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Kindly translated for this Magazine by a Gentleman in London.

THE names of persons and places are suppressed, in order to prevent inconvenience to the excellent writer; but that precaution is unnecessary in the latter part of the letter, as the conversion of Mr. Lutz, and nearly all his parishioners, to the Protestant faith, the sacrifices which he has made, and the sufferings to which he is exposed, have been published in some of the German periodical journals.

Extract of a Letter from a Lutheran Pastor of a Parish in the South of Germany, to his Friend in the North of that Country, 23d January, 1832.

66 Dearly beloved Brother in Jesus Christ our Lord,-I should long ago have replied to your kind letters, had it not been my constant intention to write you once more a very long letter, for which I was unable to find the requisite time, either before or after my change of place and office. It is but within these few days that I have been able again to devote a little time to letter-writing, and you shall now have a very copious communication from me. May you peruse it with as much pleasure as I write it!for the religious intercourse which I have with you causes me great delight. Receive, first of all, my sincere thanks for your valued letters, and for the great kindness with which you continue to for

ward those communications which I receive from you, or by your means, namely, the excellent tracts, Rautenberg's Memorials, &c. &c. I should feel happy in being able, in return, to do you some kind office.

"It is my intention, at present, to write to you at some length, but I have to request you will show this letter to all the dear friends, to whom I am still indebted, with reference to replies and thanks, but to whom I cannot now write. My reverend brother, Mr. --- has perhaps already informed you, that I feel myself very happy in my present situation, and daily praise God for his gracious dispensations towards me. On the 8th of September, last year, I removed from

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but ah! with what feelings and sensations! having spent the ten most remarkable years of suffering and enjoyment that I had ever experienced. Noah could not possibly have descended from N. S. No. 89.

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his ark with more joy, although with much more devotion, than I felt in leaving where I was not only often obliged to live in absolute penury, and was often almost destitute of decent clothing, but was also every Sunday, and on other days, grieved almost to death with the Socinian sermons and Jesuitical conversation of The inhabitants parted with me very unwillingly, because, though my parishioners were scattered through ten different places, yet I might have been of service to the town by improving the schools and teachers.* leaving my house, and arriving at the market-place, I found about forty persons assembled. These accompanied me, some in carriages and others on horseback, as far as the little town of --, where a deputation of two hundred persons from


[his new parish], were waiting for me, with the most diversified expectations; for I had been represented to them by y, of the rationalist clergy

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sense, capacity, or illu n as a deranged man. others had given me But on my taking leave c those who had accompanied me from [the old parish], and who consisted of the most respectable and pious inhabitants of that place, and who had urged me with tears to make application for their rectorship, and when the teachers all heartily thanked me, my new parishioners looked at each other with astonishment. They then told me, openly and unreservedly, what they had heard, both good and bad, respecting me, and in what a dilemma they had felt themselves placed by my nomination to ---, for according to ---, (a periodical paper devoted to the interests of supranaturalism) they could only expect to find me a person altogether mean and contemptible. My wished now to be heard

friends from


my defence, but to any measure of this kind I could not accede. This was a very remarkable and memorable day for us all. On reaching here, in the evening, at seven o'clock, amidst the ringing of all the bells, which most deeply affected me, nearly 1000 people were assembled before the house, whose looks, expressive of the greatest curiosity, almost pierced me through. I spoke to them with affection, and intreated, above

This devoted minister was really useful there, probably to a much greater extent than he is now aware of, TT

all things, their love, and that they would intercede in their prayers for me and mine Upon this every individual pressed towards me, to squeeze my hand, and assure me of his affection. Every one seemed as if he would ask pardon for the prejudices they had cherished, and the wrong which in their hearts they might have done me. Soon it came out that the day before they had disagreed respecting the manner in which they should receive me; whether it was to be with coldness, or with the appearances of esteem and affection. To this an article [in the Neologist paper mentioned above] contributed much, wherein it was said, "The darling of the Consistory is at length provided for, and made


where he will shortly establish his lullaby cradle for babes of grace, and embellish it with the sweet unction of [--his publications with religious tracts of all kinds, and with chips and shavings from the old block of [alluding to a pious clergyman in another parish]. Rejoice, ye inhabitants of the Consistory has made your cup overflow. But no! rejoice not; rather weep and lament, for you are to have a fire-brand.'

