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new and never fading laurels to their brow; it is matter of exulta. tion to every British fubject to obferve your Lordship, in the moment of triumph, and in the plenitude of power and conqueft, exhibiting to the defcendent of a depofed Prince, to our allies, and to the world, a fresh inftance of British honour, British faith, generofity and justice. In the refult of this conqueft, as unprecedented in the rapidity of its completion, as it is unequalled in its importance, we beheld the entire extinction of a cruel and relentless foe, a valuable acquifition of territory and power, the ftrength of our alliances in India increased, a deftructive confederacy diffolved and defeated; which whilst it affords us the fairest profpect of a permanent internal tranquillity and fecurity, relieves us alfo from the apprehenfion of external violence and invafion, by giving us a well-grounded confidence, that it must effectually fruftrate the machinations and in trigues of the Directory of France, the inveterate and implacable foe of England, and the common enemy of ettablished order, liberty, and government, in every part of the world.

In addition to thefe important benefits, arifing from the glorious termination of the Myfore war, we entertain the pleafing hope, that the brilliant achievements in India, so opportunely aiding the fplendid fuc. cefs of his Majefty's arms in other quarters of the globe, will, from the extent of their influence, have a forcible operation in reftoring to us the bleffings of a general, permanent, and honourable peace.

Impreffed with a deep fenfe of the honour and advantage derived to the British empire under your Lordship's government; feeling in common with his Majefty's fubjects in every other part of India, the

immediate effects of your Lordship's recent measures, which peculiarly call for our warmeft acknowledg ments of refpect and gratitude; and fully confiding in your Lordship's wifdom, integrity, and juftice, that the powers of government will ever be directed to the true interefts of the people, we cannot omit this occafion of affuring your Lordship, that we shall not, without regret, behold the arrival of the moment that muft put a period to your Lordfhip's administration of the govern. ment of India.

We have the honour to be,
My Lord, with great respect,
Your Lordship's most obedient
Humble fervants,

(Signed by 134.)

Bombay, August 3, 1798.

pleafed to return the following an To which his Lordship was fwer:

To the Gentlemen who affembled at the Public Meeting of the British Subjects, civil and military, refiding in Bombay, on the 3d of Auguft 1799.


It is peculiarly fatisfactory to me to receive the honourable teftimonies of perfonal efteem, and to obferve the cordial expreffions of zeal for the public fervice contained in your able and animated address.

The vigorous profecution and profperous iffue of the late war with Tippoo Sultaun are to be afcribed, under Providence, to that unanimous fpirit of prompt obedience and cheerful co-operation which I found in every part of the British poffeffions, and in every branch of the public fervice in India. This happy difpofition proceeded not more from a fenfe of duty and a regard for the principles of fubordination, than from a general conviction of the juftice of our caufe, and of the indif


penfible neceffity of fruftrating, by a feasonable effort, the fyftematic treachery of our faithlefs, implacable, and infatuated enemy.

The diftinguished part which the fettlement of Bombay has borne during the late crifis in the labours and honours of the common caufe, has repeatedly claimed my warm approbation, and will ever be remembered by me with gratitude and refpect. In your liberal and

voluntary contribution towards the exigencies of your native country, and towards the defence of the Prefidency under whofe government you refide, and in the alacrity with which you have given your perfonal fervices for the military protection of Bombay, I have contemplated with pleasure the fame character of public fpirit, refolution and activity which has marked the fplendid fuc. cefs of the gallant army of Bombay, from the commencement to the ciofe of the late glorious campaign.

The extenfive power which the refult of the war has placed in the hands of the allies, has enabled them to conclude the pacification on fuch principles of moderation and equity as afford a reafonable profpect of permanent fecurity and repofe.

Your unfolicited affurances of confidence and efteem confirm my defire and hope of deriving from the recent fettlement of Myfore the ineftimable advantages which it promifes to the interefts and honour of Great Britain, and to the peace, happinefs, and profperity of the na

tive inhabitants of India.
I have the honour to be,

Your faithful fervant,
Fort William, Sept. 17, 1799.

tion of the foreign Vakeels and principal native inhabitants of Calcutta; on which occafion, three addreffes in the Perfian and Bengal languages, figned by various claffes of the native inhabitants, were presented to his Lordfhip, by the perfons nominated for that purpofe.

On Saturday the 28th of September, the Right Hon. the Governor General held a levee for the recep.

The following are tranflations of the addreffes :

Tranflation of an Addrefs from cer-
tain of the Native Inhabitants of
Calcutta, to the Right Hon. the
Governor General.

