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CHAPMAN (EDWARD J.)--Notes on the Drift Deposits of Western Canada, and on the ancient extension of the Lake Area of that region....

On the Geology of Belleville and vicinity. (Ill.)...
On the occurrence of Copper Ore in the Island of Grand
Manan. (Ill.)

On Wolfram from Chief-Island, Lake Couchiching
On the Klaprothite or Lazulite of North Carolina

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On the Position of Lievrite in the Mineral Series ......
On the occurrence of Allanite or Orthite in Canadian Rocks
On some minerals from Lake Superior....
On the analysis of some Canadian Minerals

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On some Blow-pipe reactions..

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Lake Currents. (Ill.)

Mineral Springs of Canada..

Note on the Presence of Phosphorus in Iron Wire
On the Silver Locations of Thunder Bay. (II.)
Contributions to Blow Pipe Analysis.

CLARK (LEVI J.)-Formation of Toronto Island.

CROFT (HENRY).-Gas Patents

The Action of Air on Alkalic Arsenites

DALE (T. NELSON).—On New England Upper Silurian..
On Metamorphism in the Rhode Island Coal Basin
Geology of Mt. Greylock

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DE CEW (JOHN).-Age of the Oriskany Sandstone
DEWAR (ROBERT).-Gold and Silver in Iron Pyrites.

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Arsenic and Sulphur as Metallurgical Agents in the Treatment of Canadian Auriferous and Argentiferous Ores.. IV. ELLIS (WILLIAM HENRY).—On a fragment of Silicified Wood from the Rocky Mountains

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A California Borax Deposit



348-53 328-9

FLEMING (SANDFORD).-Toronto Harbor, Formation and Preservation charts

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

GILBERT (G. R.)-Old Shore Lines in the Ontario Basin....

Davenport Gravel Drift. (Ill.)..........

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GILBERT (JAMES).—The Arizona Copper Mine

HARVEY (ARTHUR).-The Geology of N. W. Lake Superior.
Pelotechthen Balanoides-Concretion or Fossil ?..
Bone Caves

Contributions to Geology in Canadian Institute's Trans-

HIND (HENRY YOULE).—Notes on the Geology of Toronto
HINDE (GEO. JENNINGS.)--The Glacial and Interglacial Strata of
Scarboro Heights and other localities near Toronto
Occurrence of Calciferous Boulders near Toronto

HUNT (THOS. STERRY).—On the Formation of Magnesian Limestones.
On the Theory of Igneous Rocks and Volcanoes


II. ii. 321-24

(IN.) III.

vii. 218-25

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On the Origin and Metamorphosis of some Sedimentary

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Erosion. (Ill.)......

KENNEDY (WILLIAM).--The Central Basin of Tennessee, a study of

LACHLAN (MAJOR R.)—On the periodical rise and fall of the Lakes..
LAWSON (ANDREW C.)-Gneissic Foliation and Schistose Cleavage in
Dykes, and their bearing on the problem of the origin of
Archæan Rocks. (Ill.).


Diabase Dykes of Rainy Lake

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LENNOX (THOMAS H.)—-On the Fossil Sharks of the Devonian...... III. LOGAN (SIR WM. E.)-On the Physical Structure of the Western District of Upper Canada. (Maps)

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MCRAE (JOHN C).-Geological formations at Port Colborne. (Ill.).... III.
MERRITT (WM. HAMILTON).—The magnetic Iron Ores of Victoria

vi. 46, 338-41

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MILLETT (JOHN R. A.)—On the Mineral wealth of Nova Scotia
NICHOLSON (H. ALLEYNE).—Contemporaneity of Strata and the doc-

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PANTON (T. HOYES).—Places of Geological Interest near Medicine Hat III.
The Caves and Potholes at Rockwood, Ont...
RAE (JOHN).—Formation of Icebergs and Transportation of Boulders
by Ice......

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ROBB (CHAS.)-Observations on the Physical Geology of the Western
Districts of Ontario.

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SMITH (J. F., JR.)-Fossils of the Hudson River Group, Toronto.....
New species of Triarthrus

SCHUTT (F. T.)-Canadian Apatite....

THOMSON (J. L.)—On the cause of Glacier Motion...

WOOD (HERBERT R.)—The Kaministiquia Silver-bearing Belt...
Contributions to Blowpipe Analysis. (Tit)

II. iv.



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HISTORY (See also Archæology, Classical Philology, Ethnology
and Geography.)

ANON.-Lands and Population in the United States and Upper Canada..
BAIN (JAS., JR.)-The Present Condition of the Old French Fort at Ste.

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BLACK (ALEXANDER D.)-Genesis of the Heaven and the Earth. (Tit.) III.
BOYLE (DAVID).—Archæological Remains

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The Discoverer of the Great Falls of Labrador..




BROWNING (T. B.)—The Chamberlain Treaty—1888. (Tit.)...

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CAMPBELL (REV. J.)-The Pharoah of the Exodus Identified in the

III. iv.


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CANNIFF (WILLIAM).—Survey of Niagara Township.....
CARNOCHAN (JANET).- Fort George's Lonely Sycamore. (Poem.).. IV.
Two Frontier Churches...

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CRUIKSHANK (CAPT. ERNEST)-Administration of Lt. -Gov. Simcoe. IV.
HAMILTON (J. C.)-The Mound Builders of America

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HIND (H. Y.)—A Glance at the Political and Commercial Importance of
Central British America...

