The Epitaph. Here rests his head upon the lap of earth Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere, He gave to misery (all he had) a tear, He gain'd from heaven ('twas all he wish'd) a friend. No farther seek his merits to disclose, Or draw his frailties from their dread abode, (There they alike in trembling hope repose,) The bosom of his Father and his God. Stanza's wrote in a Country Church-Yard. The Curfen tolls the Knell of parting Day, And Caves the Nord weary Kay, Darkness &c. to me. Row fades the glimming Landscape on the sight, And now the dir A Save, where the now diruck solemor Stillness hotos: Beetle wheels ; Froning Flight, Or drowgy Sinklings lill the distant Soldes. Save, that from gonder ivy-mantled Tower as Omul does to wahdring near Moon, complain her secret Bower The mopeing that too Beneath those rugged Ums, that the Surf in many Where heaves narrow of the for lewtree's Shade, ber, laid sleep the breezy Call of Morn, from the Swallow twittering frill of echoing down Or Chaunticleer the strawbuilt Shed, shall rouse their Jeam & field Drive the heir sturdy Stroke. chondition mock their useful Soil homeey obscure: Their rustic Sous simple damals of the Coor. be Annals Brast of MavaDry the fo Cower Comp find all, that of Glory lead but to the Grave. Ingive, ge Proud, ch'involuntary Fault, If ellemory is Where thro Es these the raise, these no Irophies Long-drawn de, & frettad. Vault The pealing Anthem Can Can storied Won, or Back to its Uon, or animated, Bust. they Can Honour's Voice awake the silent Dust, Or Flattery sooth the dull cats ear of Death? is laid Perhaps in this neglected Spot is with celestial dire, once pregnant n Some Heart, Some 2. 3. to of Empire might have swayd, Empiring niatyre Village porovoke Dauntless Breast with Dauntles Syrunt of his bields mute inglorious, Jully here Casar, withstood; quiltless of his Country's may rest; Knowledge to their Eyes her ample Pages But Knowledge to their Rich with the Virtues but their Crimes confined; wade thro Slaughter to And shut the Gates of Hercy a Throne, Mankind The struggisings Bangs of conscious Fruth zu ände, quench th the Blushes of ingenuoris Shama, And crown de at With Incense thrine of Luxury be forde hallore deyin the Muse's Flame. kindledes at The shougheless vores es Majesty may bow Exalt the brave, ໔ more to Innocence, Iwe thaer Safety Than verse Centres iese conspired to bless And thou, whe mindful of Ene unhonour-d Dead Hark how the sacrés Calm that broods around whispersion cease Bids ev'ry pierce tumultuous, Passion 29 from the Ground with Reason be thysely at strife. Give anxious thre But (Pursue Cares endless Wisher the cool sequester) Wishes rom of Lifen the silent senour of the doom. Far from the massing Crowds ignoble Strife; nover knew, to, the silent fenour of their. 90 They kept the way Insult to protect Yat even these sense. of ligh. theoutly whima, & shapeless Seviveure, decht thesor Name their "Years, spelt by the unletter & Muse a The Place of Jame, de Epitaph supples. And many holy Sext around, the strews For who Nov cart one longing lingating |