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believes, and which he has found, in the experience of a long life in the ministry, most effective and useful in the awakening and converting of sinners, and in quickening and aiding Christians in the divine life. Several of the discourses here published were prepared and preached to the people of the author's charge, and often in other places, in seasons of religious revival, and were made by the Holy Spirit instrumental of much good."

The volume contains thirty-six short sermons, on ordinary subjects. The teaching is thoroughly orthodox, the thinking is clear and consecutive, the spirit is earnest and devout. They are decidedly more thoughtful than the average of popular discourses.

THE NEW CREATION. By Rev. JOHN MILLS. London: Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Row.

By "the New Creation," which is at once the subject and the title of this book, and which is the subject of repeated reference in the Holy Scriptures, the author means that new moral creation in the souls of men which is being gradually effected in the world by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The old heavens, and the old earth, which are to be burnt up, are the old moral systems of error and corruption. We accept this view as at once rational, scriptural, and practical. The work is divided into ten chapters, the subjects of which are- Preliminary Observations, Injurious Effects of the Pre-millennium Theory, the Nature and Character of the New Creation, the Analogy between the Works of the Creator in the Material and the Spiritual World, the Harmony of Prophecy and its accordance with the whole Tenor of Divine Revelation, &c., &c., &c. Though we do not accept all the interpretations of the author, nor consider all his arguments as conclusive, we estimate his work as one of great value. It goes against one of the most dangerous and growing errors of the age, pre-millenarianism. Its discussions are calm, thoughtful, candid, often enlightening, and . suggestive.

FIRST STEPS TOWARDS A CHURCH OF THE FUTURE. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers' Hall Court.

ALL the productions of the author of this work, whether they agree with our views or not, demand respect. He is always searching, reverent, candid, and devout.

THE WATERS SAW THEE. A Sermon by Rev. COWELL BROWN. London: Elliot Stock.

THIS sermon was preached on behalf of the widows and orphans of the men drowned at Padstow, through the recent lifeboat disaster at that place. The discourse indicates considerable mental force.



The Hour of Destiny.

"Then they sought to take him: but no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come."-John vii. 30.

HE most momentous hour in the annals of time, was the hour of Christ's crucifixion. Every hour in the world's history is dependent on

this, and derives its highest significance from it. It was the hour of the world's redemption-an hour in which eternal rectitude was triumphantly vindicated; the powers of darkness successfully vanquished; the liberty of untold millions of human souls graciously secured; and the sublime purposes of God with reference to the interests of this world gloriously accomplished!

This was the central hour of time, into which the hopes of all preceding hours had converged, and out of which must emanate all the joys and lustre of all succeeding ones. All the benefits of the past and prospects of the future are blended in this mysterious hour. In this hour we find the greatest exhibition of Divine love, the grandest wonder for angels, and the theme of highest praises for innumerable myriads of redeemed souls through endless ages. Christ


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I. IT IS BOISTEROUS IN EXPRESSION. The "laughter" to which Solomon here refers is of a certain kind. Laughter in itself is not wrong. "It is," says Steele, "that which strikes upon the mind, and being too volatile and strong breaks out in the tremor of the voice." And this author speaks of different kind of laughers the "dimplers," the "smilers," the "grinners," and the "horse laughers." A man's laugh is often the best index to his character. "How much," says Carlyle, "lies in laughter-the eipher-key wherewith we decipher the whole man! Some men wear an everlasting barren simper; in the smile of others lies the cold glitter, as of ice; the fewest are able to laugh what can be called laughing, but only sniff, and titter, and sniggle from the throat outwards, or, at least, produce Bome whiffling, husky cachinnation, as if they were laughing through wool. Of none such come good. The man who cannot laugh is not only fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; but his own life is already a treason and stratagem." The laughter of Which Solomon speaks, however, is not a natural laughter. It is a hypocritical laughter; it is the laughter of a man who has little no joy in him-a man ill at It is what Solomon calls where, the laughter of the nd he said of it, "It is The laughter of a corrupt the roar of the

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fallen away, "Left his first love." Such apostacy, or backsliding, is too general in the world; Judas, Demas, Peter, David, are amples. The real backslider is the one that backslides in heart. There are many who don't seem to backslide in their conduct; their external life in relation to the true thing continues the same as ever, but their heart has changed. The backslider in the eye of God is the backslider in heart. Secondly: The doom of the apostate. "Filled with his own ways." Misery inevitably follows his conduct. If he is restored he will suffer, he will be "filled with his own ways." David felt it so (Psa. li.), and so did Peter, who wept bitterly. But if he is not restored, his misery will be greater. The punishment of the sinner consists in his being "filled with his own ways."

II. THE HAPPINESS OF THE GOOD. "A good man shall be satisfied for himself." Who is the good man? The man who loves the supremely good supremely. "Such a man shall be satisfied from himself." Whilst the backslider's misery shall spring out of himself, so shall the happiness of the good man. The happiness of ungodly men, such as it is, is not in themselves, it is something outside of them, their children, their business, their friendships, their position, their property. Not so the happiness of the good man, it is in himself, it is independent of circumstances, carries it wherever he goes. It is a well of water springing up. It is


"What nothing earthly gives or can destroy,

The soul's calm sunshine and the heartfelt joy." POPE.

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"The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going."-Prov. xiv. 13-19. "SIMPLE" and foolish in these verses must be regarded as convertible, and represent the same character. So also the words "wise" and "prudent." We have, therefore, two characters, the sinfully credulous and the cautiously believing.

I. THE HASTILY CREDULOUS. "The 'simple' believeth every word." First: One of the strongest tendencies in man's mental nature is his propensity to believe. It is one of the most voracious appetites of the soul. The child opens its mental mouth, hungering for tales from the nurse's lips, and will eagerly swallow everything that is said. "As the young birds," says a modern author, "instinctively open their mouths for food, and their mothers not even once since the creation of the world, have thrown in chaff to mock their hunger, so the trustfulness of children is the opening of their mouth for truth. If we fling falsehood in, and laugh at their disappointment, the Lord will require it." Alas, this is done, and the child grows up to manhood disappointed, sceptical, and suspicious. (1) This propen sity to believe implies a stats of society that does not exist. Were men born into heaven, were society free from all error and deception, it would be not only a right, but a beneficial thing to believe every word, to credit every utterance, and to confide in every character. This is the state of society for which man was created, but he has lost it. He comes into a world of lies. (2) This propensity to believe explains the reign of priesthood. Priesteraft feeds and fattens on the natural credulousness of the soul.

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