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ly entered on his work. His labours have been crowned with signal success. The spirit of hearing has increased, deep seriousness has pervaded the assemblies. Brands have been plucked out of the fire; enquirers have been satisfied, and penitents have been comforted. Some months ago a Christian church, including Fairburn and Brotherton, was established. You, Sir, formed it, and you know, nor will any of those who were present forget, the deep and holy impression which was then produced. The chapel was crowded, and God was with his people. Many tears were shed-many prayers were offered. Eight individuals came forward, and gave themselves publicly to be the Lord's; and since that time there has been an accession of six more. Mr. Senior has been regularly invited by them, as a church, to take the oversight of them in the Lord, and they have invited you and the pastors of other churches to recognize the union, to give him and them your advice, and to pray for their prosperity. On Wednesday, June 6, the Rev. - Watson, formerly of Highbury College, was ordained over the Independent church and congregation assembling in George Street Chapel, Cork.

The Rev. Mr. Gray, of Dublin, opened the service by prayer and reading the Scriptures. The Rev. W. Urwick, of Dublin, delivered the introductory discourse, and asked the usual quesquestions. The Rev. J. Burnet, of Camberwell, (the former pastor of this church) offered the ordination prayer, and gave the charge to his esteemed successor. In the evening Mr. Burnet preached to the people. The services were numerously and respectably attended, and there is every prospect that Mr. Watson will be extensively useful in this sphere of labour.


THE Rev. Joseph Fox, late of Fish Street Chapel, Hull, has accepted the unanimous invitation of the church and congregation assembling at Howard Street Chapel, Sheffield, and has commenced his ministerial labours there.

THE Rev. Samuel Weston, late of White's Hill, Hambrook, Gloucestershire, having accepted a call from the Independent Church, Wooburn, Buckinghamshire, commenced his stated labours the second Sabbath in April, with pleasing prospects of usefulness.



It is not, perhaps, so generally known in this country as it should be, that in consequence of the immense tide of emigration which is rolling on towards the shores of the Western world from Ireland and other parts of the papal dominions, Popery, that system of impiety and imposture, is most alarmingly on the increase in that country, and threatens, by pursuing a course of vigorous and artful proselytism, to undermine the foundation of Christianity, and to root up the tree of liberty, which has afforded its grateful shade to so many of our own and other climes. In America, so highly distinguished for the gracious and sovereign outpourings of the Holy Spirit, there are already half a million of Pa

pists. And every wave that lashes the western shores of the Atlantic bears on its bosom a reinforcement to this already formidable multitude.

Protestants, however, are not all asleep. There are many in whose bosoms breathes the inspiration of Luther, and Melancthon, and Huss, and Wycliffe, upon whom the mantles of these noble reformers have descended, and who dare to make a firm and uncompromising stand against this hydra of Antichrist.

In the war, however, which is now waging with the Jesuits in that country, they feel most lamentably the want of standard works on the Popish controversy, as books of evidence, reference, &c. The object of the writer in making this communication, is to lay before Christian ministers and others, the difficulties

under which our American brethren labour in pursuing this contest, from the above cause. And thus publicly to express a hope that should there be remaining in undisturbed repose on the shelves of any of our ministers, or public or private libraries, duplicates of any of the standard authors in this controversy, there would be no reluctance on the part of their owners in transporting them to the New World, where they might again do the wonders of former times!

The following extract from a letter addressed to the Rev. Octavius Winslow, of London, by the Editor of the New York "Protestant," will more explicitly unfold the object of this appeal:

"My Dear Sir,

New York, May, 1832.

"Having heard that you are about to return to the U. S., I beg to remind you, that any books upon Popery, especially the standard authors, would be invaluable to us here. I am continually at a loss for documents and books of reference. No present could be more acceptable than a hundred volumes of the best works upon Popery and Jesuitism, ancient and modern, and such books (not to be had here,) could be obtained in London immediately. We have organized a regular public discussion with the Papists in this city, and the priestly foxes are continually calling upon us for documents, proofs, evidence, &c. and you know that in these respects we are most lamentably deficient. You could not perform a more beneficial service to the Protestant cause than to bring over with you a quantity of the most impor tant books upon the Papal Controversy. Any minister in England would certainly devote a superfluous book from his library in consideration of the public purposes to which it was to be consecrated in the warfare in this country.

