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'Melchisedec,' says, 'first being, by interpretation, king of righteousness, and after that also king of Salem, which is king of peace,' Heb. vii. 2. Now what are the modern manifestations on the part of those who pretend to have been favoured with supernatural visitations? In the first place there was an alleged gift exercised, but no interpretation at all, and this in express violation of the apostolic order; secondly, when the assumed interpretation in the known language of our own country has been delivered, in no case has it happened, that 'to another' than the speaker, has the gift of interpretation been vouchsafed. No one has yet been able to interpret another's communication; and the interpretation itself, when delivered by the speaker, has nothing whatever of the character of interpretation. The tongue' utters a few unintelligible sounds, altogether,

as far as has hitherto appeared,' without signification;' and no testimony has yet been found which presents any evidence whatever of their being literally capable of coherent interpretation. These sounds are pronounced with hurried and frenzied rapidity; they burst forth with Sibylline fury, to the astounding of all who hear the unintelligible utterances, and are chiefly of a vocal character, with little of perceptible and distinct articulation. If they were taken down in writing, they would occupy only a few lines or sentences; while the assumed interpretation bears no perceptible correspondence to the arrangements of the unknown language. The translations are marked by singular reiterations of terms and phrases -with nothing about them, as compared with the unknown tongue, that gives the verisimilitude of interpretation."


Letters on Education, by J. P. Mursell,

59 pp. 8vo. IN these letters, which are five in number, the nature of education, its mental advantages, its political aspect,

its influences on the morals of the

people, and its bearing on the great subject of religion, are successively

discussed. Under each of these heads may be found many valuable sugges

tions and observations.

We shall confine our remarks to Mr. Mursell's views on popular education, which, we confess, we are somewhat at a loss to understand.

He tells us that

"Popular Education should be conducted on the simplest and most liberal principles, while the momentous interests of religion, should never be confounded with it, no tests whatever should be prescribed, while a general proclamation should be sounded; ignorance and necessity should be the only requisites, and the claims of the empire its only bounds. Mr. Lancaster attempted some years ago to establish such a system, and to pour the light of Education over the land, when Dr. Bell took the hint, and imitating his plans, applied them exclusively to the endowed church. These two fountains, the one consecrated, and the other common, have been flowing with various

success along their respective channels, and in concert with numerous tributary streams, have in some measure, cheered and refreshed the earth; but the appeal for unrestricted Education, is growing more and more loud and distinct; intion, but are refusing to purchase it at creasing thousands are imploring instructhe disgusting cost, of uttering the shibboleth of either churchism or dissent; whilst they are shrewd enough to perceive, that whichever has the most to dread from the circulation of knowledge, has the least claim on the favourable suffrage of a rising nation."-- pp. 24, 25.

And then, in remarking on the influence of education, upon the morals of the people, he asks,

"Why may not the children of the poor be received into schools, provided for their reception, on some wide and general plan, in which the lessons of morality should be exclusively taught, and its beautiful spirit awakened and cherished; where, by kind, familiar, and easy methods they may be imbued with pure and elevated sentiments, and be made to feel, that nothing can adorn them but their presence, and that nothing can degrade them but their absence: and this the more readily, because the earliest season of rational existence is the most adapted for it, for nature has designed her offspring to be moral, before

they can be learned. The difficulties attendant on such an arrangement, would be infinitely more than compensated, in the national benefit it would confer; and if these be deemed insurmountable, before they be tried, it only illustrates the national standard of morality, as well as the inconsistency and hypocrisy of continued complaints: when some such scheme has been matured, or the energies it would wield, otherwise secured, we may expect a corresponding result." --pp. 41, 42.

Presuming that, by lessons of morality, Mr. Mursell means scriptural

instruction; for we are sure he will agree with us, that sound morality is not to be found any where else, we cannot help asking-has he never heard of the British and Foreign School Society, which has been establishing schools upon this very principle for the last twenty years?

