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take to the mountains. No changes in General Sheridan's lines. General Stevenson, since your withdrawal from Shepherdstown, has sent pickets off in that direction.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel and Aide-de-Camp.

Fair Play, Md., August 21, 1864.


Third Virginia Cavalry:

MAJOR: The general commanding desires that you will send an officer and twenty men to cross the river at Cherry Run, proceed from there to Bath, and thence to Bloomery Gap. He will return via Hancock and report immediately to these headquarters in writing. Instruct him to get all the information possible of the movements of the enemy. He will make the trip as rapidly as possible.


WILL RUMSEY, Assistant Adjutant-General.


HANCOCK, August 21, 1864.

Major-General KELLEY:

Courier just returned from down the river reports all quiet on the Potomac. No rebels crossed into Maryland yet; reports 400 rebels in Martinsburg; small bands scouting the country between Martinsburg and the river. The above is direct from signal officer at Fairview. I will hear from him to-day again. A citizen just in from Hedgesville reports no rebels west of Martinsburg.

E. J. C. HULL.

[blocks in formation]

CUMBERLAND, August 21, 1864.

You will direct the detachment of the Thirty-fourth Ohio to return and guard Back Creek bridge. They will proceed to-morrow morning. They can carry their rations, &c., down on hand-car.

Brevet Major-General.


Cumberland, August 21, 1864.


(Through Captain Peirpoint, commanding post.)

The general commanding directs that you place your company in readiness to proceed to South Branch and re-enforce the garrison at

that point. Make your arrangements to take the cars on the morning of the 23d instant, provided with rations, and report in person to these headquarters before starting for instructions in detail. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,


Lieutenant and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

Major-General KELLEY:

NEW CREEK, August 21, 1864.

The scout was ordered; had but fifty men to send, leaving only thirty-nine for duty at Clarksburg.




Lieutenant-Colonel HIBBS,

Camp Piatt:

Charleston, W. Va., August 21, 1864.

You will have the three companies of the One hundred and fortieth Ohio Guard ready at 6 o'clock to-morrow morning to take the boat that unloads at Camp Piatt and bring them to the headquarters of the regi ment preparatory to go to Ohio. You will turn over the command of the post and all public property to the senior officer of the One hundred and sixty-seventh Ohio at your place. You will be careful and see that no damage is done to public or private property by your command on leaving.

Major-General WALLACE:


Colonel, Commanding.

WASHINGTON, D. C., August 21, 1864.

GENERAL: I am instructed to inform you that the Sixth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry left this city en route for Fort Delaware at 7.15 p. m. this day by Baltimore and Washington railroad. The chief of staff of the army directs this notification, that there may be no straggling of the regiment in Baltimore.

J. H. TAYLOR, Colonel and Assistant Adjutant-General.

WASHINGTON, D. C., August 21, 1864–9 p. m.

Major-General WALLACE:

The One hundred and thirty-ninth Regiment Ohio National Guard left Point Lookout this morning for Baltimore on the supposition that their term of service had expired; it now appears that there is some doubt about it. Will you please detain the regiment in Baltimore until the question is settled at the War Department, which will be done early to-morrow.




Assistant Adjutant-General:

GREENCASTLE, August 21, 1864.

The signal officer on North Mountain reports that he hears quite a rapid cannonading in the direction of Martinsburg. Probably an engagement is progressing in the Valley.

A. M. THAYER, Lieutenant and Signal Officer.

HALLTOWN, VA., August 22, 1864-10.30 p. m.

Lieut. Gen. U. S. GRANT:

Yesterday morning the enemy crossed Opequon Creek at different points in the vicinity of Smithfield or Middleway and advanced on my position at Welch's Spring, about two miles west of Charlestown. Skirmishing took place during the day in front of both General Crook's command and the Sixth Army Corps. The skirmishing was at one time rather sharp in front of the latter command, as the line was pressed forward and drove the enemy from a crest in our front which they occupied early in the day. The cavalry skirmished some with the enemy at Berryville and Summit Point; this, however, did not amount to much. As my position at best in front of Charlestown was a bad one, and much being dependent on this army, I withdrew my command without loss or opposition last night and took up a new line in front of Halltown. This morning the enemy followed my rear guard and we have been skirmishing with them during the day. My loss yesterday was about 275. None of the enemy have crossed the river. Various reports have come to me in reference to a column of the enemy being at Culpeper and. Warrenton, but I place no reliance on the reports. We have disposed of quite a number of Mosby's men. f. H. SHERIDAN,

[AUGUST 22, 1864.-For Sheridan to Halleck, reporting operations, &c., see p. 19.]

HARPER'S FERRY, W. VA., August 22, 1864-1 p. m.
(Received 3.30 p. m.)


