Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 165The series includes thematic volumes that stem from symposia specially convened to address particular subjects. --Book Jacket. |
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Page 131
... halakhic midrashim because Hoffmann for its major part had to rely on medieval quotations ; a Genizah fragment not yet known to Hoffmann has been re - edited by M. I. Kahana ( 2005 ) . No translation of Midrash Tanna'im exists . As to ...
... halakhic midrashim because Hoffmann for its major part had to rely on medieval quotations ; a Genizah fragment not yet known to Hoffmann has been re - edited by M. I. Kahana ( 2005 ) . No translation of Midrash Tanna'im exists . As to ...
Page 133
... halakhic midrashim for the first time ( provided we accept the early dates of the midrashim themselves ) and thus add to our knowledge . When looking at the kind of information we can gather from halakhic midrashim , it is evident that ...
... halakhic midrashim for the first time ( provided we accept the early dates of the midrashim themselves ) and thus add to our knowledge . When looking at the kind of information we can gather from halakhic midrashim , it is evident that ...
Page 138
... halakhic midrashim to keep to a large extent to the interpretation of the bib- lical text ; most examples turn up in comparisons or in parables . One would have to check the full corpus systematically for further occurrences , but a ...
... halakhic midrashim to keep to a large extent to the interpretation of the bib- lical text ; most examples turn up in comparisons or in parables . One would have to check the full corpus systematically for further occurrences , but a ...
The Palestinian Context of Rabbinic Judaism | 25 |
An Attempt to Define | 51 |
The Status Quaestionis of Research in Rabbinic Literature | 67 |
Copyright | |
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