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Jamaica; the Rev. WM. NEWMAN, D.D. in the Chair;

It was unanimously resolved,

1. That the Board fully convinced that the principles which have uniformly guided the proceedings of the Baptist Missionary Society, have strictly accorded with the pacific spirit of the Gospel, and equally satisfied that their Missionaries in Jamaica have acted in confor mity to the instruction given them by the Society, view with indignation the attempt to criminate those Missionaries as parties in the late insurrection, and congratulate the Committee and the whole Christian public, on the signally triumphant manner in which these base charges have been refuted.

2. That the serious losses sustained in the destruction of the Society's property, together with the violent and illegal outrages on the persons and families of the Missionaries, call for the liveliest sympathy, and this Board confidently trusts that the appeal which has been made to the British Government for protection and redress will be effectual, more especially as such proceedings are directly at variance with the British Constitution, and an insult to the dignity of the throne.

3. That the decided hostility which has been shown, on former occasions, as well as on the present, by slave-holders to the labours of Christian Missionaries, affords, a convincing proof that the system is irreconcilably opposed to the progress of the Gospel, and ought therefore no longer to be protected by the British Government.

4. That a petition, founded on the foregoing resolutions be forthwith presented to both Houses of Parliament, and that as a general election is expected speedily to take place, this Board call upon their friends possessing the elective franchise throughout the united kingdom, to support such candidates only as will pledge themselves to promote the immediate and entire abolition of slavery.

J. B. SHENSTON, Secretary.

To the Honourable the House of Commons in Parliament assembled, the Petition of the undersigned Ministers meeting at Fen Court, London, constituting the Baptist Board, humbly sheweth,

That your petitioners, fully convinced that the principles which have uniformly guided the proceedings of the Baptist Missionary Society, have strictly accorded with the pacific spirit of the Gospel, and equally satisfied that their Missionaries in Jamaica have acted in conformity with the instructions given them by the So

ciety, view with indignation the attempt to criminate those Missionaries as parties in the late insurrection, and rejoice in the signally triumphant manner in which those base charges have been refuted..

That your petitioners contemplate with the liveliest sympathy, the violent and illegal outrages committed on the persons and families of the said Missionaries, and the serious losses sustained in the destruction of the Society's property, and earnestly implore from your Honourable House redress for the past, and protection for the future, more especially as your petitioners humbly conceive that the proceedings of which they complain are totally at variance with the British Constitution, and an insult to the dignity of the throne.

That your petitioners are fully convinced, from the decided hostility which has constantly been shown by the great body of slave-holders to the labours of Christian Missionaries, that the system of slavery is irreconcilably opposed to the progress of the Gospel, and therefore do earnestly pray that your Honourable House will, without further delay, adopt such measures as to your wisdom shall seem meet, for the immediate and entire abolition of that system throughout the British dominions.

To the Ministers of the Baptist Denomina

tion throughout the Kingdom. Dear Brethren,-I am directed to transmit to you the preceding resolutions of the Baptist Board, and especially to call your attention to the last, with an earnest request that you will read it from your pulpits, and in any practicable way enforce upon your congregations the importance of acting in conformity with it. The state of our Mission and Churches, in the island of Jamaica, imperatively calls upon us to act with decision and firmness, as the friends of the slave. To all his other injuries is now added that of a most fierce and cruel persecution for righteousness sake, a persecution of such a nature, both in the causes from which it has sprung and in the spirit by which it has been marked, as leads at once to the conclusion that the existence of Christianity is incompatible any longer with the existence of slavery, and that one or other in that Colony must cease.

The ensuing elections will afford an opportunity of all others the most favourable for the expression of feeling on the subject; and such is the state of the public mind, that nothing more seems required than for the various communities of Dissenters to act in concert, on the occasion, to secure such a return of mem

bers to the Commons House of Parliament, as will give the fairest promise of effecting the entire and speedy extinction of the Negro's wrongs. I am therefore desired to represent to you the great importance of bringing the subject distinctly under the notice of your friends, at this particular crisis, that all of them who may now have to exercise the elective franchise may require a pledge from the candidates to whom their votes are given, that they will support the cause of immediate emancipation.

I am, dear Brethren, yours truly,
J. B. SHENSTON, Secretary.


All our readers have doubtless deplored the atrocious assault that was committed upon the person of our beloved Sovereign, at the Ascot Races, on Tuesday, June 19th, by a profligate old sailor named Dennis Collins.

