Winslow (Emma A.) Changes in food consumption among working-class

families. No. 6, pp. 256-71.

Wolf (A.) Studies in probability. No. 4, pp. 87-97.


Asiatic immigration into Australia; by Persia Campbell. No. 1, p. 52.

Ball warpers: the policy of their unions and its results; by J. W. F. Rowe.
No. 4, p. 69.

British iron and steel industry; by M. S. Birkett. No. 5, p. 149.

Bryce Conference on the Reform of the House of Lords; by H. B. Lees-
Smith. No. 6, p. 220.

Cabinet and party, 1914-21; by Herman Finer. No. 4, p. 75.

Changes in food consumption among working-class families; by Emma A.
Winslow. No. 6, p. 256.

Changes in the standard of living in the United Kingdom, 1860-1914; by
W. A. Mackenzie. No. 3, p. 211.

Classified list of agrarian surveys to the Public Record Office (London); by
Hubert Hall. No. 1, p. 28.

Commodity maps; by Ll. Rodwell Jones.
Co-operation in Russia; by M. S. Miller.

No. 3, p. 246.
No. 3, p. 291.

Dependants on women wage-earners; by M. Hogg. No. 1, p. 69.
Depression after the Napoleonic wars; by M. C. Buer. No. 2, p. 159.

Early commercial intercourse between England and Germany; by A. Weiner.
No. 5, p. 127.

Earners and dependants in English towns in 1911; by A. L. Bowley. No. 2,
p. 101.

Economic incentive; by D. H. Robertson. No. 3, p. 231.

Economics as a liberal education; by Sir William Beveridge. No. 1, p. 2.
Economics of employment in England, 1660-1713; by T. E. Gregory. No. 1,
P. 37.

Ethnology and the study of society; by Bronislaw Malinowski. No. 6, p. 208.

Foundations of industrial welfare; by E. T. Kelly and M. L. Haskins. No. 2,
P. 116.

Group system in France: by Herman Finer. No. 1, p. 20.

Indian Currency Report of December, 1919 and after; by A. R. Burns.
No. 3, p. 269.

Industrial and commercial libraries of the future; by B. M. Headicar.

No. 3,
International relations and international law; by Pearce Higgins. No. 4, p. I.

P. 259.

Law relating to" Received for Shipment " bills of lading; by H. C. Gutteridge.
No. 4, p. 17.

Legal aspects of the trade union movement in the U.S.A.; by W. F. Crick.
No. 5, p. 119.

Limitation of the liability of shipowners; by H. C. Gutteridge. No. 2, p. 180.
Logic of probability and statistics; by A. L. Bowley. No. 4, p. 97.

Marx and Marxists; by P. Ford. No. 2, p. 147.

Meaning of bank deposits; by E. Cannan. No. 1, p. 28.

Measurement of the balance of trade; by C. K. Hobson. No. 2, p. 132.

Methods of appointment of administrative and clerical staffs in the Local
Government Service; by Edith How Martyn. No. 4, p. 51.

New international frontiers; by E. W. Shanahan. No. 1, p. 62.

Ontario Government savings bank and farm loan scheme; by Leonard Le M.
Minty. No. 6, p. 246.

Plea for the Middle Ages. By Eileen Power. No. 5, p. 173.

Present position of the President of the French Republic; by R. H. Soltau.
No. 2, p. 192.


Recent books on industry; by Hugh Dalton. No. 5, p.
Recent contributions to economic theory; by E. M. Burns.
No. 6, p. 272.
Recent contributions to political science; by H. J. Laski. No. 1, p. 87.
Recent contributions to public finance; by Hugh Dalton. No. 2, p. 199.
Recent statistical publications; by A. L. Bowley. No. 3, p. 302.

Regionalism and administrative decentralization in France; by R. H. Soltau.
No. 5, p. 162.

Relation between wholesale and retail prices since the war; by Arthur L.
Bowley. No. 6, p. 195.

Relations of magic and religion; by E. I. Black. No. 5, p. 112.

Relative importance of co-operative, multiple and other retail traders; by
Sydney M. Bushell. No. 1, p. 64.

Saint-Simon and his influence on Karl Marx; by Alice M. MacIver. No. 6,
P. 238.

Siberia in 1919; by A. F. Spencer. No. 3, p. 283.

Survival of small firms; by A. L. Bowley. No. 2, p. 113.

Studies in probability; by (1) A. Wolf, (2) A. L. Bowley. No. 4, p. 87.

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