We are quite ready to admit that increasing thousands greatly need instruction, but that they are imploring it in any sense whatever, we gravely question. The fact is, that the most deadly apathy generally prevails among the poor with regard to the blessings of a good education. As to "increasing thousands refusing to purchase education at the disgusting cost of uttering the Shibboleth of Dissent," we really do not know to what Mr. M. refers. The Society to which we have alluded, although termed by ultra churchmen a Dissenting Society, maintains the most perfect neutrality on the question of Church and Dissent; and we have frequently heard that the feeble support it has always received might be attributed, in great measure, to its unsectarian principles.

No one

party has decidedly given it their support.

Mr. M. seems to think that religious instruction should always be widely separated from that which is merely secular. He complains that "the great question of religion has been mixed up with the subordinate business of education, and children taught the Creed at one minute, and a sum in subtraction at another."

"There were no distinction between secular and spiritual affairs, or if to be fitted to buy and to sell, and to maintain a respectable place in civilized life, were the same thing as to learn to serve God here, and as to prepare to enjoy him

hereafter, there may be some propriety in this; but while religion is distinct in its very essence from all other acquisitions and pursuits, such efforts will continue both abortive and absurd."—p. 24.

In another place he observes, "The only direct religious education which has been provided for the popular mind has been supplied by the establishment of Sunday-schools." Now we hold that the schools of the British and Foreign School Society do provide direct religious instruction, and that of the most unobjectionable kind, the very kind Mr. M. sighs after-" the Scriptures, unaccompanied by Creeds or Commentaries." We know that out of the four hundred schools of this description in England a great proportion are conducted by decidedly pious teachers; and had not the Christian public been strangely insensible to this important subject, the number of these devoted labourers would have been increased tenfold.

We can assure the respected author of the Letters, that we do not make these remarks in an unkind spirit, but we cannot help fearing that there is a prevailing disposition to undervalue existing institutions, and we are sorry that he should have appeared to countenance such a mischievous practice.

We are desirous of concluding our notice of the pamphlet with the following excellent observations, in which we cordially agree:

"Immediate benefit should not be

expected in the religious tuition of the young, and when it occurs, it is illustrative of the sovereignty as well as of the goodness of God. But where direct benefit is not conveyed, the pupil is, in a measure, prepared for the future culture of the ministry. The information which is imparted, and the impressions which are made in the school, often ripen into fruit elsewhere, and at the various stages of the subsequent history, their influences may aid in the structure and stability of the character. God, for wise ends, conceals from his servants, the measure of good they may instrumentally effect, and often suffers one to commence what another may complete; nor should they be anxious, so much to perceive the result, as faithfully to discharge their commission, confiding in Him who has engaged that they shall not labour in vain.'

1. Remarks on the present State of the Dissenting Interest, with Hints for its Improvement by means of a Consolidated Union. By one of the Laity. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 2. A Letter to the Author of Remarks upon the present State, &c. By Investigator. 8vo. 1s.

OUR readers must be aware that for some time past it has been a favourite object with the Editors of this Maga zine to promote a Congregational Union, or a Union among Dissenting Churches of the Congregational order, throughout the kingdom. To this we have devoted a considerable number of pages, as may be seen at once by a reference to the index of our last volume just completed. This design, however, has been opposed on diverse grounds. Some have considered the object as too diffused and complicated; others have regarded it as confined and sectarian. The latter appears to be the opinion of these worthy laymen: but if the Union of Congregationalists alone be impracticable, how shall we unite with them all the other denominations of Dissenters?

The union of true Christians is certainly desirable, so far as it can be obtained without any sacrifice of principle; but the whole dissenting community is so multifarious and heterogeneous, that it seems impossible to harmonize such a body; the writers before us, however, seem anxious to unite with the Inde pendents (or Congregationalists,) at least the Presbyterians and Baptists. As to forms of Church government, these writers are the more willing to make some sacrifices, as they both think, with the late learned Dr. Campbell, that "no form of ecclesiastical polity, now in being, has any legitimate claims to a divine right:" there are, however, several denominations beside the Congregationalists, who cannot agree to such concessions, because they conceive their peculiar principles to be expressly founded on the New Testament.

