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as Lord Rector of Edinburgh University, and makes a synthesis of the best that has recently been written on such questions as truth in politics and the relation of the party system to practical ideals of democracy. A great deal of important literature is well digested.

Pipkin has further edited, in a stout pamphlet of nearly 200 pages, the Proceedings of the First Annual Conference on Foreign Affairs and American Diplomacy, February 3-5, 1927, published as a bulletin of Louisiana State University. An address by him on American Business and Internationalism, delivered at the Louisian Restaurant, New Orleans, April 21, has since been printed in a separate form.

Martial and the Modern Epigram. By Paul Nixon, Dean of Bowdoin College. Longmans, Green and Co., New York, 1927. (Our Debt to Greece and Rome, no. 18.)

The Dean of Bowdoin (Connecticut and Balliol '04) has written a rather undeanly-that is, a very witty and humane-book on that eminent scapegrace Martial, whom he shows in his important relations to modern poetry. The range is very wide, for Martial's best things were too good to be left unborrowed by many of the English, German, French, Spanish, or Italian satirists who thought they might require wit and wisdom during the succeeding centuries.

To define the epigram is impossible. Nixon makes this clear in his first chapter, which explains how many different kinds of verse may be included in the category and how even the tenderer varieties are found in Martial. Of Martial hardly anything is known: the twenty pages of chapter ii exhaust the poet's history and personality. The third chapter follows his influence through the ages. The fourth, which makes up nearly half the volume, deals with Martial's "Perennials" one by one and shows to what manifold purposes they have been appropriated. The fifth pronounces upon "The Antiquity of Modern Wit."

There is much clever writing and a great deal of information in this small book. It may be recommended to after-dinner speakers: two pages before each meal will ensure post-prandial success. Nixon's own verse renderings of some of the epigrams are admirable. They will remind the reader of the collection which he published in 1911.


FOR YEAR 1926.

Balance on hand, January 1, 1926 (including life subscrip

tions, $200.00)


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Balance on hand, December 31, 1926 (including life subscrip

tions, $500.00)


Laurel and Straw


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