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tance round is low, fandy, and barren; and, owing to a failure of rain laft feafon, pafture for cows and other domeftic animals is fo fcanty that many of them die daily for want. The fort is about a mile round, constructed of mud, with a garrifon of twenty men, diftin, guished from the inhabitants by no peculiarity of drefs, and only confpicuous by their extreme poverty and infolence. The streets are very narrow and dirty, abounding with filth of all kinds, which makes the place more unhealthy than might be expected even in that unhealthy climate. The houses are of the fimpleft ftructure, and merely calculated to fhelter their tenants from the fun. The walls are of mud and ftraw mixed up into a pafte, and the roofs, which are flat, are covered with the fame materials.

to amount yearly, communibus an. nis, to a lack and twenty-five thoufand rupees. This, however, muft be understood to relate to the period, which is only of late years, fince the channel of Laribunder river has been obftructed, by which Carrachee has attained its prefent commercial importance. It was an nexed by the prefent prince to his dominions about feven years ago, being wrefted from its hereditary and independent chief after an ob ftinate refistance.

The men are rather above the middle ftature, with ftrong and wellproportioned limbs, and inftances of deformity are very rare. They all go armed: even the fhepherd attending his flock is accoutred with his gun, fcymitar, fhield, and dirk. This ftrong feature of a martial character is highly contrafted by Of timber the country is entirely their childish amusements; for it is deftitute: what is required for build- nothing uncommon to fee a number ing houfes and boats, is brought of old men, with long grey beards, from Malabar and Bombay. Little paffing their time and highly deor no regard is paid to the culture lighted with flying paper-kites.-of vegetables; and, excepting a few Happily for the inhabitants, the gardens in the neighbourhood of the open face of the country does not town, which produce a fmall quan-afford fhelter to the lion or the tity of carrots, radifhes, and a few tiger. other roots, there is nothing of the kind for forty miles round. The neceffaries of life are, however, plentiful and cheap, and the country abounds with wild-geefe, ducks, teal, partridges, fnipes, hares, and deer; fheep, goats, and poultry, are alfo in great plenty.

The population of Carrachee is eftimated at about ten thoufand fouls the men chiefly merchants and mechanics, who carry on a confiderable trade to Mufcat, Surat, Bombay, and the Malabar province; there is alfo a very confiderable in Jand trade by camels to Candahar and Cabul. The principal branch of the revenue arifes from the cuftoms at Carrachee, which are faid

A letter from Madras, of the 4th of December, ftates, that the Cotiote country is now perfectly tranquil, The caufe of the difaffection, which awakened the fpirit of revolt, has been traced to its proper fource by the commiffioners appointed for that purpose. Among the Nairs, with whom the fingular custom prevails of one woman having a plurality of hufbands, the right of inheritance, inftead of following in the direct male line, devolves to the children of fifters; hence the fovereignty of Cotiote became a fubject of difpute between two fons of feparate fifters, commonly known as the Coorimnad


and Pyche Rajahs: this competition exifted when Tippoo's ufurpation took place, an event that occafioned moft of the Rajahs to feek protection to the fouthward, leaving their districts a prey to his tyranny. Among the fugitives was the Rajah of Coorimnad, who fought a refuge in Travancore; while the Pyche Rajah, who remained to fhare the fortune of his country, acquired a degree of popularity, which enabled

him the better hereafter to contend with the fenior and preferable right of the Coorimnad. By the interference, however, of Government, the Coorimnad has been established; appearing, beyond a doubt, that his claim to Cotiote fuperfeded that of the Pyche Rajah.


Fort St. George, 26th March 1809. The Governor in Council is pleafed to permit Mr. William Raine to proceed to Europe on furlough.

His Lordship will have the pleafure in reporting to the Hon. Court of Directors the long period of Mr. Raine's fervice, and particularly his humane and benevolent attention, by which he relieved the fufferings of his fellow-prifoners during their captivity.

The British Government in India have, with liberal policy, determined to restore to their country, without conditions, the ambaffadors whom the late Tippoo Sultaun had fent by the Perfia and by La Sur. prize to the French Directory; and thefe minifters, who had been fome time in our poffeffion at Bombay, were preparing to proceed for Mangalore, where, on the 18th January, the Company's cruifer, the Antelope, received orders to convey them.


