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word of perfuafion and encouragement flowed powerfully to the tender youth, like a river of living water, through my foul to them!-bleffed be the Lord for every favour.

After meeting we made a comfortable vifit to our dear ancient friend, the widow of that worthy, felfdenying valiant of the Lord, John Woolman, and to their daughter, with her husband and children. The widow was in a meek, humble, loving frame of mind: I think the Lord is with her, and believe he will be with her.

Fourth-day 20th. We had a meeting at Vincent-Town, and, after long filence, I had to weep a little as between the porch and the altar, and called those met with us to do the like-for I feared the heritage would be given to reproach, the heathen rule over them, and fay among the people, where is their God. John joined me in founding an alarm; and they were called to mourning, and to teach their children lamentation! After meeting I rode back to Mount-Holly, then to Burlington, so croffed the Delaware to Bristol, and home with my dear ancient friend James Moon, who had been fo kind as -thus far to accompany me.

Next day, the 21ft, the good old man accompanied me to fee my companion, whofe life we had lately been informed was quite defpaired of; we found him very ill indeed, but yet I had a degree of hope. 6th-day 22d. Dear Jofeph is yet very dangerously fick, though we hope a little alteration for the better. 7th day 23d, I left him, and rode to Philadelphia to the felect yearly meeting, which was very large.

First-day 24th. I attended the three meetings. The firft at Pine-Street meeting-houfe, where the


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Lord, being graciously with me, opened my mouth in teftimony and folemn fupplication; many hearts were tendered, and my foul rejoiced the Lord have all the glory. Our friend James Thornton was eminently favoured in a powerful teftimony, as alfo in the afternoon at the Bank meeting; and our dear friend Samuel Emlen had a lively time in a fhort teftimony after James. In the evening attended Market Street meeting, where our worthy friend John Storer, from Old-England, appeared with inftructive clearness and fenfibility, both in prayer and testimony.

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Second day 25th, and 3d-day 26th. Attended feveral fittings of the yearly meeting for business, and one fitting of the felect meeting, to pretty good fatisfaction.

Fourth day 27th. Word came of my dear companion, by two Phyficians who had been up to vifit him by mine and my friend's request, that he departed this life, about an hour poft midnight this morning. This caufed indeed a clofe exercife, and brought me to an examination whether I had done right in leaving him; but, on mature confideration, I found peace in having fo done: and divers valuable friends accompanying me, who felt engaged to leave the yearly meeting on the occafion, I went up to Buckingham in order to attend the funeral.

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Fifth-day, 28th. We attended accordingly, and had, after the interment of the body, a large, heavenly meeting, divers living teftimonies being borne to the power and efficacy of truth, and fomething by one or two of his acquaintance, refpecting the gravity, circumfpection, and usefulness of our dear deceafed friend in his day and generation. I trust it was a time that will not be foon forgotten by


divers prefent, whofe hearts were melted and tendered together. After the meeting we returned to Philadelphia in order to attend the remaining fittings of the yearly meeting.

29th and 30th. Attended feveral fittings of the yearly meeting for bufinefs, had fome little fervices therein to a good degree of fatisfaction; the meetings being owned and crowned by the presence of the Lord of life and glory.

10th month ift. and ift day of the week. Attended a fitting of the felect yearly meeting, and the three meetings for worship-Pine-Street in the morning-Market-Street afternoon-Bank in the evening-in all which truth was in good dominion, under the affifting influence whereof my way was open in gofpel labours at each place, I hope to the roufing of fome, and strengthening of the hearts of


2d day of the week, and 2d of 10th month. The laft fitting of the select meeting was this day divinely owned, as were divers of the preceding, with the Lord's glory filling the inward temple of the spiritual house in such a manner, as to induce a living remnant to cry in the fecret of their fouls, ⚫bleffed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord: "Hofanna in the higheft.'+ In the course of this yearly meeting my mind was often bowed in a fenfe of the Lord's condefcending kindness, not only in favouring me with strength and ability, but also in opening the hearts of many deeply experienced minifters and elders, to receive and fympathize with me in my labours-for which the holy Name be praifed, and let all ever bow before him.

Third-day 3d. I began to defire my way might + Matt. xxi. 9.


open to leave Philadelphia; but I found no way out-fo went to the Bank week-day meeting, and was there filent.-4th-day, attended the week-day meeting at Pine-Street; had a good open time in founding an alarm to the lukewarm, and felt sweet inward peace.-5th-day, was at Market-Street preparative meeting, and was filent, but divers teftimonies were borne in Truth's authority.-6th day, I attended their monthly meeting, and was livingly and very unexpectedly opened in Truth's teftimony against the love, fpirit, and friendship of the world, and to call Friends into a labour in their families, and among their dear offspring, this was extenfively an alarming day, and I hope fome of them will profitably take the alarm.-My foul had great peace

bleffed be the holy helper.-7th-day, yifited fome families,-ft-day 8th, rode to Frankfort meeting, and there fuffered deeply in fpirit, but got fome relief by a clofe fearching teftimony among them; yet remained uneafy, and returned fo to Philadelphia.-2d day 9th, attended the felect meeting to fome good degree of fatisfaction.-3d-day 10th, I had a meeting at Frankfort; was filent, until near the clofe, when I told them I felt fomething prefent which exceedingly obftructed the arifing of life in. the meeting. In the afternoon we had a meeting at Fair Hill-I was filent there.-4th-day 11th, had a meeting at Germantown, in which my lot was in filence.-5th day 12th, attended the youth's general meeting at Biberry, and fuffered still in filence, feeling myself as a ftranger, a pilgrim on the earth; and, in the depth of my diftrefs, I faid in my heart, Lord, why haft thou thus forfaken me? thou knoweft I have given up all that is near and dear to me in this world, to follow thee and thy call into this land; my dear wife and offspring I have left behind me, and come forth thus far into a land I knew not and I can appeal to thee, O my God, that it is only in obedience to thy will and requirings


Why then am I thus left? why feel I myself fo deftitute and forfaken of all good? why fee I no way caft up to walk in? Thus, or to this purpose, I bemoaned my defolate condition, and fpread my cafe before the Lord my God with tears, but all in a good degree of refignation; and after a little space, being fully fatisfied all would work for good, I was made willing to be as poor, empty, and blind, as the Lord would have me to be, and all centred in this, Not my will, but thine be done.'

Sixth-day 13th. Was at a meeting appointed by two Friends from New-York government at Abington, my own way being entirely fhut up, fo that I durft not presume to appoint a meeting, nor yet to return home, though I often looked towards home, but it looked dark. So I fhould have quite ftopped, had there not been a meeting for those two Friends, which I thought I might fafely attend; but ftill filence and fuffering was my lot; and yet the Lord was graciously pleased to preferve my foul in a good degree of patience under all.

Seventh-day 14th. I went to a meeting appoint ed for the aforefaid Friends at Horfeham, and returned with my friend Jofhua Morris to his houfe at Abington.-ft-day 15th, was at Abington meeting again, and filent in both, feeling great emptinefs. It is the Lord's hand, let him do as he pleaseth, he will not do any thing for my harm-2d day 16th, ftopt travelling, and waited on the Lord for direction-towards night a little light arofe, and I thought I might go on in the morning, if the way thould continue ftill to be open.-3d day 17th, I attended their meeting at Gynnedd, my tongue as it were cleaving to the roof of my mouth.-4th day 18th, I had a filent meeting at Plymouth.-5th day 19th, was at the monthly


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