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AIN, on the northern border of the

Land of Israel, ii. 335.

'Ain el-'Asy, see Orontes.

'Ain es-Sâheb, 329.

'Ain et-Tîneh, 358.
'Ain Halûsh, 375.

'Ain Hauwar, 277; ii. 307.
'Ain Meithelûn, 21.

'Ain Mûsa, ii. 203.

Aklîm el-Bellân, 319.

Amorites, ii. 161.

Ananias, house of, 56.

'Anjar, Chalcis, 14, 97, 99.

ANTILIBANUS, 18, 21, 275, 282, 298;
eastern slopes of, 354 seq.; ii. 314
seq., 320.

ANTIOCH, 95, 100, 108, 116.
Apollodorus the architect, 105.
Aqueducts, ancient, 265; ij. 51, 77,

Aretas, 79, 99, 101 seq.
ARGOB, ii. 268. See Lejah.
'Arny, 299, 311, 313, 317 seq.
'Ary, Ariath, ii. 134 seq.

'Asal el-Werd, 358; district of, ii.

Ash'areh, see Tell Ash'arek.
Ashtoreth, ii. 106.

Assyrian mounds, 383; ii. 345.
Atabeks, 116.

Ataibeh, 378 seq.

'Atîl, ii. 119.

Auranitis, HAURAN, ii. 263 seq.
'Awaj, PHARPAR, sources of, 299,
312; river, 318 seq., 321, 389;
valley, ii. 13, 247, 248.

'Ayûn, ii. 208.


Baalbek, HELIOPOLIS, 107; ii. 318


seq.; castle of, 306 seq.

Barada, ABANA, 27, 255 seq.; foun-
tain of, 274.

BASHAN, 105; ii. 161; boundaries
and provinces of, 250 seq.
Batanæa, ii. 264.

Bathanyeh, Batanæa, ii. 52, 54, 57,
65. See Batanæa and Mountains
of Bashan.

Bedawîn, 150, 164, 165, 166; their
horses, 176; hospitality, 189;
beauty of the women, 191; forays,
ii. 15, 25.

Beitîma, 316, 320.
Beit Jenn, 311.
Beit Sâbir, 318.

Berdûny, river, ii. 278.

Berghaus' map of Syria, 282, 348,
390; ii. 65.
Bhamdûn, 7.

Birket er-Ram, lake Phiala, 308.
Bludân, 279 seq.

Boheira the monk, ii. 153 seq.

BOZRAH, Bostra, Busrah, 105, 109;
visit to, ii. 140 seq.; history of,
159 seq.


178, 192, 208.

Travels in Syria,' ii.

Bukâ'a, Calesyria, 11; ii. 320 seq.

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313, 318, 321, 322, 390; ii. 24, | Emim, ii. 161.

65, 67, 88, 135, 136, 177, 182,

187, 192, 201, 203, 207, 242,

244, 254.

Burzeh, 82, 323.

Busr el-Harîry, ii. 216.


Fakra, ii. 291.


Caverns in Haurân, ii. 86, 127.

CEDARS, the, ii, 299 seq.

Christian sects in Damascus, 142 seq.
Cleopatra, 99.


Dâma, ii. 218, 238, 244.
DAMASCUS, Topography and Antiqui-
ties, 24 seq.; walls and gates, 38
seq.; castle, 49; great mosk, 60
seq.; history of, 78 seq.; taken by
Romans, 98; Christianity preached
in, 102; conquered by Sapor, 106;
plundered by Timûr, 125; sta-
tistics of, 137; gardens of, 152.
See Plain of Damascus.
Daraya, 28, 321.

Deir 'Aly, ii. 246.
Deir el-Kulah, 6.

Deir Mâr Marûn, ii, 326.
Deir Zobeir, ii. 140.
Demâs, 21.

Dera, Adraa, ii. 221.

De Sanley's Journey round the Dead
Sea,' &c., 143, 267, 303, 305, 314

Diûra, the, 369, 376, 380.

Druzes, 20, 283, 309, 310; ii. 30,
61; their chiefs in Haurân, ii. 40,
128, 190, 213; blood revenge, ii.
118; skill in horsemanship, ii. 59.
Dûr, Doroa, ii. 216.


EDOM, the Bozrah of, ii. 160.

EDREI, Edhr'a, ii. 219 seq.; identified,

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Hasya, ii. 352.

Hasbeiya, 301.

Haurân, journey to, ii. 1 seq.; general
topography of, ii. 47. See Auranitis.
Hazar, 304.