"Such is the style in which this Journal, in almost every number, attempts to ridicule me. Soon after my arrival, I was inducted [into the living] on which occasion I had to preach my first sermon, which excited the expectations of the whole congregation. After the introductory discourse of the Rev. Mr. member of the Consistory, in which he commended me to the congregation, I preached from 1 Cor. i. 17-21. In the exordium I endeavoured to show the difference between the past and the present, with respect to a Christian minister's entering into office, with reference to both himself and his congregation, what are the mutual obligations and privileges of each; and then stated the manner in which I intended to discharge the duties of my office, and what gave me consolation and encouragement to this course; namely, reflection upon Him who had sent me the message which I had to de

The editor of that Journal is a clergyman, a very bitter adversary to the Gospel. We have heard, from a very credible source, that he lately addressed the children (who came to him, according to "the usages of the Lutheran church, to be instructed in order to confirmation) upon the subject of Christian missions, detailed the false statements of Capt. Kotzebue, and exclaimed, " Children, curse these missions!" Ed.

liver to them; the way in which this commission was to be discharged, not with words of human wisdom, &c.; and the experience which I had hitherto had of the divine power of the Gospel, for the preaching of the cross to them that believe," &c. The Lord, who knew how much depended upon this discourse, assisted me in it, more than I could have asked or thought, and blessed it in such a manner that the whole congregation (with the exception of those who were either entirely infidels, or deeply asleep in sin), signified their cordial approbation, and have ever since loaded me with proofs of affection and confidence. This is also the case with the parochial school. There is only one school for 260 children; and it has been hitherto much neglected; a great evil, which must be remedied.

"I entered upon my ministerial labour with a cheerful heart, good courage, and the warmest gratitude at finding myself again in the midst of a church. I immediately commenced the distribution of the tracts which I received by your means from the Hamburgh Society, happily the week after my arrival here, and which gratified me exceedingly. In the course of the week scarcely a single copy was left on hand; every one sought to have one of the little books, which they had already heard so much ridiculed. But soon it began to be said, 'This is the true doctrine; it was thus that old preached (a Gospel minister, who lived here fifty years ago); thank God that we read it again. Things will now, with the divine blessing, soon mend again.' Thus the tracts became, so to speak, truly faithful and blessed assistants and domestic missionaries; and they furnished me, when I soon after commenced visiting my congregation, the fittest occasions for the most interesting conversation. I cannot tell you, my dear brother, how much I am indebted to them, and how rapidly they assisted in expelling former prejudices against the cause of God. One said to the other, Have you this little work? and this? and that likewise?' And, in the course of a quarter of a year, more has been read in the Bible and religious works, than for a long time previously. My parish consists of 1900 souls, is in great want of Bibles, and was dealt with in the most unpardonable and disgusting manner by

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the predecessor of him whom I succeeded. My immediate predecessor was an evangelical and exemplary character, but too much of the recluse student, and he troubled himself too little about the care of souls, which indeed is generally the case in Bavaria. His immediate predecessor, above-men

tioned, was a very infidel and licentious character. His sermons were miserable, and his pretended instruction of the children was actually filled with double entendres, and even foul obscenity.

"In short, both church and altar were so profaned and defiled by him, that no one would go to church any more. Under his ministry, the weeds of infidelity rapidly increased, and produced with respect to morals the most shocking results, so that there are still persons living together unlawfully; and during the last twentyfive years, drinking, gaming, and licentiousness, have tremendously increased. On commencing my visits, when I mentioned things which gave me pain, my parishioners knew not what to do; they were perfectly surprised, because none of their ministers for half a century past had taken such a course. The better sort rejoiced, thanked me, and assisted me; while the unbelieving and immoral complain and ridicule. But the Lord is with me, and has already given me to see many pleasing fruits. There is a con siderable excitement in the congregation, the services are always numerously attended, and my house is also daily visited by such as are seeking salvation. A small number is already awakened amongst whom is a treasury clerk, who, I expect with God's help, will be a second Timothy to me. He already holds private meetings, collects subscriptions for the Bible and Missionary Societies, and bears the contempt of the unbelieving with Christian steadfastness and resignation.