Investigator falls in with many of the ideas of "One of the Laity:" but he sometimes attempts to be witty, and honours our work as the "trumpet of the denomination;" if so, we hope, at least, we may be allowed to say that it gives a more " certain

sound" than his. We have no wish, however, to contend with him for preeminence, nor to employ our work as the organ of dissension; but as discussion, temperately conducted, is, we believe, friendly to truth, we direct the attention of our readers to both these tracts, especially the former, as written in the best temper, and containing a number of hints and suggestions well deserving their consideration, particularly as relates to education for the Dissenting Ministry, though we by no means pledge ourselves to all the writer's sentiments.

Investigator has subjoined to his Tract a Letter to the Rev. Jos. Turnbull, the author of " a sensible little Treatise on Church Government," which he (Investigator) received from the author, and on which he gives a more temperate opinion; but as we cannot enter into particulars, we shall only add, that we consider ridicule and jest as ill adapted to such serious subjects as those before us.

The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come: delivered under the similitude of a Dream. By John Bunyan. Royal 18mo. pp. 378, with Eighteen Engravings on Wood. Tract Society.

WE need say nothing of the work before us, for who does not delight to peruse that master-piece of sacred allegory and English composition. It is then with the edition that we have to do; and we must express our thanks to the Committee of the Tract Society for publishing this incomparable book in an elegantly neat, and yet economical form.

A small note informs us that "great pains have been taken in collating this edition with other copies, in order to render it a correct reprint of the original work. The original side notes, which often throw much light on the text, have been preserved. A very few expressions, that from the lapse of time have become obsolete or offensive, have been altered or omitted."

We are happy to be assured that the alterations and omissions have only extended to very few expressions, as we almost wish that the Editor had followed Mr. Gilpin's resolution on

the same subject, who declined altogether so delicate a task, lest "while gathering up the tares he should root up also the wheat with them."

It is due to the artists who have been employed in the designs and wood engravings which illustrate this edition, that they are in very good taste, and creditable to all concerned. We perceive that this beautiful volume is stereotyped; and we trust, through the application of that useful invention," the delightful dreamer" will visit many thousands who have not yet felt the fascinations of his genius, or the force of his piety.

[blocks in formation]

THE Compiler of this little volume says, in the Preface, 66 Among the publications of the present day, "The Daily

Monitors" are not the least in importance. They are the daily bread of many pious souls, rivetting the attention, and fixing it on the most important object among the passing incidents that tend to distract it.


"It is to be regretted that a Daily Monitor," has not yet appeared, though on almost every other department of instruction children have been furnished with books adapted to their capacity and early feelings.

In the hope of supplying this desideratum, the compiler of the present little volume has endeavoured to select the most simple as well as the most important texts; and the accompanying verses may tend to elucidate and en. force the sentiments.

"It is her sincere and ardent wish, that in the daily use of this little manual, many dear children may be led not only to an acquaintance with, but a love of divine truth, that while the memory is stored, the heart may be affected with them."

This little volume will be found an acceptable present for children; Sabbath-school teachers may with great benefit distribute it among the scho

lars of their class.

Narratives of Two Families, exposed to the great Plague of London, 1665; with Conversations on religious Preparations for Pestilence. Republished, with Notes and Observations, by John Scott, M.A. 12mo. pp. 214. Seeley and Sons. THESE interesting narratives exhibit

with much of De Fce's graphic manner, but with more religious feeling than his history of the great plague betrays, the horrors of that memorable visitation, and we doubt not but they will be read not only with intense interest but also with real profit by many. Mr. Scott has our thanks for this seasonable reprint, and the useful notes which accompany it.

The Christian Pastor visiting his Flock, and the Flock reciprocating their Shepherd's Care. By John Morison, D.D. 24mo. pp. 128. Westley and Davis THE substance of this valuable little Manual was delivered before the Churches in this Metropolis in Demonthly meeting of Congregational cember last, and is printed at the desire of those who heard it.

licacy in the present very artificial The subject is one of extreme de

state of society, and especially amidst the excitement and bustle of this city, which alike interferes with the visits of the pastor and the reciprocations of the flock. On this very account it was the more necessary that it should be fairly discussed; and Dr. Morison has certainly discharged his duty with exemplary fidelity, and we doubt not but the perusal of this little volume will arouse the consciences of many pastors to a more systematic visitation of their people, while it is adapted for equal usefulness, by suggesting to the people those hints which may greatly facilitate the right performance of that too much neglected duty.