Fort St. George, ed April, Colonel George Roberts is permitted to proceed to Europe on fur. lough.

The ability, judgment, and zeal, difplayed by Col. Roberts in fitua tions of great delicacy and importance, have already obtained the warmest expreffion of the public approbation and gratitude of the governments in India, and the Gover. nor in Council will feel the greatest pleasure in recommending the confpicuous and meritorious fervices of that officer to the most favourable notice of the Honourable Court of Directors.

A LIST of SHIPS in the East India Company's Service, which have been loft, burnt, or captured, from the Season 1757 to the Seafon 1800,

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Wrecked on the Carnicobar.
Ditto to the caftward of the Cape.
Taken by the French off Ganjam,
Ditto by La Fine French frigate.
Wrecked in Madras Roads.
Ditto in Bengal River.
Burnt at Culpec.

Ditto in Madras Roads.

Ditto in Bombay harbour.

Ditto off Ceylon.

Wrecked near Peverell Point.

Ditto in Margate Roads.

Ditto off Bonavista.

Wrecked in the Straits of Gafper.

Not heard of fince the failed from Madras for Bencoolen, March 8, 1791, (supposed burnt.) Wrecked off Madagascar.

Taken by the French in the Straits of Sunda.

Ditto by ditto at Bencoolen.

Taken by a French privateer in Bengal Bay.
Loft to he eastward.

Taken by the French on the Malabar coaft,
Ditto, ditto.

Burnt off Cananore.

Loft on Bembridge Ledge.

Burnt off Lacam's Channel.

Burnt at Sauger.

Burnt at St. Salvidor, Brazils.




LIEUT. Col. W. Scott, to be Refident at the Court of his Excellency the Nabob Vizier.

Mr. T. Palmer, removed from the office of Regifter to the Provincial Court of Appeal, and to the Court of Circuit for the divifion of Benares, and appointed Judge of the Dewanny Adawlut, and Magiftrate of the Zilláh of Ram


Mr. T. Brooke, removed from the office
of Judge of the Dewanny Adawlut,
and Magiftrate of the Zillah of Beer-
bhoom, and appointed Judge of the
Dewanny Adawlut, and Magiftrate of
the Zillah of Hoogly, vice Mr. Bruce.
Mr. D. Campbell, removed from the
office of Sub Secretary to the Govern-
ment in the Public Department, and
appointed Judge of the Dewanny Adaw-
lut, and Magiftrate of the Zillah of
Beerbhoom, vice Mr. T. Brooke.
Mr. J. Graham, appointed to act as Judge
of the Dewanny Adawlut, and Magi-
ftrate of the Zillah of Mirzapore, dur-
ing the abfence of Mr. H. T. Cole-

Mr. J. H. Martin, removed from the
office of Regifter to the Dewanny
Adawlut of the Zillah of Momenfing,
and appointed Regifter to the Provin-
cial Court of Appeal, and to the Court
of Circuit for the divifion of Benares,
vice Mr. Palmer.

Mr. R. H. Dick, appointed Regifter to
the Dewanny Adawlut of the Zillah of
Behar, vice Mr. Cunnyngham.
Mr. A. M. Willock, removed from the
office of Affiflant to the Collector of
the Zillah of Sylhet, and appointed
Register to the Dewanny Adawlut of
the Zillah of Momenfing, vice Mr.

Mr. W. J. Sands, appointed Affiftant to
the Regifter of the Dewanny Adawlut
of the Zillah of Juanpore.
Mr. Y. Burges, removed from the office
of Commercial Refident at Gollagore,
and appointed Collector of the Zillahs

of Burdwan and Hoogly, vice Mr. Ire
land, deccafed.

Mr. R. Cunnyngham, removed from the
office of Regifler to the Dewanny
Adawlut of the Zillah of Behar, and
appointed Collector of the Zillah of

Mr. H. V. Darell, removed from the
office of Affiftant to the Commercial
Refident at Malda, and appointed Sub-
Secretary to the Government in the
Public Department, vice Mr. Camp-

Mr. J. H. Harrington to be a Member
of the Board of Revenue.
Mr. J. Lumfden, Register to the Sudder
Dewanny, and Nizamut Adawluts, in
the room of Mr. Harrington.
Mr. W. A. Edmontone, Collector of
the Government Customs at Calcutta,
in the room of Mr. Foley.
Mr. George Udney, a Member of the
Board of Trade.

