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THE student will find it to his advantage always to prepare a pre liminary analysis. To aid him in this, models in the principal depart ments of prose composition are first presented.

1. A PARALLEL.-The Old and the New Testament.

I. Their respective writers.

II. The parties to whom they are each addressed.

III. The languages in which they are respectively written.

IV. Comparison of their style.

V. Authenticity of each, by whom acknowledged.

VI. Tone of the teachings of each.

2. A DESCRIPTIVE LETTER.-Dated Niagara Falls.

I. Acknowledge receipt of a friend's letter, and offer to give an account of a summer tour which you are supposed to have taken.

II. Preparations for leaving home.

III. Incidents on the way to Niagara.

IV. General remarks on the pleasures, fatigues, and advantages, of travelling.

V. Description of the Falls and the surrounding places.

VI. Comparison with any other scene.

VII. Emotions awakened by sublime scenery.

VIII. General remarks about returning, and the anticipated pleasure of rejoining friends.

3. HISTORICAL NARRATIVE.-The Spanish Armada.

I. Introductory Remarks on the great expeditions of which history tells us.

II. Causes that led to the outfit of the Armada.

III. General description of the Spanish vessels of that age.

IV. Strength of the Armada.

V. Consternation in Britain, and preparations to meet it.

VI. Fate of the Armada.

VII. Political Consequences.

VIII. General reflections. History shows that divine interference often frustrates the greatest human efforts.


I. State of Rome at the time of Cæsar's birth.

II. Cæsar's birth and parentage.

III. Incidents of his youth. Came near falling a victim to Sylla's cruelty.

IV. His first military exploits.

V. Means which he took to attain popularity.

VI. Rapid political advancement. Mighty conquests.

VII. His fate; the causes that led to it, and its consequences.

VIII. Cæsar's character, as a general; as an author; as a man.

5. ESSAY.-Ships.

I. Origin. When and by whom first made?

II. Appearance. Original form and subsequent improvements.

III. Inventions. Mariners' compass; application of steam.

IV. Objects for which they are used.

V. Usefulness, as compared with other means of transportation.
VI. Effects that ships have produced on mankind.

VII. Feelings excited by seeing a ship under full sail.


6. Character of Columbus and that of Sir Isaac Newton.

41. Luther at the Diet of Worms.

42. The Thirty Years' War.
48. The Reign of Queen Anne.

7. The character of St. John and that of 44. The Era of Louis XIV.

St. Paul.

8. Luther and Calvin.

9. Cæsar and Alexander.

10. Firmness and Obstinacy.

11. Physical and Moral Courage.

12. Ancient and Modern Literature.

18. Invention of the Mariner's Compass and

Application of Steam to Navigation.

14. Ancient and Modern Greece.

15. Ancient and Modern Rome.

18. A Concise and a Diffuse Style.

17. Prose and Poetry.

18. Beauty and Sublimity.

45. The American Revolution.

46. The Battle of Bunker Hill.

47. The Reign of Terror.

48. The Invasion of Russia by Napoleon

49. The Hungarian Revolution.

50. The Russo-Turkish War.


51. Moses.

52. Ruth.

53. Solomon.

54. Homer.

55. Daniel.

56. Alexander the Great.

19. The Man of Talent and the Man of 57. Cicero.


20. Wit and Humor.

21. French and English Character.

22. Courage and Rashness.

23. Theory and Practice.

24. The Ideal and the Real.

25. Ancient and Modern Patriotism.

26. The Sacred and the Profane Poets.


27. The Deluge.

58. Mark Antony.

59. Mohammed.

60. Charlemagne.

61. Richard Cœur de Lion.

62. Petrarch.

63. Tasso.

64. Columbus.

65. Henry VIII.

66. Erasmus.

67. Bloody Mary.

28. The Crossing of the Red Sea. (Exo- 68. Sir Isaac Newton.

dus, chap. XIV.)

29. Naaman, the Leper. (II. Kings, chap.v.) 80. The History of Jonah.

69. Queen Elizabeth

70. Shakspeare.

71. Maria Theresa.

81. Jephthah's Daughter. (Judges, chap. 72. Peter the Great.

XI., V. 29.)

82. David and Goliath. (I. Samuel, chap.


33. The Reign of the Emperor Nero.
84. The Era of Haroun Al Raschid.
35. The Nornian Conquest.
36. The Crusades.

37. Granting of the Magna Charta.
88. The Discovery of America.
89. The Settling of America.
40. The Reformation.

73. Voltaire.

74. Patrick Henry.

75. Washington.

76. Franklin.

77. Robespierre.

78. Aaron Burr.

79. Howard, the philanthropist.
80. Mungo Park.


81. Adventures in California.
82. An Encounter with Pirates.

83. A Lion Hunt in Southern Africa. 84. The Indian's Revenge. 85. The History of a Pin. 86. The History of a Bible. 87. The History of a Cent.

88. The History of a Shoe.

89. The History of a Looking-Glass. 90. The History of a Belle.

91. The History of a School-room. 92. The Story of an Old Soldier, 93. Robinson Crusoe.

94. A Hurricane in the Torrid Zone. 95. Visit to Mount St. Bernard. 96. The victim of Intemperance. 97. Incidents of a Whaling Voyage. 98. Adventures in Australia. 99. The Prisoner of the Bastile. 100. The Smugglers.