This brutal attack has called forth expressions of loyal and grateful attachment from all classes of the King's subjects. The body of Dissenting Ministers held a special general meeting, and voted a loyal address to the King, which was presented to His Majesty, at St. James's Palace, on Wednesday, July 11, by the following deputation: -the Rev. Robert Aspland, Chairman; Thomas Rees, LL.D. Secretary; Robert Winter, D.D.; John Rippon, D.D.; John Humphrys, LL.D.; W. Wall; J. B. Shenston; John P. Smith, D.D.; Wm. Newman, D.D.; John Clayton, Jun. M.A.; John Coates; John T. Geary; Arch. Barclay, LL.D.; George Pritchard; William Broadfoot; John Arundel; Benjaman Mardon, M.A.; James Yates, M.A.; and Thomas Thomas. His Majesty was graciously pleased to receive_the deputation in his closet; when the Rev. Dr. Winter read as follows:

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty.

May it please your Majesty,

We, your Majesty's loyal and dutiful subjects, the Protestant Dissenting Ministers of the Three Denominations in and about the cities of London and Westminster, humbly approach your Majesty's presence, to express our most cordial congratulations upon your Majesty's deliverance from the late atrocious assault upon your Majesty's royal person.

Our thankful acknowledgments are continually presented to the Father of Mercies for this instance of his great goodness, both to your Majesty and to the people under your paternal sway.

It is our earnest prayer that your Majesty's invaluable life may be long pre

served; that the blessing of the Almighty may rest on your Majesty's person, on your Royal Consort, the Queen, and on the whole of your royal family; and that the supreme Potentate, by whom kings reign, would cause all the measures of your Majesty's Government to issue in the peace and prosperity of this great kingdom, and the increase of knowledge, liberty, virtue, and religion throughout the world.

And our fervent supplications shall not fail to ascend to the throne of the Divine Grace, that after an extended and happy reign, your Majesty may be exalted, by the mercy of God, through the mediation of our Redeemer, to a crown of Glory, unfading and everlasting. This address was signed on behalf of the general body of Dissenting Ministers, by the members of the Deputation.

His Majesty was pleased to return the following most gracious answer.

"I return you my thanks for this dutiful address. The sentiments which you have expressed on the outrage lately offered to me are such as I should have expected from your known loyalty. And I rely with confidence on your attachment to my person and government, and on your steady support of our invaluable constitution."

The compiler of The Court Circular, whose accuracy is proverbial in reporting this Deputation, remarks, "This address was also expected to be received on the throne but being only a deputation from the general body, they were not entitled to that high honour. It is only when the general body attends that, from precedent, they are entitled to receive an answer from the throne."

Led by this veritable authority, the editors of The Record proceed to their wonted taste of lecturing the Dissenting Ministers in the following strain.

"Some surprise seems to have been felt that His Majesty did not honour this Deputation by receiving their address on the Throne. But when we consider who some of the persons were who composed the Deputation, it could hardly be anticipated that any peculiar mark of distinction could be conferred upon them, which was not strictly required by precedent. His Majesty could not be wholly ignorant of the recent conduct of the Rev. Mr. Aspland at the Meeting at the Mermaid Tavern in Hackney. His Majesty must be more or less than man, could he view with complacency a body that had selected as their Chairman one who had so recently and so publicly vilified his Royal Consort in a manner so unmanly and distressing. Did the Three Denominations altogether forget the language of indignation and dis

gust expressed even by Sir Francis Burdett against those by whom the Queen was so atrociously maligned. According to Sir Francis Burdett, there was not a single gentleman "who did not glow with the blush of indignant shame, when he thought of the manner in which the. illustrious and exemplary Lady had been dragged before the public, and her character and conduct libelled in a manner the most distressing and humiliating to his mind, and, as he was sure it must have been, to the mind of every honourable man.

"The feelings expressed by Sir Francis Burdett were those of an English gentleman, but the Three Denominations from whose profession of Christianity something more might have been expected, not only pronounce no censure upon Mr. Aspland, but actually select him to be their Chairman, and as such to appear in the Royal presence. We confess that we marvel much at the bad taste both of the Board and Mr. Aspland. We observe, indeed, that Mr. Fox was not present, but when we recollect that Mr. Aspland had done his utmost to heap obloquy on the Queen, to bring Her Majesty into contempt, charging her with intriguing against the rights of the people, and suggesting that the fate of Queen Vashti might be her portion, we do confess that his intrusion into the presence of her Royal Consort on this occasion, could be viewed as nothing better than an insult to His Majesty. We would venture also to suggest to Dr. Smith, that as he was present, and took a part in the same meeting, his absence might also have been more delicate. Indeed, the eulogiums heaped by that Rev. Gentleman on Mr. Aspland after he uttered the abuse upon the Queen, seemed almost to identify him with Mr. Aspland. We would therefore call upon Dr. Smith to do justice to himself, and clear his character with the public, by manifesting his abhorrence of the calumnies uttered against that illustrious, and at the same time most amiable and virtuous, Lady. What value can be placed on the loyalty of those who do not scruple to wound the feelings of their Sovereign by attacking his Queen, or making common cause with those who seek to destroy the Monarchy."