Mr. T. Abraham, Commercial Refident
at Luckypore, in the room of Mr.

Mr. J. Money, removed from the office of Afliftant to the Commercial Refi dent at Soonamooky, and appointed Commercial Refident at Golagore. Mr. C. M. Rickets, removed from the office of Affiftant to the Commercial Refident at Dacca, and appointed SubExport Warehoufe-keeper. Mr. R. Parry, Sub-Treafurer, in the room of Mr. Benezet, refigned. Mr. W. Egerton, Deputy Accountant General and Civil Auditor, in the room. of Meffrs. Cox and Dafhwood. Mr. H. J. Darell, Accountant to the Board of Trade. Mr. J. Rider, Collector of Cuftoms at Benares, in the room of Mr. Shakefpear. Mr. G. Udney appointed Export Warehoufe-keeper, in the room of Mr. Bebb, refigned. Mr. W. A. Edmonflone, removed from the office of Collector of Government Culloms


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Letters and applications of the defeription of thofe heretofore addreffed to the Secretary to the Government, or to the Sub-Secretarics of the refpeétivé departments, are in future to be addreffed to the Chief Secretary to the Govern ment, or to the Secretary to the Department to which the bufinefs may belong. Aufwers will be returned by the Chief Secretary to the Government, or by the refpective Secretaries, to which the letters, &c. may be addreffed.

The Right Hon. the Gov. General in Council has been pleafed to make the following appointments:

Mr. G. H. Barlow, Chief Secretary to the Government.

Lieut. Col. W. Kirkpatrick, Secretary to the Government, in the Secret, Po litical, and Foreign Departments. Mr. C. R. Crommelin, Secretary to the Government in the Public Depart

[blocks in formation]


Mr. C. Woodcock, Deputy Poft-Mafter General.

Mr. R. Clerk, Second Member of the Board of Revenue.

Mr. A. Falconar jun. Member of ditto. Mr. J. Mitford, Second Member of the

Board of Trade.

Mr. W. Gordon, Collector of Guntoor.
Mr. S. Skinner, Collector at Mugalore,
Mafulipatam Diftrict.

Mr. E. P. Blacke, Affifant to the Com-
mercial Refident at Cuddalore.
Mr. W. Tafwell, Affiftant to the Sea

Mr. G. F. Travers, Affiftant to the Ac-
countant General.

Taylor, Deputy Superintendant of the Investment." Mr. W. Tafwell, Deputy Sea Cuftomer. Mr. W. Garrow, Affiftant to ditto. Mr. A. Barclay, Affiftant to the Import Warehoufe-keeper.

Mr. T. Anfley, Head Affiflant to the

Collector at Salem.

Mr. Balfour, Deputy Commercial Refident at the Prefidency.

Mr. C. Woodcock, Deputy Accountant
to the Board of Revenue.
Mr. E. Terry, Affiftant to ditto.
Mr. G. Garrow, Deputy Secretary to the

Board of Revenue.

Mr. J. S. Smith, Deputy Commercial

Refident at Cuddalore.

Mr. W. Thackaray, Affiftant to the Collector at Peddapore.

Mr. M. Forbes, Affiftant to the Revenue Accountant.

Mr. C. Harris, Collector of Mannar goody.

Mr. G. Balmain, Collector in the ft

Divifion of Mafulipatam Diftrict. Mr. J. Read, Collector in the 4th Divi

fion of the Mafulipatam Diftrict. Mr. T. Frafer, Accountant and Civil Auditor, Columbo.

Mr. T. Cochrane, Mr. J. H. Peile, Mr.

W. Dodwell, Affiftants under the Refident at Myfore.

Mr. F. Gahagan, Affiftant under his Ex

cellency the Governor of Ceylon. Mr. E. Coxe, Affiftant to the Commer cial Refident at the Prefidency.


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