Niven, Robert. Mentioned. Norris, Hardman P. Mentioned. North, William O. Mentioned North Branch, Md., Commanding Officer at. Correspondence with Benja- North Carolina Troops. Mentioned. (Confederate.) Infantry Battalions: 1st Sharpshooters, 565, 1003, 1012; 2d, 564, 605- Northcott, Robert S. Northern Neck, Va. Affairs in, generally. Lee, Robert E... War Department, C. S Northern Virginia, Army of. 110, 128, 368 Communications from 990 991 Orders, Special, series 1864-Lee: No. 188, 993; No. 189, 995. North River, Va. Skirmish at, Oct. 3, 1864. See Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Norvell, Edwin F. Mentioned Nounnan, James H. Mentioned..... Report of Nounnan's expedition into Kanawha Valley, W. Va., Sept. 23- Nounnan's Expedition into Kanawha Valley, W. Va. See Kanawha Valley, Noyes, Edward L. Mentioned 527 641, 643 642 331 Noyes, Henry E. Mentioned Nutter's Hill, W. Va. Skirmish at, Aug. 27, 1864. Nye, George H. Mentioned... Oakes, George J. Mentioned..... Oberteuffer, John H. Mentioned... O'Boyle, Michael. Mentioned.... 520, 817, 934, 936 1 127 224, 230 O'Beirne, James R. Correspondence with Moses N. Wisewell.. 721 976 987 O'Connell, John D. Mentioned Odell, George D. Report of affair at Cove Point, Md., Aug. 22, 1864 Ohio, Governor of. Correspondence with 989 637 Cavalry-Companies: 3d, 983; Union Light Guard, 976. Regiments: 1st, Ohio Troops. Mentioned-Continued. Infantry-Regiments: 23d, 110, 116, 123, 129, 135, 399, 402, 405, 407, 408, 982; Ohlenschlager, Emil. Mentioned Olcott, Egbert. Correspondence with Frank Wheaton Mentioned.. Page. 32, 56, 142, 145 174 67, 125, 131, 154, 167, 168, 174–176, 984 Reports of Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov. 28, 1864.. Averell, William W. 174, 181 734 990 994 731, 736 990 725, 726 991 505 735 2 551 138, 229, 257 Correspondence with Hibbs, Van B. Rucker, William P... Report of skirmish at Winfield, W. Va., Oct. 26, 1864 . Oliver, Dexter W. Mentioned.. Oltmanns, C. W. Mentioned.. Opequon Creek, Va. Affair at. See Locke's Ford, Opequon Creek, Va. 879 693 645 359 568-571, 573, 576, 578, 579, 582-588 Affair at, Sept. 13, 1864. Aug. 18, 1864. See Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7–Nov. 28, 1864. Aug. 20, 1864. See Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7–Nov. 28, 1864. Sept. 13, 1864. See Gilbert's Ford, Opequon Creek, Va. Skirmish at. Opequon Creek, Va.-Continued Skirmish on Berryville and Winchester Pike near, Aug. 19, 1864. See Opequon Creek, W. Va, Engagement at Smithfield Crossing of. See Smithfield Crossing of the Ope- Skirmish at, Sept. 1, 1864. See Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov. Ord, Edward O. C. Mentioned Organization, Strength, etc. Confederate Troops.. O'Rourke, William. Mentioned. Orr, Robert L. Mentioned 61, 107-112, 125-130, 743, 848, 902, 903, 965, 974-989 Parker, Chauncey A. Mentioned. Parker, Francis M. Mentioned.. Parker, Samuel. Mentioned.. Parks, Benjamin D. Mentioned Parnell, William R. Mentioned. Parr, John G. Mentioned Report of Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov. 28, 1864. Parriott, George W. Mentioned Parrish, William I. Mentioned.. Parsons, Eben, jr. Mentioned For correspondence as A. A. G., see Philip H. Sheridan. Patton, Frederick H. Mentioned... Payne, Daniel C. Mentioned Payne, Nathaniel. Report of skirmish at Charlestown, W. Va., Nov. 29, 1864. 673 38, 39, 82, 88, 89, 554, 567, 579-582, 584, 588, 656, 661, 667, 668, 675, 676, 1030, 1032 562, 565, 568, 574-581, 583-587, 598, 599, 678, 1002, 1003,1011,1012,1027–1032 Mentioned..... 99, 112, 130, 435, 522, 987 Report of Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov. 28, 1864. 549 878 100, 102, 130, 137, 431, 520-522, 524, 527, 536, 537, 539, 541, 545, 546, 675, 676 532 Pennsylvania Troops. Mentioned. Artillery, Heavy-Regiments: 3d (Batteries), H, 644, 765, 980; 5th, 618; Artillery, Light-Battalions: 1st, 882, 975. Batteries: C, 975; F, 982; H, I, Infantry Battalions: 1st, 808, 809, 979. Regiments: 23d, 622, 984; 47th, Penrose, William H. Mentioned. 44, 55, 63, 66, 125, 131, 166, 167, 424, 516, 778, 814, 984 Per Lee, Samuel R. Mentioned Perry, William L. Mentioned Peters, William E. Mentioned Petersburg, W. Va. Skirmish near, Oct. 11, 1864. Report of Daniel Sheets.. 108, 292, 985 Pfouts, Leonard. Mentioned Phelps, Horace E. Mentioned. Phillips, Augustus. Mentioned Phillips, Daniel M. Mentioned Phillips, John W. Mentioned Report of Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov. 28, 1864.. Correspondence with William Dwight Mentioned. † Also called 20th Militia. |