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Language) power of lan- | Law) defined i. 260.

guage to raise emotions,
whence derived i. 68,73.
Language of paffion ch.
17. i. 371. broken and
interrupted i. 373.ofim-
petuous paffion i. 375.
of languid paffion i. 375.
of calm emotions i. 375.
of turbulent paffion i.
376. Language elevated
above the tone of the
fentiment i. 384. too ar-
tificial or too figurative
i. 385. too light or airy
i. 386. Language how
far imitative of nature ii.
3. its beauty with refpect
to fignification ii. 4. 14.
c. its beauty with re-
fpect to found ii. 5. it
ought to correfpond to
the fubject i. 17. its
ftructure explained ii. 33.
Beauty of language from
a refemblance betwixt
found and fignification.
Hi. 63. c. The force
of language proceeds

Laws of human nature)
neceffary fucceflion of
perceptions i. 13.14. 227.
We never act but thro'
the impulfe of defire i.
33. 133. An object lofes
its relifh by familiarity i
86. Paffions fudden in
their growth are equally
fudden in their decay i.
88. i. 302. Every paf-
fion ceases upon attain-
ing its ultimate end i.
Laws of motion) agreeable
i. 152.
Les Freres ennemies) of Ra-
cine cenfured i. 354.
Lex talionis) upon what
principle founded i. 221.
Line) definition of a regular
line ii. 376.
Littlenefs) is neither plea-
fant nor painful i. 162.
Logic) caufe of its obfcu-
rity and intricacy i. 330.
Logie) improper in this cli-
mate ii. 341.

from raifing complete i-Love) to children account-

mages ii. 249. its power
of producing pleasant e-
motions ii. 271. With-
out language man would
scarce be a rational be-
ing ii. 387.
L'avare) of Moliere cen-
fured i. 368.
Laughter i. 201.
Laugh of derifion or fcorn
i. 256.

ed for i. 49. The love
a man bears to his coun-
try explained i. 49. Love
produced by pity i. 55.
It fignifies more com-
monly affection than
paffion i. 87. To a lo-
ver abfence appears long
i. 121. Love affumes
the qualities of its object
i. 132. confidered with


refpect to dignity and Marvellous) in epic poetry
ii. 294.

meanness i 265.266. fel-

dom conftant when Meannefs i. 262. &c.

founded on exquifite
beauty i. 309. ill repre-
fented in French plays i.
365. when immoderate
is filent i. 373.
Love for love) cenfured ii.
Lownefs) is neither pleafant
nor painful i. 162.
Lucan) too minute in his
defcriptions i. 175. cen-
fured ii. 279.
Ludicrous i. 2c1. may be
introduced into an epic
poem i. 226.
Lutrin) cenfured for incon-
gruity i. 252. characte-
rized i. 270.
Luxury) corrupts our tafte
ii. 365.
Machinery) ought to be
excluded from an epic
poem i. 75. ii. 290. does
well in a burlesk poem

i. 75:
Man) fitted for fociety i.

142. Conformity of the
nature of man to his ex-
ternal circumftances i
185. 333. The diffe-
rent branches of his in-
ternal constitution finely
fuited to each other ii.
344. 362.
Manners) grofs and refined

i. 83. The bad tendency
of rough and blunt man-
ners i. 332. Note.

Means) the means or in-
ftrument conceived to


be the agent ii. 203.
Measure) natural measure
of time i. 121. &c. of
fpace i. 127. &c.
Medea) of Euripides cen-
fured ii. 317.
Melody) or modulation de-
fined ii. 76. distinguished
from harmony ii. 77.
Members of a period) have
a fine effect placed in an
increafing feries ii. 13.
Memory) and judgment in
perfection feldom united
i. 17. Memory and wit
often united i. 17. Me-
mory ii. 371.
Merry wives of Windfor)
its double plot well con-
trived ii. 298.
Metaphor ii. 209. &c.
Metre ii. 92.

Mile) the computed mites
are longer in a barren
than in a populous coun-
try i. 126.
Milton) his ftyle much in-

verted ii. 126. The de-
fect of his verfification is
the want of coincidence
betwixt the paufes of the
fense and the found ii.
130. the beauty of Mil-
ton's comparifons ii. 150.
Moderation) in our defires

contributes the most to Mufic) vocal diftinguished

happiness i. 157.
Modern manners) make a
poor figure in an epic
poem ii. 287.
Modification) defined ii.

Modulation) defined ii. 76.
Moloffus ii. 139.
Monofyllables) English, ar-
bitrary as to quantity ii.
Moral Duties) See Duties.
Morality) its foundation ii.
358. Aberrations from its
true ftandard ii. 364.
Moral tragedy ii. 279.
Motion) productive of feel-
ings that refemble it i
130. Its laws agreeable
152. Motion and force,
ch. 5. i. 185. &c. What


motions are the most
agreeable i. 185. Regu-
lar motion i. 186. acce-
lerated motion i. 186.
upward motion i. 186.
undulating motion i.186.
Motion of fluids i. 186.
A body moved neither
agreeable nor difagreea-
ble i. 186. The pleasure
of motion differs from
that of force i. 187.
Grace of motion i. 190.
Motions of the human
body i. 190.
Motive) defined i. 35. 36.
Mount) artificial ii. 332.
Mourning Bride) cenfured

i. 356. 367. ii. 313-320.

from inftrumental i. 99.
What fubjects proper for
vocal music i. 100. &c.
Mufic betwixt the acts
of a play, the advantages
that may be drawn from
it ii. 315. Though it
cannot raife a paffion, it
difpofes the heart to va-
rious paffions ii. 316.
Mufical inftruments) their
different effects upon the
mind i. 169.
Mufical measure) defined
ii. 96.