Our readers will be amused to discover that all this solemn prosing is founded on the blunder of the Court Reporter, for the Dissenting Ministers, since they have enjoyed the privilege of approaching the Sovereign, have never been received on the throne but after an accession, and on all other occasions, in the royal closet, and by deputation, consequently no disappoint

ment was felt on the present occasion in fact, it was known by every member of the Deputation, that the mode of their reception was arranged when the time of it was appointed. Had the editors of the Record seen the address, they might have spared their remarks respecting the feelings of the body towards her majesty the Queen.


Mrs. ODY was the wife of Thos. Ody, Esq. one of the deacons of the Church of Christ in Fetter Lane, under the pastoral care of the Rev. Caleb Morris and the late Rev. Geo. Burder, and the daughter of the late Rev. Jas. Webb, who for upwards of twenty-four years sustained the pastoral office in the above place of worship with exemplary piety and distinguished usefulness. The subject of this memoir was born 1750, and having received early in life very serious impres sions of the evil of sin and the great value and efficacy of the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, she became, at the age of nineteen, a candidate for Church communion, to the joy and comfort of her beloved parents, and continued a humble retired disciple of the blessed Jesus for sixty-three years, an example this, worthy the consideration and imitation of all young persons, but especially the children of pious parents and minis


She was of a delicate bodily habit, but of a calm and even temper of mind, seldom at any period rising to a high degree of spiritual enjoyment; on the contrary, she was frequently reduced to very dis tressing doubts respecting her interest in Christ, owing, probably, to great debility in the nervous system, arising out of a peculiar disorder which she endured with Christian patience and resignation for nearly fifty years. It was her happiness, however, during the last few weeks of her life to experience much joy and peace in believing, and was enabled to

pour out her soul's desire by repeating many of the exceeding great and precious promises.

She was frequently engaged in fervent prayer, particularly for her grand-children and other relatives, and domestics who surrounded her dying bed, and affectionately exhorted all who came near her to seek the Lord in good earnest, assuring them that he was to her soul "the chief of ten thousand, and altogether lovely"-"All her salvation and all her desire."

Thus died this aged Christian, May 23, 1832, in the eighty-second year of her age; just six days previous to her revered friend and pastor, the Rev. Mr. Burder. They were buried in the same grave yard, (Bunhill Fields) and their funeral sermons preached on the same day, June 10; Mr. Burder's in the morning by Dr. Fletcher, from the Epistle by Jude, 21st verse; Mrs. Ody's in the evening by Mr. Morris, from He. brews ii. 15th verse, to very crowded assemblies.

Died, June 5, at Cookham Grove, Berkshire, AMELIA LONDON, relict of Broome Witts, Esq. aged 89.

During a long life she was usefully connected with various religious institutions, to which she liberally contributed; the poor in her neighbourhood have lost a sincere friend. Her piety was unaffected, and yet fervent, she lived in the fear, rejoiced in the love, and died in the faith of her God and Saviour; her last moments are well represented by her favourite author, Newton :

Fainter, her breath, and fainter grew,

Until she breath'd her last;
The soul was gone before we knew

The stroke of death was past.

Soft was the moment and serene,
That all her sufferings clos'd;
No agony nor struggle seen,
No feature discompos'd.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND MINOR CORRESPONDENCE. Communications have been received from the Rev. Messrs. James Rawson-W. L. Alexander-Thos. Milner-J. B. Shenston-Thos. Scales-Robt. Halley-Samuel Weston-J. Bounsall-G. Croft-Edmund T. Prust-G. Redford-O. WinslowH. Barker-Wm. Clayton-Edward Giles-James Pinkerton.

Also from Messrs. George Hunter-S. Ines-T. Williams-M, Hutchinson-Hall Tirrell.

We thank Mr. Hutchinson for his frank observations, and we shall be additionally obliged if he will, by his own contributions, or by securing the aid of those "who sometimes exercise a little criticism" upon us, try to lessen the evils of which he complains. Our work depends upon the denomination it represents for support, and it is in the power of its literary friends greatly to improve it, if they please.

By an accident, two or three communications received this month have been lost, which we regret as much as those who favoured us with them can do. May we request that our esteemed correspondents, whose communications are not acknowledged in the above list, will supply us again with copies of the articles, which by this circumstance, never came to our hands.

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