Hebrân, ii. 137, 200 seq.
HELBON, Helbôn, 323, 330 seq.
HERMON, Jebel esh-Sheikh, 286;

ascent of, 287 seq.; summits of,
292; ruins on, 293; elevation of,
299, 308; extent of range, 310.
High places, ancient, 281, 294, 336,

Hîjâneh, 388; the lake, 389.
Hîny, 313.

Hît, ii. 40 seq.
Hiyât, ii. 34 seq.

Houses, ancient stone, in Bashan, ii.
22, 38.

Hûleh, 302, 304.

Hums, Emesa, 107; ii. 343 seq.
Hunîn, 302.

Hureiry, 336.



KERIOTH, see Kureiyeh.

Hurmůl, monument of, ii. 309, 321, Kesweh, ii. 248.

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Jacobites, or Syrians, ii. 347.

Jebel el-Aswad, ii. 12, 248.

Jebel el-Heish, 310.

Jebel Haurân, HILLS OF BASHAN, ii.
34, 57, 78, 205 seq., 266 seq.
Jebel Khiyârah, ii. 19, 245 seq.
Jebel Mâni'a, ii. 16, 18, 247.
Jebel Mar Shurabîn, 348; ii. 312.
Jebel Tinîyeh, 153, 340, 348.
Jedûr, see ITURÆA.

Jemurrîn, ii. 141 seq.
Jerûd, Geroda?, 159, 371.
Jews, the, in Damascus, 147.

JORDAN, highest source of at Has-
beiya, 301; fountain of at Tell
el-Kâdy, 303; at Bâniâs, 305.
Jubb 'Adin, tombs at, 351.
Jûsy, extensive ruins of, ii. 324, 331


Kabr es-Sit, tomb of Zeinab, ii. 10.
Kadîsha, valley of, ii. 297.
Kâra, Comochara, 107; ii. 362.
Kaukaba, the scene of Paul's conver-
sion, 43.

Kefr Hauwar, De Saulcy's discoveries
at, 313 seq.
Kefr Kûk, 285.

Kerak, tomb of Noah at, ii. 278.

Khubab, ii. 238.

Khâled, Mohammed's general, 72;
takes Damascus, 109.
Kirâtah, Coreathes, ii. 216.

Kufr, extensive ruins at, ii. 201, 203.
Kul'at Jendal, 299, 320.
Kuleib, see Tell Kuleib.
Kunawât, Canata, KENATA, ii. 87;
description of ruins at, 90 seq.;
theatre, 97; sculptures, 105; his-
tory of, 113 seq.
Kuneiterah, 308.

Kurdish shepherds, costume of, 31,
337, 350.

Kureiyeh, KERIOTH, description of
ruins, ii. 191 seq.; remote anti-
quity of houses, 195 seq.; identi-
fied, id.

Kuryetein, HAZAR-ENAN, 252; ii.

Kustul, Castellum, 361.
Kuteifeh, 155.


Lakes of Damascus, excursion to,373;
survey of, 377 seq. and 382.
Lake of Hums, or Kades, ii. 341 seq.
Lake Hîjâneh, 389.

Laodicia ad Libanum, probable site
of, ii, 339.

Lebweh, Lybon, ii. 321.
Lejah, Trachonitis, ARGOB, ii. 19, 29,
32, 47, 78, 195, 206, 214 seq.,
238; topography and physical
geography of, 240 seq. See Tra-
chonitis and ARGOB.
Litâny, river Leontes, 11.
Liwa, see Wady Liwa.
Lysanias, tetrarch of Abilene, 16.


Maacathites, their terrritory, 319.
Ma'arra, 340.
Maksûra, or Dumeir, 367; temple at,
id. seq.; ruined town near, 370;
its ancient name, 371.
M'alûla, 107, 351 seq.

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NAAMAN, the Syrian, his house, 55;
cured by Elisha, 87.

Nahleh, temple at, ii. 319.
Nahr el-Kelb, Lycus flum., ii. 285;
sources of, 293.

Nahr el-Mukŭbrit, 367.

Nahr Yahfûfeh, 11, 282; ii. 278,

Natural bridge in Lebanon, ii, 293.
Nebk, 361; ii. 364.

Nejha, 393; ii. 13.

Nejrân, ruins of, ii. 213 seq.

Nicolaus of Damascus, 81.

Nimreh, ii. 67, 77.

Noah, tomb of at Kerak, ii. 278.
Northern border of Palestine defined,

ii. 354 seq.