Narration) it animates a

narrative to reprefent
things paft as prefent i.
71. Narration and de-
fcription, ch. 21. ii. 246.
It animates a narrative,
to make it dramatic ii.
264. 278.
Nation) defined ii. 386.
Note, a high note and a

low note in music i. 166.
Novelty and the unexpect-
ed appearance of objects,
ch. 6. i. 191. Novelty a
pleafant emotion i. 193.
c. diftinguished from
variety i. 197. its differ-
ent degrees i. 197. &c.
Number) defined ii. 343.
Object) of a paffion defin-
ed i. 34. An agreeable
object produceth a plea-
fant emotion, and a dif-
agreeable object a pain-
ful emotion i. 134. at-

tractive object i. 135. repulfive object i. 135. Objects of fight the moft complex i. 145. Objects that are neither pleasant nor painful i. 185. 162. 186. Objects of external fenfe in what place they are perceived ii. 368. Objects of internal fenfe ii. 369. All objects of fight are complex ii. 383. Objects fimple and complex ii. 384. Object defined ii. 387. Old Batchelor) cenfured ii. 305.

Opera) cenfured i. 252. Opinion) influenced by paffion i. 111. c. ii. 175. influenced by propensity i. 120. influenced by affection i. 120. why dif fering from me in opinion is difagreeable ii. 359. Opinion defined ii. 381. Oration) pro Archia poeta

cenfured ii. 60. Orchard ii. 334. Order) i. 17. &c. ii. 378. pleasure we have in order i. 19. neceffary in all compofitions i. 21. Senfe of order has an influence upon our paffions i. 53. when a lift of many particulars is brought into a period, in what order. hould they be placed ii. 55. Order in ftating facts ii. 304.

Organ of fenfe i. 1. Organic pleasure i. 1. 2. 3. Orlando Furiofo) cenfured ii. 304 Ornament) redundant ornaments ought to be avoided ii. 246. Ornaments in architecture ii. 350. Allegorical or emblematic ornaments ii. 353Othollo cenfured ii. 276. Pæon ii. 140. Pain) ceflation of pain extremely pleasant i. 41. Pain leffens by custom i. 309. ii. 357. Some pains felt internally fome externally ii. 375. Painful emotions and paffions i. &c. 76. Painting) in grotefque painting the figures ought to be fmall, in historical painting as great as the life i. 166. Grandeur of manner in painting i.175. Painting is an imitation of nature ii. 3. In history-painting the principal figure ought to be in the best light ii. 266. A good picture agreeable, though the fubject be difagreeable ii. 271. Objects that ftrike terror have a fine effect in painting ii. 273. Objects of horror ought not to be represented ii. 274. What emotions can be raised


by painting ii. 323.

Panic i. 132. Parallelogram) its beauty i. 150.

Parody) defined i. 277.

Note. 343.

Particles ii. 105. not capable of an accent ii. 106. 112.

Paffion) no pleasure of external fenfe denominated a paffion except of feeing and hearing i. 25. Paffion diftinguished from emotion .. 31. 32. 33. Paffions diftinguished into instinctive and delibe

rative i. 35. 57. &c. What are selfish, what focial i. 36. What dif fociali. 37. Paffion founded on relations i. 45. &c. A paffion paves the way to others in the fame tone i. 55. Paffions confidered as pleasant or painful, agreeable or difagreeable i. 76. &c. as refined or grofs i. 82. Their interrupted exiftence i. 83. &c. Their growth and decay i. 83. &c. The identity of a paffion i. 84. The bulk of our paffions are the affections of love or hatred inflamed into a paffion i. 87. Paffions swell by oppofition i. 88. A paffion fudden in growth is fudden in decay i. 88.

ceases upon attaining its ultimate end i. 89. Coexiftent paffions i. 90. &c. Paffions fimilar and diffimilar i. 102. Fluctuation of paffion i. 106. &c. Its influence upon our opinions and belief i. 122. &c.110.213.214. Its influence upon our perceptions i. 129. 130. Prone to its gratification i. 143. has an influence even upon our eye-fight i. 216. 217. Paffions ranked according to their dignity i. 265. No difagreeable paffion is attended with dignity i. 266. Social paffions of greater dignity than felfish i. 268. External figns of paffion ch. 15. i. 317. Paffion generally fluctuates, fwelling and sub. flding by turns i. 346. Language of paffion ch. 17. 1. 371. &c. A paffion when immoderate is filent i. 371. Language of paffion broken and interrupted i. 373. What paffions admit figurative expreffion i. 374- Language proper for impetuous paffion i. 375. for melancholy i. 375. for calm emotions i. 375- for turbulent paffion. i. 376. Paffions expanded upon related objects i. 45. c.

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