2 3. The Boast of Haratory the Comp of Power. no Grave. Trophies raise, Where were the long-drawn Ply, & fretted. Vault. Can storied Uon, or animated Bust, Or waked to provoke Some Village Zaur, rest; Rich with the Sporepresent the noble Rage, many a had Gem of purest Ray unfathom' d' Caves of Ocean bear! The dark unfathom I Full many a Flower is Form to slush. wast it's - Sweetness Ih Applause of listening The Threats of Pain their Slistry in Sate forbad: growing : not command, derjowe. smiling Land a urcumscribed alone Their ggling Virtues but, their Crimes confined; Forbind to wade thro. Haughter And shut the Gates of therey Mankind چی The struggieings Pengs of conscious Fouth to hide, And at With kindlade at The thoughtless wort Exalz more The Muse's Flame. Rajesty may the brave, te idolaze Success to innocence, their Safety own Than Sower are benims is conspired to bless Find thou;; who mindful of the unhonoured W. Dead in these ototes the arcles. Cale relate Dost By Night & lonely Contemplation led yo linger in the gloomy _ Walks of late. Hark how the "sacred Calm, that broods around Bids evvy pierce tumultuous, Passion cease Ion still small decanes, whispering from the Ground et grateful. Earnest of eternal "Peace thre the cool sequester; of Life Pursue the silent Senour of the Doom. Fay from the madding Crowd's ignoble Strife; nightect. Their Name their Years, spelt by the unletter'd Muse And many for who to dumb Forgetfulness, This pleasing anxions Being Left the worm Precincts of the chearful day; d= longing linga ing Look On some Some ford Breast the parting Foul relies, pious gious Drops the closing Eye requires: Even from the Tomb, the Voice of Nature cries, And buried Ashes glow with social, Fires For Thee, who mindful be: as above. If chance, that cer some With vain, pensive more, by sympathetic Musings endeley birt Pay some Haply we With hasty Footsteps brush the Dews away the high Brow of yonder hanging. Levon On oft teen the Grain-wood side along, our Him have at His listless Length, pore upon And The Bosom of his Gather embling slope repose) his proble Birch For Lick to grow them froy their dead Abode the Tap of Earth. No farther seek his Marits to disclose, منكر unkn her own was all he wished, a Friend Heart, sincere; the Bride would be stretch, by. smiling at the Scorn, with Gestures quainter Mancien word ved hove Now woeful Or crazed with Care as one forlorn, mised him on One Morn we Another came, Nor nor the Lawn, yet beside the Rill, nor at the Wood was There scatter'd of the file sad him born The next with Dinges meetin Flow they the Church way rat can't read the day The manuscript from which the present Facsimile has been taken, is the only existing draught of the Poem, the Autograph at Pembroke House, Cambridge, being manifestly a fair copy made by the Poet, probably for circulation among his friends. This draught formed a portion of the papers bequeathed by Gray to his friend and biographer, Mason. |