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HOUSTON (WILLIAM.)—First Legislative Work of Upper Canada.. IV.
KANE (PAUL).-Notes of a Sojourn Among the Half-breeds, Hudson
Bay Co's Territory, Red River

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KINGSFORD (R. E.)-The Campaign of 1815. (Map)....
LABOUREAU (REV. FATHER).-Reminiscences of the Huron Missions

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LANGTON (J.)-Early Discoveries of the French in North America. (Map) II. ii. 393-406
LEFROY (CAPT. J. H.)—On the Probable number of the Native Indian
Population of British America

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MACDONELL (HON. ALEX.)—Diary of Governor Simcoe's Journey.. IV. i. 128-39
MACDOUGALL (ALAN.)-The Boothick Indians
MCKELLAR (SHERIFF).—A Bragh or Stone Flour Mill. (Tit.) III.
MCLEAN (REV. JNO.)-The Blackfoot Confederacy..

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MORICE (REV. A. G., O.M.I.)-The Western Dénés. (Ill.)

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O'SULLIVAN (D. A.)—Experiments in Governing Canada..

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SCADDING (REV .HENRY).—Lahontan....

Yonge and Dundas Sts. (Ill.)



II. xiii. 304-29




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Canadian Local History (The 1st Gazetteer of U. Canada). 'I. χίν.
208-17, 305-8, 367-87, 513-41, 658-74.

Toronto of Old

227-62, 333-54, 431-8, 514-32; xiii. 82-112, 179-91, 256-68, 355-78, 43352, 562-80.

SPENCER (J. W.)-The Iroquois Beach. (Tit.)

STUPART (CAPT., R.N.)—Whence did the Scandinavians Obtain their

Knowledge of the Compass?

TYRRELL (J. B.)-David Thompson, The Pioneer Geographer of the


WILSON (SIR DANIEL).—Science in Rupert's Land.

Historical Footprints in America

Higher Education for Women

The Genius of Scott

Alexander Gordon the Antiquary ..

III. vi.


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ii. 159-75

JURISPRUDENCE AND LAW (See also History and Psychology.) O'SULLIVAN (D. A.)—Jurisprudence of Insanity PROUDFOOT (HON. W.)-Some Effects of Christianity on Legislation. IV. RAE (G. M.)-Should the Privilege of Making Wills be Restricted...... III. vi. 43 WILSON (SIR DANIEL).-The Law of Copyright.... II. xii. 415-29

LINGUISTICS (See also Archæology, Classical Philology, Ethnology and History.) ASSIKINACK (F.)—(A Warrior of the Odahwahs) The Odahwah Indian


BROWNING (T. B.)—Elocutionary Drill Chart. (IU...).......
BURNFIELD (REV. GEO.)-Ancient Egyptian Language..
CAMPBELL REV. PROF.)-Siberian Inscriptions. (IN.)..

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The Khitan Languages; the Aztec and its Relations... III.
Some Laws of Phonetic Change in the Khitan Language.. III.

CHAMBERLAIN (A. F.)-Relationship of the American Languages.... III.
The Eskimo Race and Language.

i. 282-99


The Catawba Language


The Mississagua Language. (Tit.)
Grammatical Gender

Language of the Mississaguas of Lake Scugog..
CUMMING (W. H.)- On the Amoy Colloquial Dialect....
DUNLOP (J. CUNNINGHAM).-The Quichua Language.
FERGUSON (REV. PROF.)-The Etruscan Question..
GEIKIE (REV. A. C.)-Canadian English..

HALE (HORATIO).-Development of Language.


57-76 vi. 8-10

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HOUSTON (WM.)—Old English Spelling and Pronunciation...

The Science of English
Phonetic Spelling....

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KELLOGG (REV. DR. S. H.)-Modern Hindi as related to the Sanskrit

and Prakrit.



MACLEAN (REV. JOHN).—Indian Languages and Literature in Mani

toba, North-West Territories and British Columbia...... III. V. MCNISH (REV. DR. N.)-Language and Literature of Brittany..



215-18 76-84

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ROUSE (M. L.)-On the Number, Nature and Musical Character of
Vowel Sounds

Analogy Between Consonants and Musical Instruments..

SCADDING (REV. DR.)—A Note on the Etymon of Ontario..

Phonetic Anomalies Observed in some Modern Forms of
Ancient Proper Names....

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SPENCE (DAVID).-Peculiarities and External Relations of the Gaelic

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SQUAIR (JNO.)—A Contribution to the Study of the Franco-Canadian

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TOUT (CHAS. HILL).--The Study of Language




VANDERSMISSEN (W. H.)—On the Nature of Roots and Words
WILSON (SIR DANIEL).—Vocal Language of Laura Bridgeman

LITERATURE (See also Archæology, Art and Ethnology.)

MACNISH (REV. N.)-The Poems of Ossian.....
MEREDITH (E. A.)-Some New Emendations in Shakespeare.
SCADDING (REV. DR.)-On Errata Recepta. II. ix. 137-53, 317-26; x. 31-40, 223-32,

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Leaves they have Touched. II. xiv. 73-124, 315-47, 479-502,
145-60, 531-45.

597-634; xv.

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Early Gazetteer and Map Literature of Western Canada.. II. XV. 23-45
Canadian Noms-de-Plume Identified....
332-48, 436-58
II. xiii. 347-51

.II. xv. 259-76,

SMITH (GOLDWIN).-The Lamps of Fiction (an address)..
WILSON (PROF. DANIEL).-Some Associations of the Canadian and

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