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ftates of the people, I ftepped afide from the opening, and with a view to condefcend to the people's conditions, ftruck upon more familiar and more common matters, in illuftrating truth's gradual teachings; but alas! I found it is truly not in man that walketh to direct his own fteps in this great work, for inftead of inftructing the people in it, I foon dried up the fpring of life I felt before; and I fat down in a degree of fhame and confufion, being taught thereby to trust in the Lord with all my heart, and lean not to my own understanding.

After this went to New-York, it being seventhday, and Friends holding two meetings there of courfe on first-day, ftaid until then, at both which Jofeph had pretty good fervice, but I was entirely thut up in filence. Third-day 8th, had a meeting at Rahway-my dear companion was favoured in a close searching teftimony to fome, and comfortable encouragement to others. A wide field of doctrine was opened before me, wherein, for fome time, I expected it would be my lot to labour; but as I waited, not willing to proceed in the opening however clear, without the word of command, it closed again; fo I was filent, fave that I juft informed the meeting how it had been with me. 4th-day 9th, we attended Friends preparative meeting at Plainfield; my mouth was opened in an alarming testimony among them in the meeting for worship-and Jofeph's in folemn fupplication that the last days of fuch as had long been gathering ruft, might, by the fire and the hammer, be their best days. 6thday 11th, had an exercifing meeting at Shrewsbury. 7th-day 12th, we had a meeting at Squancum.

First-day, 13th. We were at Squan meeting; it was a very ftripping time to me.-3d-day 15th, had a very laborious meeting at Barnagat, though a few exercised

* Jer. x. 23.

exercifed Friends belong there.-4th-day 16th, another fuch at Little Egg-Harbour-here we saw our ancient worthy friend Ann Guant, who had twice vifited New-England in the work of the miniftry-fhe feemed lively in old age, and her company was pleafant. 5th day 17th, we attended their mid-week meeting at Great Egg-Harbour, were Jofeph had good fervice. 6th-day 18th, had a meeting at the other meeting-house in Great EggHarbour-here it was my lot to have a good open time both in teftimony and fupplication. 7th-day 19th, had another open meeting at Cape May in the morning, to pretty good fatisfaction. Hence we rode to Mark Reeve's in Cohanfey. We found him recovering from great bodily illness, and in a fweet difpofition of mind. He was one of the first travellers whofe miniftry was powerfully reaching to my mind, when he was in our parts many years past on a religious vifit with Stephen Comfort. It was very comfortable to be a little in company and fweet converfation with the only one of the two now living.

Firft-day, 20th. We attended their meeting held at Greenwich. 2nd-day 21ft, we had a meeting at Alloways-Creek. The state of fuch as thought themselves rich and incr eafed in goods, &c. and yet had too much neglected to buy gold tried in the 'fire,' that they might be rich, and white rai'ment,' that they might be clothed, fprang fresh in my mind; yet I believe there is a remnant among them who are in a good degree alive in the truth -may these be strengthened, and their number increased. This meeting, though very painful and dull in the fore part, was comfortably refreshing in the conclufion. 3d-day 22d, we had a bleffed, Heavenly meeting at Salem, though my dear compa nion was quite shut up; but my mind was much opened and enlarged; and much I had to do among

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them in the flowings of divine favour.-Bleffed be the great helper. 4th-day 23d, we had another favoured meeting at Piles-Grove, at least my own way feemed very open, and my mind favoured in a comfortable degree, after fome time of exercise in filence; but Jofeph was still shut up. 5th-day 24th, had a good open meeting at Upper-Greenwich, where truth favoured with matter and utterance, to pretty good fatisfaction. 6th-day 25th, we had another pretty good meeting at Woodbury, though I did not feel quite fo well fatisfied with my own teftimony as at fome other times; yet I had a degree of peace. 7th day 26th, we attended the felect quarterly meeting at Burlington. First-day 27th, attended the fore and afternoon meetings for worship, fuffering great inward want and diftrefs: but through a degree of patience, was enabled to endure it. Jofeph seemed comfortable, had a little to do in the meeting, and could converse pleasantly with his friends after it; while I was fo fhut up that, though fome of them felt near to me, I could fcarce use any freedom with any of them; indeed I feared they would think my reserve was affected; but truly it was not; I tried divers times to use a little pleasant freedom; but the more I tried, the more referved and shut up I felt, and even feemed to myself to act like a fool when I attempted to use freedom; therefore I gave up to be as I could be, and to endure this fhutting up with all the patience I poffibly could, as from the hand of God, for what purpose I knew not.