We cordially recommend this very neatly printed little volume to our readers, and may, at a future period, notice it again with some other books on the subject of the pastoral care.

The History and Mystery of Good Friday.

A new Edition, 12mo. pp. 28. Ebbs. THE" sensation" produced by the first appearance of this pamphlet is well remembered by some still living. From the time of its publication, Robert Robinson, was more known, feared, and admired. Even they who denounced the production, acknowledged the talent of the producer; and heads of houses themselves confessed that it was a piece of incomparable wit.". But whatever may be its worth, on account of its wit, it is yet more valuable


on account of its truth, affording, as it does, a very just exposé of the art and craft of all Holiday-making; "for," as Robinson observes, in his prefatory remarks," to discuss one is to examine all ;" and, in this, its application to feasts and fasts in general, a great part of its excellence consists.

In this time of general excitement and inquiry, when the minds of men seem preparing to shake off old abuses, the republication of this powerfully convincing and most amusing tract, is particularly seasonable. The present edition, printed at the risk and under the superintendence of a literary gentleman in Essex, is greatly to be preferred to any that has preceded it; for, while it scrupulously retains every thing of weight and point in the author's own words, it is weeded of one or two expressions, which, on account of their lightness and seeming irreverence, there is reason to believe have heretofore retarded the circulation of the work.

Eternity realized: or a Guide to the Thoughtful, by Robert Philip. 18mo. p. 208. Westley & Co.

MR. PHILIP is already favourably known to the public as the author of several very excellent little works on practical and devotional religion. One of his productions has been already

noticed in this number of our Magazine, and it is with great pleasure that we take this early opportunity of pointing the attention of our readers to another which stands at the head of this article, and which has just been published.-It forms the title of one of a series. Two of this series have been already published," Experience, or a Guide to the Perplexed;" and " Communion with God, or a Guide to the Devotional." The present volume is the third, and we see at the close of it, that Mr. Philip has announced a fourth, entitled, "A good Conscience, or a Guide to the Sincere." The volumes already published have, we believe, obtained a wide circulation, and we trust that the present volume will secure a yet more extensive perusal. We cannot but think that Mr. Philip's talents peculiarly fit him for this most important and useful work. We trust that thousands of humble and pious Christians will be benefited by his labours; and we are sure that the works themselves are calculated to promote this object. The present volume will prove not only a useful manual to the established Christian, but would be a desirable book to put into the hands of those who are just beginning to think about religion. We heartily wish Mr. Philip all success.



Saturday Evening, by the Author of "Natural History of Enthusiasm,” in one vol. 8vo. 10s. 6d.

"That day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on." Hints to a Clergyman's Wife; or Female Parochial Duties, practically illustrated, in one vol. 12mo.

The History of the Jews in all ages, written upon scriptural principles, and including a statement of the design of the Divine dispensations to that wonderful people, the original cause of their dispersion, the fulfilment of prophecy in the events which have affected their national condition, the declared intentions of God concerning them, and the truths demonstrated by their extraordinary annals. By the Author of History in all Ages, in one vol. foolscap 8vo.


Twelve Lectures on the Person and Mission of Christ into the World, by N. M. Harry, Banbury. This work is undertaken solely for the purpose of devoting the entire profit to assist in liquidating the debt upon the Independent Chapel, Aderbury, Oxfordshire.

The Rev. William Jay will publish, in a few days, his Sermon on "The Transitory Character of God's Temporal Blessings considered and improved," occasioned by the sudden death of Mrs. Charles Taylor.

In a few days will be published, The History, Institutions, and Tendencies of the Church of England, examined by Scriptural Authority, being a Reply to a Letter of Vice-Admiral Stirling. By T. Schofield, Minister of Chertsey Chapel, Sarry.

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