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Niven, Robert. Mentioned.

Norris, Hardman P. Mentioned.
North, George H. Mentioned..

North, William O. Mentioned

North Branch, Md., Commanding Officer at. Correspondence with Benja-
min F. Kelley..

North Carolina Troops. Mentioned. (Confederate.)

Infantry Battalions: 1st Sharpshooters, 565, 1003, 1012; 2d, 564, 605-
608, 1002, 1012. Regiments: 1st, 564, 1002, 1012; 2d, 564, 1002, 1013; 3d,
564, 1002, 1012; 4th, 564, 601, 1002, 1013; 5th, 565, 1003, 1013; 6th, 565,
1003, 1012; 12th, 565, 1003, 1013; 14th, 564, 1002, 1013; 20th, 565, 1003,
1013; 21st, 565, 1003, 1012; 23d, 565, 1003, 1013; 30th, 564, 1002, 1013;
32d, 564, 602, 603, 605-608, 1002, 1012; 43d,,564, 602-604, 606-608, 1002,
1012; 45th, 564, 603, 605-608, 1002, 1012; 53d, 564, 602, 603, 606-608, 1002,
1012; 54th, 57th, 565, 1003, 1012.
Miscellaneous-Thomas Legion, 566.

Northcott, Robert S.

Northern Neck, Va. Affairs in, generally.

Lee, Robert E...

War Department, C. S

Northern Virginia, Army of.

110, 128, 368

Communications from



Orders, Special, series 1864-Lee: No. 188, 993; No. 189, 995.

North River, Va. Skirmish at, Oct. 3, 1864. See Shenandoah Valley Campaign,
Aug. 7-Nov. 28, 1864. Journal of Hotchkiss, p. 578.

Norvell, Edwin F. Mentioned

Nounnan, James H.


Report of Nounnan's expedition into Kanawha Valley, W. Va., Sept. 23-
Oct. 1, 1864, etc....

Nounnan's Expedition into Kanawha Valley, W. Va. See Kanawha Valley,
W. Va. Nounnan's Expedition into, Sept. 23-Oct. 1, 1864, etc.

Noyes, Edward L. Mentioned


641, 643



Noyes, Henry E. Mentioned

Nutter's Hill, W. Va. Skirmish at, Aug. 27, 1864.

Nye, George H. Mentioned...

Oakes, George J. Mentioned.....

Oberteuffer, John H. Mentioned...

O'Boyle, Michael. Mentioned....

520, 817, 934, 936



224, 230

O'Beirne, James R. Correspondence with Moses N. Wisewell..




O'Connell, John D. Mentioned

Odell, George D. Report of affair at Cove Point, Md., Aug. 22, 1864

Ohio, Governor of. Correspondence with



[blocks in formation]

Cavalry-Companies: 3d, 983; Union Light Guard, 976. Regiments: 1st,
978; 2d, 24, 98, 102, 103, 111, 117, 130, 137, 427, 518, 520, 524, 529-534, 539,
540, 978, 987; 6th, 978; 8th, 30, 32, 82, 87, 111, 117, 124, 130, 136, 496, 506,
512, 513, 647-649, 734, 735, 748, 764, 771, 772, 790, 797, 804, 819, 820, 908, 926,
937, 983.

Ohio Troops. Mentioned-Continued.

Infantry-Regiments: 23d, 110, 116, 123, 129, 135, 399, 402, 405, 407, 408, 982;
34th, 110, 116, 123, 129, 135, 402, 408-411, 495, 878, 934, 982; 36th, 110, 116,
123, 129, 135, 399, 400, 402, 405, 982; 91st, 110, 116, 123, 129, 399, 402, 403, 408-
413, 982; 110th, 108, 113, 121, 126, 132, 222–224, 227, 246-248, 250–252, 254,
258-260, 262, 266, 270, 985; 116th, 110, 115, 123, 128, 134, 374-380, 383–385,
981; 122d, 108, 113, 121, 126, 132, 223, 224, 246, 248, 250, 252, 257, 258, 260-263,
985; 123d, 110, 115, 123, 128, 134, 367, 375, 377, 380, 385, 386, 981; 126th,
108, 113, 121, 126, 132, 223, 246, 248, 250, 252, 255, 259, 262-265, 985; 131st,
839; 137th, 799; 139th, 845, 879; 140th, 879; 144th, 623, 627, 628, 765,
790, 854; 145th, 916; 149th, 623, 627, 628, 765, 790, 855; 152d, 916; 153d,
705; 154th, 2, 894, 904, 916; 156th, 915, 916, 938, 939; 159th, 799; 161st,
796; 165th, 3; 170th, 702.