(After an invocation to the Deity,)
We humbly beg leave to reprefent
to your Lordihip, that, at this happy
and propitious time, when the Al-
mighty has thrown open the gates of
joy and gladness to the worid, and
univerfally planted the aufpicious
ftandard of happinefs and delight in
the hearts of mankind, we have been
gratified by the pleafing accounts of
the fall of Seringapatam, the de-
ftruction of Tippoo Sultaun, and
the annihilation of his power, the
poffeffion of his forts and territories,
and the capture of his fons and prin-
cipal officers by the British troops,
favoured by the aid and affifiance of
Almighty Providence, and the pro-
pitious fortune of the Hon. Com-
pany, and through the wisdom of
your Lordship's meafures, and the
unexampled energy, perfeverance,
and fortitude which characterized
the profecution of them.

The firft intimation of this Godgiven victory afforded a fource of fincere and inexpreffible gratification to the friends and well-wishers of the British nation; fuch has been the excess of our joy, that our tongues have never ceafed to utter the expreflions of our congratulations on this fignal fuccefs.

Your Lordship's fpeedy return to this country, crowned with victory and fuccefs, conftantly formed

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We now beg leave therefore to offer our fincere congratulations to your Lordihip on the fuccefsful iffue of the war, with our earnest hopes that Providence may profper this happy event to your Lordship, and the friends and adherents far and near of the Company and the King of Great Britain, and, by the aid of fimilar and increafing fucceffes, ever preferve your Lordship in power, dignity, and fplendor, prefiding over this country, difpenfing justice, benefits, and favours to its inhabitants.

(Signed and fealed by 50.) To the Right Hon. RICHARD Earl of MORNINGTON, K. P. Governor General, &c.

The bumble Addrefs of certain of the Na

tive Inhabitants of Calcutta. Since your Lordship, through your all-difcerning wifdom, contemplated the final overthrow of the unjuft and malevolent Tippoo Sultaun, our prayers for the fpeedy accomplishment of your Lordship's wishes have been uniformly offered up to the Divine Power.

Victory, the mark of Divine fa vour, being ever attendant on your Lordship's glorious career, the Sultaun's dominions ever eafily penetrated, his impregnable forts formed, and the mighty foe himself annihilated, and his numerous army overcome ;-thefe brilliant feats have filled our minds with admiration and astonishment.

Your Lordship's granting life and protection to the vanquished Sultaun's fons, and reftoring the defcendent of Ram Rajah to his long ufurped kingdom, are acts which have caufed your fame to be fpread over the whole univerfe.

Thefe tidings were grateful to us and convinced us that your Lord. fhip is fent by Providence to be the afylum of thofe deftitute of fupport, and the exalter of the humbled."

Your Lordship's exalted mind, adorned with every virtue, being conftantly occupied in protecting our lives and property, and annihilating those inimical to them, further evinces your Lordship being fent among us as a bleffing, for our prefervation and happiness.

Having obtained the fulfilment of our most ardent wifes by your Lordship's aufpicious return to this Prefidency, we have only to invoke the Divine Power to continue propitious towards us, and grant that we may long have the happiness of living under your Lordship's government, fecurely protected by your profound wifdom and confummate abilities.

Confcious of our inability to fet forth the praise due to your Lordfhip's fuperior talents, to enumerate the bencfits refulting to mankind from your late glorious achievements, we can only attempt, with the utmost humility, to offer to your Lordfhip the fincere and cordial congratulations of a community whofe minds are deeply impreffed with fentiments of respectful attachment and gratitude towards your Lordship, to whom they will ever look up as their afylum and protector.

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adow and influence be perpetually attended by victory and triumph, dignity and power, from the war with Tippoo Sultaun, which has caufed congratulations and exultations to refound from every quarter, and diffufed the bloom of freshness over the earth and the age, and honoured and exalted its inhabitants! The deftruction of Tippoo Sultaun, and the annihilation of his power by the valour of the British troops, and the poffeffion of his ftrong fortreffes and extenfive dominions, together with the re-establishment of the ancient and lineal family on the throne, a measure characterized by juftice and right, and evincing the benevolence and feeling of your Lorihip's mind, has impreffed us with perfect confidence and fatisfaction, and fecured to us the bleings of prefent and permanent tranquillity.

Your Lordfhip's fuccefsful profecution of this war is productive of tafe and fecurity to the inhabitants of Hindustan, whofe minds conftantly laboured under the apprehenfion of danger from the violence and bigotry of the late Sultaun: and the Almighty God has granted the objeft of our prayers, by your Lordthip's fpeedy and triumphant return to give honour and diftinction to the feat of Government.

Language cannot adequately exprefs the grateful fenfe we entertain of thefe effential benefits and fignal fucceffes; yet, at the fame time, our prayers are offered up to the Almighty Giver of all victory, that the aufpicious fhadow of your Lordfhip and the British Government may, through his divine bleffing, be extended over the inhabitants of this country. (Signed by 55.)