Secretary of War:

I have just returned from the front, where I traversed the entire line. The left of the infantry rests to the left of Charlestown pike and over a mile beyond Halltown. The right is almost directly west of Harper's Ferry, and about two miles from Bolivar Heights. The line runs along a commanding ridge which overlooks a broad valley beyond, and is a position of great natural strength. The intervals to the left and right, connecting the rivers, say a mile each, are not so strong, but the enemy could hardly succeed in a flank movement. The enemy seems to be along the Charlestown pike, but in what force not known. His infantry drove our cavalry this morning after the retrograde movement began. Merritt has been sent up the Potomac toward Shepherdstown to look after the enemy. Scouts report no enemy yesterday

sundown at Snicker's Gap or east of there. Party that went to Aldie not returned. Received report from Averell last night at midnight. His headquarters are at Fair Play. He covers the crossing from Antietam Ford to Williamsport and beyond to Cherry Run. He scouts the country around Martinsburg, Hedgesville, and Shepherdstown, and also in Back Creek Valley. Says Fitz Lee and Breckinridge came to Martinsburg on the 19th, but returned again toward Winchester or Pughtown. He has rumors now that they are going west. All quiet in front. Intrenchments are being thrown up along the ridge mentioned.

N. P. CHIPMAN, Colonel and Aide-de-Camp.

HARPER'S FERRY, August 22, 1864-8.30 p.m.
(Received 8.40 p. m.)


Secretary of War:

Lieutenant Atwell, with twenty Loudoun (Virginia) Rangers, just returned from scout toward Aldie. Crossed at Point of Rocks yesterday morning early; went in direction of Leesburg, where they encountered detachment of White's men; routed them, with loss of three mortally wounded; thence proceeded to Dry Hollow and Grove Meeting-House, where they found five of Mosby's men, who had just murdered a sick paroled Federal soldier; thence returned by way of Goose Creek Church, Harmony, and Waterford. White, with 100 men, being at Aldie, they did not go there, as instructed. No enemy heard of north of Rectortown. Longstreet's command reported at Sparrowsville [Sperryville] Gap and Front Royal. All quiet in front. Has rained most of afternoon. General Torbert is at Shepherdstown. Enemy thought to be in force on Sheridan's left.

N. P. CHIPMAN, Colonel and Aide-de-Camp.

[blocks in formation]

8. The Seventy-fourth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers having, pursuant to instructions from headquarters of the army, reported at these headquarters, is hereby assigned to De Russy's division, and will be reported for duty, without delay, accordingly. The quartermaster's department will furnish the necessary transportation.

[blocks in formation]

10. The One hundred and third Regiment New York Volunteers, having reported to these headquarters, are hereby assigned to De Russy's division, and will be reported for duty, without delay, accordingly. The quartermaster's department will furnish the necessary transportation.


By command of Major-General Augur:


C. H. RAYMOND, Assistant Adjutant-General.



Washington, D. C., August 22, 1864.


First Brigade:

The general commanding directs that the Forty-first New York Vol. unteers will be ordered to Fort Sumner, and that they will be at once' put upon instruction in artillery-the company of Ninth New York Artillery now at that fort will instruct them, under your orders; that Knap's battalion be at once ordered to complete the cutting of brush on the left and front of Fort Sumner, or wherever it is needed in that vicinity, and that the pickets detailed from this battalion be withdrawn for this purpose. The commanding officer of Forty-first New York Volunteers will command the post.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

R. CHANDLER, Assistant Adjutant-General.

POINT OF ROCKS, MD., August 22, 1864.
(Received 5.20 p. m.)

Lieut. Col. J. H. TAYLOR,

Assistant Adjutant-General:

Just arrived opposite this point all right without the loss of a man, not even a straggler. Crossed into Loudoun Valley at Aldie. Part of my command charged and drove portion of Mosby's men through Middleburg and well toward Upperville. Went to Philomont and Snicker's Gap, thence down the valley. Brought in about fifty prisoners, number of horses, &c. Met no force of the enemy. Dispatches received after one day out. Horses of my command much in need of shoeing. Move to Muddy Branch to-morrow.


Major, &c.

ALEXANDRIA, August 22, 1864.
(Received 8.20 p. m.)

Colonel TAYLOR,

Chief of Staff and Assistant Adjutant-General :

COLONEL: The patrols report all quiet to-day. An attempt was made to burn the railroad bridge this side of Burke's Station last night. The damage done was slight.


Lieutenant-Colonel and Provost-Marshal-General.

Lieut. Col. J. H. TAYLOR,

Near Falls Church, Va., August 22, 1864.

Chief of Staff and Assistant Adjutant-General:

COLONEL: I have nothing of importance to report. Colonel Gansevoort started out about noon with his regiment. Should he obtain any additional information he is instructed to communicate by sending in a small party, if practicable.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Colonel Sixteenth New York Cavalry, Comdg. Cavalry Brigade.

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