Ohlenschlager, Emil. Mentioned
O'Keeffe, Joseph. Mentioned

Olcott, Egbert.

Correspondence with Frank Wheaton



32, 56, 142, 145
57, 194, 720, 764


67, 125, 131, 154, 167, 168, 174–176, 984

Reports of Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov. 28, 1864..
Oldfields, W. Va. Engagement at, near Moorefield, Aug. 7, 1864.
Communications from

Averell, William W.

174, 181

[blocks in formation]




731, 736


725, 726






138, 229, 257

Correspondence with

Hibbs, Van B.

Rucker, William P...

Report of skirmish at Winfield, W. Va., Oct. 26, 1864 .

Oliver, Dexter W. Mentioned..

Oltmanns, C. W. Mentioned..

Opequon Creek, Va.

Affair at. See Locke's Ford, Opequon Creek, Va.
Battle of. See Winchester (or the Opequon), Va.
Skirmishes at.





568-571, 573, 576, 578, 579, 582-588

Affair at, Sept. 13, 1864.
Battle of, Sept. 19, 1864.

Aug. 18, 1864. See Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7–Nov. 28, 1864.
Report of Lowell, p. 486.

Aug. 20, 1864. See Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7–Nov. 28, 1864.
Report of Lowell, p.486; journal of Hotchkiss, p..570.

Sept. 13, 1864. See Gilbert's Ford, Opequon Creek, Va. Skirmish at.
Sept. 15, 1864. See Seivers' Ford, Opequon Creek, Va. Skirmish at.


Opequon Creek, Va.-Continued

Skirmish on Berryville and Winchester Pike near, Aug. 19, 1864. See
Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov. 28, 1864. Report of
Lowell, p. 486.

Opequon Creek, W. Va,

Engagement at Smithfield Crossing of. See Smithfield Crossing of the Ope-
quon, W. Va. Engagement at, Aug. 29, 1864.

Skirmish at, Sept. 1, 1864. See Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov.
28, 1864. Report of Sheridan, p. 22.

Ord, Edward O. C. Mentioned

Organization, Strength, etc.

Confederate Troops..
Union Troops..

O'Rourke, William. Mentioned.
Orr, George S. Mentioned

Orr, Robert L. Mentioned

[blocks in formation]

61, 107-112, 125-130, 743, 848, 902, 903, 965, 974-989

Parker, Chauncey A. Mentioned.
Parker, Eli L. Mentioned.

Parker, Francis M. Mentioned..

Parker, Samuel. Mentioned..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Parks, Benjamin D. Mentioned
Parks, Jeremiah. Mentioned.
Parmelee, Uriah N. Mentioned

Parnell, William R. Mentioned.

Parr, John G.


Report of Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov. 28, 1864.

Parriott, George W. Mentioned

Parrish, William I. Mentioned..

Parsons, Eben, jr. Mentioned

[blocks in formation]

For correspondence as A. A. G., see Philip H. Sheridan.

Patton, Frederick H. Mentioned...
Patton, George S. Mentioned
Patton, James C. Mentioned....
Patton, Jonathan N. Mentioned
Patton, William. Mentioned
Paul, Charles R. Mentioned...
Paul, Henry S. Mentioned
Paul, Lewis B. Mentioned.

Payne, Daniel C. Mentioned

Payne, Nathaniel. Report of skirmish at Charlestown, W. Va., Nov. 29, 1864.
Payne, William H. (Brigadier-General.) Mentioned..

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


38, 39,

82, 88, 89, 554, 567, 579-582, 584, 588, 656, 661, 667, 668, 675, 676, 1030, 1032

[blocks in formation]

562, 565, 568, 574-581, 583-587, 598, 599, 678, 1002, 1003,1011,1012,1027–1032
Peirce, Charles H.


99, 112, 130, 435, 522, 987

Report of Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov. 28, 1864.
Peirpoint, Larkin. Mentioned..