To the Native Inhabitants of

The addreffes of the feveral claffes of the native inhabitants of Calcutta are particularly acceptable to me, as affording an honourable teftimony of their attachment to the interests of the British Government, and of their individual regard for me.

To the foregoing Addreffes, his Lordship was pleafed to return the following anfwer:

VOL. 2.

The hoftile deigns of the late
Tippoo Saltaun have been manifeft-
ed to all India. A's foon as I difco-
vered his treacherous negotiations
with the enemies of the British Go-
vernment, it became my duty, ac-
cording to the acknowledged prin-
ciples of felf-defence, to affemble the
British troops, and to warn the Al-
lies of the common danger.

The unprovoked aggreffion of the
Sultaun would have juftified an
immediate appeal to arms.
But my
anxiety to avert the calamity of
war induced me to employ every ef-
fort of conciliation for the amicable
adjuftment of all differences on just
and honourable terms. Tippoo
Sultaun obftinately rejected thefe
friendly advances, and evaded every
attempt towards a pacific negotia-
tion, until the advanced period of
the feafon favoured his hopes of de-
ceiving the allies by artificial delays,
and of fruftrating the formidable
military preparations which his
treachery had provoked. War now
became indifpenfibly neceffary for
the common fecurity of the Hon.
Company and of the Allies.

It has pleafed the Divine Provi-
dence to favour the juftice of our
caufe, and to crown our arms with
the moft fignal fuccefs. The evil
defigns of an implacable enemy have
become the inftrument of his own
punishment, and the fource of fecu.
rity to the powers, whofe deftruction
had been for many years the favour.
ite object of his inordinate amoi-
tion, and of his defperate fpirit of

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The intereft and inclination of the British Government, is to maintain peace and friendship with all the ftates of India; but the rapid fall of Tippoo Sultaun affords a ftriking example of the fate of thofe who violate the obligations of public faith, and abandon folemn treaties, in the vain hope of fubverting, by falfehood and fraud, the established power of the Hon. Company.

The deftruction of our falfe and infidious enemy has opened a fair profpect of permanent tranquillity; and I am peculiarly happy to have been enabled to combine the fecurity and interefts of the Allies with the principles of moderation and humanity, by providing a munificent eftablishment for the families and principal officers of Hyder Ally and Tippoo Sultaun, and by placing a lineal defcendent of the family of Myfore in a state of affluence and dignity.

I am equally gratified to find, that the inhabitants of this city juftly appreciate the benefits refulting to them from the late brilliant fucceffes of the allied arms in Myfore, and from the happy fettlement of

that country.

I return you my thanks for the fenfe which you have expreffed of my endeavours to promote the internal profperity of the Company's poffeflions, and the welfare and happinefs of the Company's fubjects. It will ever be the object of my moft anxious folicitude to protect your interefts, to fecure your tranquillity, and to maintain the honour of the British name in India, by the fame fyitem of government which has induced you to offer to me this fatisfactory pledge of your confidence and efteem.


On Wednesday the 4th ult, the brother of Rajah Petumber quitted

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this mortal coil, and, fhocking to relate, with the corpfe, which was burnt on Thurfday morning, be. tween eleven and twelve, at Cofi naut Bauboo's Ghaut, two fine young women, wives of the deceafed, were alfo committed to the flames.

We have been favoured with an extract of a letter from Dinapore, dated the 5th ult. giving the particulars of an inundation which had prevailed, during twelve days preceding, in that cantonment and the furrounding country. The water was a foot deep on the higheft fpots of the fquares and parades, and the communication from houfe to houfe was maintained in boats. The water had been fubfiding for two days; and the exhalations from the parts lately overflowed were intolerably offenfive.

Another letter fays, the water of the Soane began to rife at Koilwar on Saturday the 31ft ult. at 4 p. m, and by 8 it had fpread to fuch a degree, that nothing could be feen but huts, trees, and a few rifing fpots. Several gud walls fell, but fortu. nately no perfon was hurt. From midnight till morning the water had fallen four inches, and about 6 inches more by eleven o'clock. But at Moneah, which is within an hour's run of Koilwar, the water increafed till eight or nine o'clock on Sunday evening, or twenty hours after it began to fubfide at Koilwar. Our correfpondent is at a lofs to account for this circumftance: it might, he obferves, be afcribed to the Ganges being very high, and fo obftructing the free exit of water from the Soane. But fuch a caufe, he conceives, would have occafioned a confiderable diminution of current, whereas that continued the whole of Sunday with uniform rapidity. The mundation was much greater than last year. Many gentlemen were obliged to


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