"My deanery comprises six parishes, with the oversight of 20 schools. With respect to my subordinate preachers, I am very fortunate. The most of them are young men of talent, susceptible of good impressions, abhorring rationalism, and much attached to me. They have read my periodical work since its first publication; and have received me joyfully. I have also succeeded in establishing conferences of ministers, which are very interesting and beneficial to all. They distribute tracts and other pious works with pleasure. The same is the case with many of the schoolmasters, so that I could still make use of thousands of tracts to supply my deanery and district. By means of tracts, I can operate daily many miles around; every one is desirous of them, but I can obtain no payment for them. Every thing is expected from me gratis. To this the people have been accustomed; for when I began to distribute tracts in various parts of Bavaria, I could only get the people to take them without paying. Could you, my dearest brother, speak a word in my

favour to the Hamburgh Society? You see that the tracts assist me most charmingly in my operations, and there is always a great desire for them. I am likewise continually applied to by many preachers in and out of my district, for tracts I have also collected four Prussian dollars for the Tract Society, (one dollar from myself). O that the tracts were only something cheaper! For the last parcel I was obliged to pay 5 Pr. dollars. There is much inquiry for Keith's little work [on the Prophecies, abridged.] Have the goodness to send ten or a dozen copies of it on my account. The Watchmaker of Geneva, the Journey from Time to Eternity, the Warning Voice, Sabbath Occupations, the Sufferings of Christ, and Jesus receiveth Sinners, are also much read here.

"With respect to my dwelling, church, income, and vicinity, I have cause for thankfulness to God. The church is entirely mine, suitable for weak lungs. I am occupied every Sunday, from five in the morning till nine in the evening. My habitation is very spacious, cheerful, and healthy; and my income not so uncertain

as at

and about 200 florins more;

so that I can now apply something for the education of my children, and particularly to the support of my older son, who is 10 years old, and a boy of much ability, at the Gymnasium of , with less oppressive carefulness. I could have here scarcely an hour to spare, for teaching him languages, which is at present so much regarded in Bavaria. He has been since 31st of Oct. last, and is the 9th in rank, of 27 other scholars, who are most of them older than he. I am unable to tell you how happy I feel, in being able to work and live with somewhat less care, in my many occupations, which could well employ three or four persons.


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"Fourteen days after my arrival here, I had to feel very painfully what it was to be called a mystic dean, and consequently to stand in a contemptible light in the eyes of the proud. I had to install into office, as suffragan preacher, a truly able and gospel minister. Now with us there exists the evil arrangement of doing this in conjunction with a civil commissary, generally the chief magistrate for the district, or one of his assessors.

A subordinate officer was delegated on this occasion, a very licentious and en tirely infidel character, extremely addicted to drunkenness, and who boasts of his unbelief under the title of enlightened reason. This man undertook to

* The translator supposes this was for carriage alone.

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make me feel the superiority of infidelity over mysticism, and if possible publicly to disgrace me. But he had not courage for this in a sober state, he therefore aided his spirits with wine and brandy, and came to church intoxicated. In the midst of my sermon, on the words, I will give you pastors after mine own heart, who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding:' he stood up before the whole numerous congregation, and cried out, I must solemnly protest against this; but he became quiet again, on my replying, that he had there nothing to protest against, and ought not to disturb the worship. In the speech he made after my sermon, he intended every word should pierce me; he spoke of the inclination of so many of the clergy to Ultramontanism, Jesuitism, and mysticism, and although himself a nominal Roman Catholic, yet he warned the newly installed preacher, not to go back to Rome, but forward, like the great Luther, &c. After the service was over, supported by the other clergy, I called him to a serious account respecting his improper behaviour, and particularly the disturbance he had occasioned, his miserable prating about mysticism, &c. and declared that I would inform the Consistory and the Government of it, on which he withdrew from the parsonage house, without partaking of the dinner, as is customary, and went to an inn, where he drank to excess, and scoffed at my mysticism in the most mean and vulgar manner. He did the same thing on the way at an inn kept by a Catholic, and at length arrived here about 9 o'clock, when he had nothing to do. In one of the inns of the town he continued railing at me, until a Jew, and several housekeepers with him, threatened to push him out of doors. I immediately informed the Consistory and the Government, yet sparing the man as far as I could. But as he had recourse, in his official report, to the most scandalous falsehoods, a particular account was required from me by the Consistory of the government, which grew to the length of five folio pages. This was on the 9th of October last, and I am now daily expecting to know the result. This event gave me a fine opportunity of preaching Christ to the civil authorities in my copious account of it, and to enlarge upon the senseless and unconscionable outcry inade by the civil power at mysticism,* so called, mystic preachers, &c. I am very

In many parts of Germany, all who make a profession of serious religion, are called mystics.

desirous, with many of my friends, to hear the result, but expect, with regard to myself, that it will end very favourably. Should, however, the reverse be in any measure the case, I should be under the necessity of publishing the whole statement; as within a month afterwards, the affair was reported through the whole of Bavaria, and misrepresented in the most false and shameful manner.

(To be continued.)