[blocks in formation]

100, 102, 130, 137, 431, 520-522, 524, 527, 536, 537, 539, 541, 545, 546, 675, 676
Report of Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov. 28, 1864
Pennsylvania, Department of. Designation of Department of the Susque-


[blocks in formation]

Pennsylvania Troops. Mentioned.

Artillery, Heavy-Regiments: 3d (Batteries), H, 644, 765, 980; 5th, 618;
5th (Batteries), E, 619.

Artillery, Light-Battalions: 1st, 882, 975. Batteries: C, 975; F, 982; H, I,
977; Keystone, 106, 707, 809, 979. Regiments: 1st (Batteries), D, 110, 124,
129, 135, 365, 413-416, 418, 419, 983; G, 982; H, 976.
Cavalry-Companies: Hebble's, 106, 980; Lambert's, 106, 980; Philadel-
phia City Scouts, 789; Sanno's, 106, 789, 979; Stroud's, 782,797, 979;
Warren's, 106, 856, 973, 980. Regiments: 1st, 2d, 978; 3d, 739, 978; 4th,
978; 6th,95, 111, 487-490, 866, 978, 986; 8th,978; 12th,425, 673, 674, 724, 896,
914,982; 13th, 949, 978; 14th, 94,111, 117,124, 130, 136, 185, 422, 496, 506, 512,
514, 515, 771, 983; 16th, 978; 17th, 111, 116, 125, 183, 186, 439, 469-173, 475,
482, 487, 919, 978, 986; 18th, 102, 111, 117, 130, 137, 521, 532-534, 536, 540-542,
544, 978, 987; 20th, 850, 958, 983; 21st, 106, 809, 980; 22a, 94, 111, 117, 124,
130, 136, 186, 422, 496, 506, 513, 716, 733, 771, 803, 983.
Engineers-Companies: Smith's, * 982.

Infantry Battalions: 1st, 808, 809, 979. Regiments: 23d, 622, 984; 47th,
108, 114, 122, 127, 133, 290, 294, 312-315, 985; 49th. 107, 112, 125, 185-188,744,
982, 984; 54th, 110, 115, 123, 129, 135, 372, 381, 386-388, 390-392, 398, 982;
61st, 108, 113, 121, 126, 132, 212-216, 218, 220, 221, 985; 67th, 108, 113, 121,
126, 132, 222, 246, 247, 250, 252, 263,265-269,985; 74th, 881,977; 82d, 107,112,
125, 186, 188, 984; 87th, 108, 113, 121, 126, 132, 231, 242, 985; 93d, 107, 113,
120, 126, 131, 194-196, 198-201, 203, 205, 984; 95th, 107, 120, 125, 131, 174-
179, 181-183, 984; 96th, 107, 120, 125, 131, 176, 177, 182, 183, 984; 98th, 107,
113, 120, 126, 131, 196, 198-201, 203, 984; 102d, 107, 113, 120, 126, 131, 196-
199, 201-204, 984; 104th, 919, 944, 963, 977; 119th, 107, 112, 125, 189, 190,
984; 138th, 108, 113, 121, 126, 132, 222, 227, 246, 247, 250-252, 259, 266, 267,
269, 270, 985; 139th, 107, 113, 120, 126, 131, 196, 198-201, 204-207, 984;
150th, 976; 186th, 106, 809, 980; 192d,+ 706, 766, 773; 193d, 751, 766,
981; 194th, 981; 195th, 765, 980; 196th, 197th, 751, 773; 201st, 979.
Penrose, James W. Mentioned..

Penrose, William H. Mentioned. 44, 55, 63, 66, 125, 131, 166, 167, 424, 516, 778, 814, 984
Perk, J. J. Mentioned.

Per Lee, Samuel R. Mentioned

Perry, William L. Mentioned

Peters, William E. Mentioned

Petersburg, W. Va. Skirmish near, Oct. 11, 1864. Report of Daniel Sheets..
Petrie, Peter B.

108, 292, 985
4-6, 726, 734, 994

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Pfouts, Leonard. Mentioned

Phelps, Horace E. Mentioned.

Phillips, Augustus. Mentioned

Phillips, Daniel M. Mentioned

Phillips, John W.


Report of Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Aug. 7-Nov. 28, 1864..
Phinney, Stewart W.

Correspondence with William Dwight


[ocr errors][merged small]

† Also called 20th Militia.

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