An Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardSampson Low, Son, and Marston, Crown Buildings, Fleet Street, 1869 - Elegaic poetry, English - 30 pages |
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... blush unseen 9 Some village Hampden , that , with dauntless breast 10 Along the cool sequestered vale of life . 11 On some fond breast the parting soul relics 12 There at the foot of yonder nodding beech 13 Slow through the church - way ...
... blush unseen 9 Some village Hampden , that , with dauntless breast 10 Along the cool sequestered vale of life . 11 On some fond breast the parting soul relics 12 There at the foot of yonder nodding beech 13 Slow through the church - way ...
Thomas Gray. Full many a flower is born to blush unseen . BRITISH O FE69 1 Perhaps in this neglected spot is.
Thomas Gray. Full many a flower is born to blush unseen . BRITISH O FE69 1 Perhaps in this neglected spot is.
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aisle and fretted Beetle wheels Beneath those rugged beside the Rill blush unseen born to blush breezy Call BRITISH 9 FE69 church-way path Climb his knees cock's shrill clarion cool sequestered vale Crimes confined curfew tolls dauntless breast dumb Forgetfulness E'en Ecstasy the living envied kiss Eyes her ample fantastic Roots farther seek flower is born fond breast foot of yonder fretted vault glory lead herd winds slowly hoary-headed Swain Homely joys Honour's Voice Insult to protect kiss to share knees the envied Lonely Contemplation long-drawn aisle lowing herd winds Merits to disclose mopeing Muse's Flame neglected spot o'er the lea path we saw paths of glory pious Drops saw him born saw it borne seek his Merits sickle yield sooth the dull soul relies spot is laid teach the rustic THOMAS GRAY tolls the knell village Hampden wade thro winds slowly o'er Yonder ivy-mantled tower yonder nodding beech