Second-day, 28th. Attended the quarterly meeting, going into it under great weakness and want ; but foon after fitting down, the power of the word of life arose, in freshness and dominion, with an opening clear and living; wherein I felt a neceffity to fland up and proclaim the word of the Lord among them. But it being a very large meeting, and


feveral great and eminent minifters of the gofpel prefent, it was no small cross to me to appear among them, however I was pretty foon made willing to yield to the preffing motions of truth, and therein ftanding up, was favoured to speak closely to the ftates of fuch as had not been faithful to divine manifeftations, and even fome who had known their heads to be crowned as it were with crowns of gold, and yet had fo fallen fhort, that, if they did not arife and trim their lamps, I believed the kingdom would be rent from them, their crowns taken from their heads, and given to others that were better than they; but I had also a comfortable profpect of many truly tender religious minds prefent, and hopeful young people a valuable number; and it opened in me to fay, I believed the children were already born who would live to fee a better day, and enjoy the overfpreading canopy of divine love in a more eminent degree, through faithfulness, than what many now do. It was a precious and heavenly opportunity, and divers living teftimonies were borne by brethren prefent, to the rejoicing of many hearts.

Third-day, 29th. We attended the youth's meeting at this place-a large, comfortable, inftructive meeting it was. We were both filent; but truth's teftimony was livingly declared by two or three gofpel minifters of this land, or of Pennsylvania: after which we attended the adjournment of the felect meeting to a good degree of fatisfaction. 4thday 30th, were at the felect quarterly meeting at the Falls, for Bucks County in Pennfylvania, where we had fome close hints to drop; but hope there is a living remnant among them. 5th-day 31ft, attended their quarterly meeting, where my mind was. favoured in teftimony to the glorious gospel of Chrift, as effectually witneffed in and by many in our and our fore-fathers days; and which, as I be

lieve, will yet more abundantly be witneffed among the nations; for I do believe the Lord is arifing to fhake terribly the earth, and that multitudes will be brought to the inward knowledge of this glorious truth, Chrift in you, the hope of glory.'* Jofeph was filent in the meeting for publick worship; but our dear friend John Lloyd bore a living teftimony among us, and a good time it was.

Sixth-day, 9th month 1ft. Attended the youth's meeting here-a pretty favoured time on the whole -Jofeph had good fervice in lively teftimony among them. I was quite calm and easy, without a word in that way. After this we attended the adjournment of the felect meeting to pretty good fatisfaction. 7th-day, 2d of the month, we had a meeting at Makefield, where after deep exercise, truth rose at length into great dominion, and divers living teftimonies were borne to the great tendering of many minds, especially among the youth-ma

of whom were prefent, and preffingly and powerfully perfuaded to choose the Lord for their portion. Indeed it was a precious time to them, and a large number of them were very much reached and broken-may they live under a fense of it. -Backfliders were alfo preffingly warned, and truth was over all-bleffed be the powerful helper of the truly dependant, for he is their only hope, and their rock of defence in all their exercises; and they learn and know, from multiplied experience, that without him they can do nothing in a religious line, that will either please him, or profit the people or their own fouls. But O, the wonderful and inexpreffible light, life, power, and dominion, wherein he arifes at times for the help, comfort, and encouragement of his faithful fervants! Words fall fhort in expreffion thereof, and language cannot reach it! therefore bow, O my foul, in filent, humble M proftration,

Colof. i. 27.

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