101. The Alchemist.

102. The Flower-Girl.

103. A Voyage to the Mediterranean.

104. Visit to an Almshouse.

105. Encounter with Robbers.

106. Spring.


107. A Thunder-storm.

108. Flowers.

109. The Beauties of Nature.

110. Snow.

111. Mountains.

112. Forests.

113. A Lake Scene.

114. A Storm at Sea.

115. Our Country.

116. Thanksgiving Day.

117. The Study of History.

118. The Advantages of Education.

9. Peace.

120. War.

121. An Earthquake.

122. Chivalry.

123. Scene in an Auction-Room.

124. The Ruins of Time.

125. The Fickleness of Fortune.

126. Disease.

127. The Cholera.

128. Prayer.

129. Death.

130. Life. 181. Youth.

182. Old Age.

133. Morning.

134. Evening.

185. Day.

186. Night.

137. Summer. 138. Autumn.

139. Winter.

140. The Mission of the Dew-drop

141. Truth.

142. Honesty.

143. Earth's Battle-fields. 144. Gambling.

145. Echo.

146. Anger.

147. Self-government. 148. Ambition.

149. Contentment.

150. The Love of Fame.

151. Palestine and its Associations. 152. City Life.

153. The West Indies.

154. Melancholy.

155. Life in the Country.

156. Purity of Thought. 157. Patience.

158. The Life of the Merchant. 159. The Life of the Sailor. 160. The Life of the Soldier. 161. The Mariners' Compass. 162. The Spirit of Discovery. 163. Pride.

164. The Art of Printing.

165. The Third Commandment.

166. Mirrors.

167. Newspapers.

168. Jerusalem.

169. Novelty.

170. The Bible.

171. The Sun.

172. The Starry Heavens.

173. Astronomy.

174. The Rainbow.

175. The Moon.

176. The Aurora Borealis,

177. The Stars.

178. Comets.

179. The Earth.

180. The Study of Geography.

181. The Province of Rhetoric.

182. The Mystic Seven.

183. The Pleasures of Travelling.

184. The Congress of the United States

185. The Applications of Steam.

186. Public Libraries.

187. Rain.

188. The Fourth Commandment.

189. Rivers.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

264. Magic and Magicians.
265. Twilight.

266. Horace and his Friends
267. Formality.
268. The Rhine.

269. Legendary Poetry.

270. Clemency.

271. Parental Affection. 272. The Spirit of Song. 273. Hope.

274. Where is thy Home? 275. Love.

276. Forgiveness.

277. Earth's Benefactors.

278. Peasant Life.

279. The Power of Association.

280. Missionary Enterprise.

281. The Lord's Prayer.

282. The Jews.

283. The End not yet.

284. The Feudal System.

285. The Progress of Civilization.

286. The Dark Ages.

287. Monastic Institutions.

288. Generosity.

289. The Hermit.

290. Philanthropy.

291. The Good Part.

292. Patriotism.

298. Freedom.

294. The Fourth of July. 295. Honor.

296. A Republican Government. 297. Old things have passed away.

[blocks in formation]

352. Reformation.

353. The Freedom of the Press.

354. The Present

355. The Past.

356. The Future.

357. Rome under Augustus.

358. Criticism.

359. Silent Influence.

360. The Immortality of the Soul. 361. Martyrdom for Truth. 362. The Monuments of Antiquity. 363. The Power of Verse to Perpetuate. 864. Rome was not built in a Day. 365. The First Stroke is Half the Battle. 366. Make Hay while the Sun shines. 367. Order is Needful for Improvement. 868. Resist the Beginnings of Evil.

369. Necessity is the Mother of Invention,
370. A Soft Answer turneth away Wrath.
871. Familiarity begets Contempt.
372. Refinement, a National Benefit.
873. A Rolling Stone gathers no Moss.
374. Only a Fool turns aside to Deceit.
875. Avoid Extremes.

876. Cast not Pearls before Swine.
377. Study to mind your own Business.
378. Hunger is the Best Sauce.
879. Fools make a Mock of Sin.
380. A Fault confessed is half redressed.
881. Necessity has no Law.

382. The Face is an Index of the Mind.
388. Science, the Handmaid of Religion.

384. Fortune favors the Brave.
385. Love thy Neighbor as thyself.
386. Many Men of Many Minds.
387. Opportunity makes the Thief.

388. What can't be cured must be endured. 389. Grasp All, lose All.

390. New Brooms sweep Clean.

391. Where there's a Will there's a Way. 392. The Race is not to the Swift. 393. The Burnt Child dreads the Fire.

394. Good Wine needs no Bush.

395. Time brings All Things to Light. 396. Look before you leap.

897. It never rains but it pours.

898. Out of Debt out of Danger. 399. Whatever is, is right.

400. Political Parties at Athens in the Time of Demosthenes.

401. The Literary Character of Julius Cæsar. 402. Influence of Shakspeare's Plays on Popular Estimation of Historica Characters.

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