"It cannot be concealed," says the Record, "that the first attempt which has been made by using separation as an instrument to induce the British and Foreign Society to yield the points at present in dispute, has signally failed !”

On Thursday, the 12th of April, a special general meeting of the original subscribers only of the Trinitarian Bible Society, and from which all other persons, even reporters, were most carefully shut out, was held at Exeter Hall, to discuss the necessity of an additional test, in order to exclude the disciples of Edward Irving from their holy fellowship.-Says the same Journal, "The greatest number present, at any part of the day, ladies and gentlemen together, was 105. Of these, fifteen were supposed to have retired without voting, three declined to vote, the minority (for an additional test), consisted of 39; the majority, a very large proportion of which may be presumed to have been Irvingites, was 48. So that, even as it regards numbers, to what has the magnificent meeting dwinIdled which assembled at the formation of this Society!"

If those parties are not greatly_maligned, it was a most disorderly and disgraceful scene, which closed in the resignation of the leading elders of this new Trinity Company, who were compelled to flee from the tottering ruins of that spiritual lighthouse which they had fondly dreamed was to warn the churches of the dangerous shoals of "false doctrine, heresy, and schism."

Thus, after six months of solemn preparation, four months of feverish and worse than profitless existence, after wasting many hundred pounds in advertisements, postage, statements, and what not; after exciting a controversy which has occupied the minds and exhausted the time and energies of many gifted men, who might have been more beneficially employed, after having endangered the peace, unity, and usefulness of the best human institution the world ever saw;

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At an extraordinary meeting of the general body of Protestant Dissenting Ministers of the Three Denominations, residing in and about the cities of London and Westminster, holden at the Library, Redcross-street, on Thursday, April 19, 1832, the Rev. F. A. Cox, LL.D., in the chair;

It was resolved,--That this body is deeply impressed with a sense of the duty of a Christian community to provide for the education of the whole people, as the best security for social order and harmony, and as the most likely means, under the blessing of the Divine Providence, to promote the true knowledge of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fear and worship of Almighty God.

That we consider all education essentially defective which does not include instruction in the Holy Scriptures, which we regard as the only sure ground of faith, the unerring rule of life, and the infallible guide to immortality.

That experience teaches us, at the same time, that the Holy Scriptures cannot be taught effectually and universally in a course of national education, without a constant and cautious observance of the great principle of the right of private judgment, and that any violation of this principle tends to prolong the reign of prejudice, to excite uncharitableness, to degrade the Bible from its sacred use, and to pervert it into an instrument of discord and division.

That, with these impressions, we have witnessed with much satisfaction the appointment by His Majesty's government of a commission for administering the funds granted by Parliament for the education of the poor of Ireland--the Commissioners consisting of persons belonging to different religious denominations in that country, and appointed under instructions which provide for the use of such scriptural lessons in the schools, as may be agreed on by all the Commissioners, and also for setting apart one or two days in the week for the religious education of the children by the respective

ministers and teachers of religion whom their parents shall prefer.

And that being fully persuaded, that in the present critical condition of Ireland, this is the most eligible plan of ensuring a national and religious education in that country, of promoting the civil, moral, and spiritual improvement of the Irish people, and of guarding the tranquillity and advancing the prosperity of the United Kingdom, this body agrees to petition both houses of Parliament to give their sanction and support in carrying into effect the measure devised by tion of the poor of Ireland. His Majesty's government for the educa




Your Committee have the pleasure to state, that during the past year, their protection has been claimed only in one instance, where a trustee of a congregation in the country has been complained of for withholding title-deeds, and money, forming part of the endowment of a chapel. Your Committee have caused an investigation to be made into the circumstances, in the hope that an amicable adjustment will be effected.

Pursuant to the arrangement referred to in the report of your Committee last year, relative to the Marriage Law, the have held several meetings with deputations from the Protestant Society and the Unitarian Association upon this important subject; but it is considered most prudent still to delay bringing forward any specific measure, occupied as the government and parliament of the country are with momentous affairs, some of which directly bear upon the proposed alterations in the Marriage Law, and the registration of births and burials.

Your Committee refer with much satisfaction to the petitions presented from this Deputation to the House of Commons in February last, for the removal of all civil disabilities affecting the Jews, as an evidence that this Deputation is still the strenuous and consistent advocate for civil and religious liberty.

Your Committee would draw your attention, in the last place, to a circumstance, which can hardly fail to prove peculiarly gratifying to every member of this deputation in particular, and to Dissenters generally as affording an opportunity of rendering some return to a Nobleman, for whose services on their be

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