Nûr ed-Dîn, rebuilt walls of Da-
mascus, 44; captures Damascus,



Oaks of Bashan, ii. 266.

Og, king of Bashan, ii. 35, 197, 206,

Odenathus of Palmyra, 106, 245.
Omeiyades, dynasty of the, 111; they
adorn Damascus with buildings,

'Orman, Philipopolis, ii. 209.
Orontes, river, El-'Asy, source of at
Libweh, ii. 322; at Deir Mar
Marûn, 326; course of the river,
329 note, and 338 seq.

Othman, the founder of the Ottoman
Empire, 123.

Ottoman Turks, their origin, 122;
take Constantinople, 131; conquer
Syria and Damascus, 132; their
policy, id.


Palma, Cornelius, conquers Bashan,
105; makes Bostra seat of govern-
ment, ii. 164.

PAUL, scene of his conversion, 42;

flies from Damascus, 102.
Phanos, see Musmeih.
Plain of Damascus, extent of, 25; its
beauty, 28; general features, 366,
376; geology of, ii. 12.
Plain of Hums, ii. 343 seq.


Ras Ba'albek, ii. 323.
Rasheiya, palace and prince of, 286.
Rephaim, ancient territory of the, ii.

RIBLAH, its site and remains, ii. 335.
Roads, Roman, 308, 338; ii, 33, 67,
87, 112, 117, 127, 141, 155, 203,
245, 304.
Robinson, Dr.,

Researches in Pales-
tine,' ii. 160; his later Researches,
303, 307 note.
Ruhaibeh, 364.

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Sapor, king of Persia, conquers Da- Tell Kuleib, ii. 51; its real name, 133;

mascus, 106.

its features, 201.

S'as'a, 299, 308, 312, 313, 318, 319. Tell Khaledîyeh, ii. 32, 53.

Sassanidæ, the, 108.

Sauwarah, ii. 30.

Sehweh, ii. 134, 204.

Sehwet el-Khudr, ii. 201.

Seljûkians, their origin and history,
114 and note.

Shehâb, princes of, 286; ii. 81.

Tell Mâni'a, ruins on, ii. 247.

Tell Mindow, Laodicia ad Libanum,

ii. 339.

Tell Sumeid, ii. 48, 78.

Tellûl, the, 26, 369, 380, 388.
Theatres, Roman, ii. 73, 97, 148.
Timûr, history of, 124 seq.

Shemsîn, fountain, 11; village, ii. Tombs, ancient, at Abila, 262; at


Sheriat el-Mandhûr, Hieromax, YAR-
MUK, ii. 252; the boundary be-
tween Bashan and Gilead, 255.
Shinshâr, ii, 350.

Shuhba, extensive ruins of, ii, 67, 72
seq.; theatre in, 73.

Shuka, Saccæa, ii. 60, 64, 260 seq.
Statistics of Damascus, 137.
Sudud, ZEDAD, ii. 354, 356.
Sûk Wady Barada, Abila, 15, 102;
situation and description of ruins,
261 seq.; history of, 271; origin
of modern name, 273; brutal
murder in, 283.

Sûk el-Khan, 301.
Suleim, Neapolis, ii. 83-87.
Sulkhad, SALCAH, ii. 140; descrip-
tion of, 176 seq.; castle of, 178;
identified, 184; history, 185.
Sunamein, Aere, 315; ii. 275 note.
Surghâya, plain of, 282; village, ii.

Suweideh, ii. 120 seq.; history of,
131, 140.


Palmyra, 231 seq.; at Menîn, 326;
at Kenath, ii. 93, 117; at Suwei-
deh, 130.

Trachonitis, situation and boundaries
of, ii. 259. See Lejah and ARGOB.


Wady el-Ajam, the valley of the

Wady ed-Dân, ii. 204.
Wady el-Kurn, 19, 282.
Wady et-Teim, 298, 300, 301.
Wady Harîr, 18.
Wady Helbon, 328.
Wady Kunawât, ii. 212, 216.
Wady Liwa, 389; ii. 24, 29, 31, 67.
Wady Salîb, ii. 290.
Wady Salîma, ii. 282.
Wady Tarshish, ii. 280.*
Walîd, the khâlif, takes the cathedral
of St. John from the Christians,
and erects the Great Mosk, 73.
Wetr, ii. 140.
Wood, Richard, Esq., British Consul
at Damascus, 134, 143, 283; ii. 3,

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