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put calumniators to rebuke, by shewing that it is only as the spouse of Christ that we venerate the Church; and because it is in and through the Church alone that we have the promise of being brought into communion with Him. To return, however, to the subject of fasting, allow me to ask what are your own views on the matter?"


They are these; that, as a minister of the Church of England, I am bound, so far as my bodily health permits, to obey her godly admonitions in all things?"

66 Have you always had the same feelings on this subject ?"

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"No," I replied, "I cannot say that I have. Time was, that I thought not of doing otherwise than following the habits of the age: I looked on the custom as obsolete, and troubled myself no further. But when my obligations as a clergyman forced me to look more narrowly into these matters, I ceased to doubt what my duty was; though for a while, I am ashamed to say, I wanted courage to perform it. Eventually, however, I found so many evils in an inconsistent course, both as regarded my flock and myself, that I resolved to try the experiment, at least, of following out the Church-system; and I humbly bless God that I did so."

"You found the infinite advantage to your own mind arising from these little continued acts of selfdenial : : you learned the secret of self-control; and were taught by experience how far more easy habitual devotion and spiritual-mindedness are to a mortified than to an unmortified body?"

"I did so, and then I began to appreciate what I had never understood or attended to before,- the Church's provisions on the subject; how by mingling fast and festival she displays her knowledge of human nature, and endeavours to keep the minds of her


children in that calm, thoughtful state, which prevents joy from rising into excess, and sorrow from sinking into despondency. And now, having thus spoken of myself, let me ask for the benefits of experience with respect to others. How have you been in the habit of advising those members of your flock who have made application to you on the subject?"

"I have always endeavoured to meet them fairly," said Mr. Lee: "I have begun by reminding them, that the duty of mortification is clearly recognised in Scripture; and that no less than a hundred and eight days in every year are set apart by the Church for that purpose. The answer I have generally received has been one of surprise, accompanied with an expression of the impossibility of leading so strict a life. Under such circumstances, I have always advised them not to attempt too much at first; to accustom themselves gradually to acts of abstinence, shewing that the Church has left it to every man's prudence and experience to decide how he should fast, and pointing out the various methods of self-denial,-and shewing that in fact whatever is disagreeable to ourselves personally, yet at the same time is not liable to attract notice and call forth observation as making us unlike other people, is an opportunity for exercising it. And while I do this, and teach them that the flesh is never pampered but at the cost of the soul, I take special care to remind them that mortification must go further than the body, and that it is only a means towards an end, namely, the rendering our mortal bodies fitter temples for the presence of the Holy Spirit, and the testifying our hearty desire to count all things but loss for Christ's sake."

We had by this time reached the wicket-gate that gave admittance to the little garden at Willowford.

Again expressing, therefore, to Mr. Lee the pleasure I felt in making his acquaintance, and having given him the assurance that I would take every opportunity of visiting him, we parted with mutual expressions of kindness and regard.


The Fruits of Obedience.

Oft in life's stillest shade reclining,
In desolation unrepining,
Without a hope on earth to find
A mirror in an answering mind,
Meek souls there are, who little dream
Their daily strife an angel's theme;
Or that the rod they take so calm
Shall prove in heaven a martyr's palm.

The Christian Fear.


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