Bulletin (Östasiatiska Samlingarna (Stockholm, Sweden))The Museum, 1950 - China "Bibliography of publications based upon collections made with the support of the Swedish China research committee, by Fr. E. Åhlander": Bulletin no. 1, p. 185-191. |
From inside the book
Results 1-3 of 14
Page 129
... reign ( the reign of Emperor Wen ) no eclipses were recorded , not even a conspicuous comet » ( Halley's comet in 163 B. C . ) . 3 ) » In themselves , these droughts , floods , fires , frosts , comets , eclipses , and earthquakes are ...
... reign ( the reign of Emperor Wen ) no eclipses were recorded , not even a conspicuous comet » ( Halley's comet in 163 B. C . ) . 3 ) » In themselves , these droughts , floods , fires , frosts , comets , eclipses , and earthquakes are ...
Page 130
... reign with very few observable eclipses would there have been any temptation to manufacture others if there was strong reason for criticism . This actually happened under the reign of the Empress Dowager née Lü . ) Anyhow , the ...
... reign with very few observable eclipses would there have been any temptation to manufacture others if there was strong reason for criticism . This actually happened under the reign of the Empress Dowager née Lü . ) Anyhow , the ...
Page 131
... reign after reign , we obtain a certain figure , plus , minus or zero , for each of them . One possible source of error is the fact that the different reigns are of varying length . During a long reign there were more occasions on which ...
... reign after reign , we obtain a certain figure , plus , minus or zero , for each of them . One possible source of error is the fact that the different reigns are of varying length . During a long reign there were more occasions on which ...
The Book of Documents | 3 |
The Karasuk Culture and its Southeastern Affinities | 83 |
An Interpretation of the Portents in the TsienHanshu | 127 |
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15th century Abakan achievements Afanasievo Altai An-yang ANDERSSON Andronovo Andronovo culture Animal Style background belong bronze Bronze Age BULLETIN N:o carved celts cemetery of Tomsk Chinese Chou Kung cinnabar colour curves dagger-axes daggers dare Debets decoration diaper dragons Dubs early 15th cent Eberhard eclipses Emperor Wu Europoid excavated Feng forms four quarters grandly graves greatly Griaznov Heaven Hsüan-tê mark Ibid indirect criticism Karasuk culture Karlgren Kiselev knives Kurgan lacquer li-ch'i Loehr lord of Hia lotus mandate milfoil Minusinsk Basin Minusinsk region Mongolia Museum officers older cemetery oracles Ordos ornaments peonies pieces plates porcelains portents pottery prince punishments reign reverently river ruler saluted and bowed Scythian Seima Shang skull solar eclipses specimens stray finds Swedish crowns Tagar Tallgren Teploukhov tortoise tribes Ts'ien-Han-shu types virtue Wang Wei river western yellow Yin's Yung-lo mark