Page images

Gentrice (Bishop G. Doug
las), 213, 221, Generosity.
Gentrice, 224, generosity.
The fair Geraldine, 51-54.
The Geraldines, 51.
Geson[=geason], 194, scarce,



Gest, 201, story.
Gewgaws, 196, trifles.
Ghostly food, 54, spiritual,
religious teaching.
Gib Gilbert], our Cat, 133,
144, a male cat, a Tom cat.
Gill (Rev. J. Skelton), 192.
A gin, 214, a contrivance.
Gin, 239, an engine for war.
'Ginneth, 41.
'Gins, 68, begins.
By Gis! 262, by Jesu!
A glede, 224, 290, 293, a kite.
To glew, 230, to make merry.
Glifnit, 224, gave a startled

Gluttony (Bishop G. Doug-
las), 213, 229, 240.
Gnar, 170, snarl, growl.
Go! 136, gone!
A Goldsmith your Mayor,
191. Sir J. Mundy, of the
Goldsmiths' Company, was
Lord Mayor of London from
October 28, 1522, to October
27, 1523. See p. 159.
The Gomorrhians, 176, the
people of Gomorrha.
Good, 228, goods.
'Good even, good Robin
Hood!' 166, a polite salu-
tation made through fear.
Good-Fame (Bishop


Douglas), 215.
Goodness (Bishop G. Doug-
las), 215.
Good Will (T. Vaux, Lord
Vaux), 247.
Gordon (Anon.), 98, 99:


The Great Seal of England,
171, 198, 199. Wolsey held
this, as Lord Chancellor.
Greet, 291, weep.
Greif, 218, fault.
Gressop, 136, grasshopper.
Gripes, 142, Griffons.
Groomis unaghast,
men without fear.
Grundin, 215, ground.
Gude, 213, goods.
Guercis, B. de, 200, 201.
To guise, 227, to disguise.
Great guns, 239, cannon.
Gup, 165, ?Ge up!
'Gup level susè,' 165.
Gustis, 233, tastes.
Sir Guy, 151.

Habitacle, 271, habitation.
Hached, 96, inlaid.
Hairis, 228, masters.
Hall, Bishop J., 159.
Hallow, 145, consecrate.
Hals, 240, neck.
Haly [=Ali, 148, 178.
Hamilton, J. (Anon.), 99.
Hampton Court Palace,

[blocks in formation]

Harpalus (H. Howard, Earl
of Surrey), 58-62.
Out! Harrow! [=haro!],
223, a cry of alarm.
Hart of force, 79, a stag.
Harvey Hafter (Rev. J.
Skelton), 163.
Hatchboard, 94, 96, 101, the

Too haut, 157, too loftily.
Havel (Rev. J. Skelton), 163,

181, a term of reproach.
Hay the gye [=Haydeguy],
190, a dance having a ser-
pentine movement.

My gore, 143, the opening in Hazarding, 201, gambling.

the breast of a gown.
Gower, J., 156, 157.
Grace, 102, 159, 182, 183, the
Royal Style of Henry VIII.
Grace, 171, 174, 181, 192, 193,
197, the same high designa-
tion applied to Cardinal
T. Wolsey.
Grace, 190, the favour of God.
Grail [Graduale], 146.
Grame, 213, trouble, grief.
Grand Council, 173.
Gray, W., 105.

The gray, 164, the badger.
Grayth, 213, make, prepare.
'Gre, 291, degree.

In gre, 175, in good part.
Gre by gre, 214, step by step.
Great Hallingbury, Essex,


Head, 228, beheaded.
Hung his old head, 64, horns.
Will head us, 199, behead us.
Headwork (Bishop G. Doug.
las), 239, Headache.
Heal, 222, health.
Heal, 75, welfare.
King Heart (Bishop G. Doug-
las), 212-242.
Heaviness (Bishop G. Doug.
las), 220, 222, 236, 237.
Heben, 272, ebony.
I hecht, 238, am called.
Hector, 135, 136, 153.
Hegeit, 215, hedged.
Heif, 238, labour, heave.
Helas! 32, alas!
Helicon's Well, 151.
Hendness (Bishop G. Doug.
las), 215, Courtesy.

Henry VIII, King, 1, 90, 91,

94, 102, 103, 105-110, 159,
178, 186, 201, 253, 256, 257.
Hent, 107, 223, seized, grasped.
Heraclitus, 120.

Herber, 208; herbers, 194,
arbour, arbours.
Hertfordshire, 51.
Heve, 240, exalt.
Hied, 237, hastened.

(Bishop G.
Douglas), 215, 219, 221, High-
bearing, Demeanour.
Hight, 268, was called.
On hight, 216, 219, 221, 224,
230, on high.

A Hind, 3. Dr. Nott thought
that this was an allusion to
Anne Boleyn. If this be so,
Cæsar would be Henry
Hing, 228, hanged.
Hint, 235-237, seized, taken.
Hire, 23, 47, reward.
Hirne, 229, corner.
Hochis hutch], 237, (trea-
sure) chests, or coffers.
Hoddi-poule [=hoddypoll],
183, a noodle, simpleton.
Hoist (Bishop G. Douglas),
239, Cough.

Who holpe, 102, helped.
Clothed holts, 79, wooded

Honesty (Bishop G.Douglas),
(female) 215, (male) 220.
Honour (Bishop G. Douglas),

214, 233.

Hooped with gold, 6, bear-
ing a crown.
Hope (H. Howard, Earl of
Surrey), 74-77

Horsely, W. (Anon.), 92, 100,

102, 103.

Hours, 293, Matins, Morning

The House of Sleep [=Som-
nus], 271-275, 281.
House of Tudor, 159.
To hove, 78, to linger.
Hoved, 275, conveyed.
Howard, 2nd Duke of Nor-

folk; T., 90, 159, 165, 172.
Howard, 3rd Duke of Nor-
folk; T., 84.
Howard, Earl of Surrey;
H., 1, 49-88, 159.
Howard, Lady F., 82.
Howard, Lord
Howard, Sir E.
Howard, Sir E., 90-103.
Howards, the noble family
of the, 65-67.


Thou huddipeak! [=hoddy-
peak!], 171, fool, blockhead.
Huffit on hight, 217, hoved,
hovered on high.

[blocks in formation]

That ilk, 223, 233, same.
Ilka den, 296, every dell.
Illudeth her men, 116, de-
ceives, deludes.
Immundicity, 295, sensuality.
Incineration, 149, burning
to ashes.

Inde [India], 142.
Indian stones, 10, diamonds,
rubies, &c.

In faith! 104, in good faith!
In faith! Dicken, thou
crew! 162,?a snatch of an
old Song;

In special, 2, especially.
In sunder, 229, asunder.
Into (Scotch), 212, 223, 229,
230, 231, 232, &c., in.
Intrinsicate, 278, intricate,

Ipswich, Suffolk, 159.

Jeffrey (W. Roy and J.
Barlow), 252-265.
Jeremy, 200, the Prophet

King John of France, 204,
a fictitious name.
Joseph, 283.
Josephus, the Historian, 155.
Journey, 93, expedition.
Julius, 119, C. J. Cæsar.
Juvenalis, D. J., 201, 202.

Ka[= kay], 291, a jackdaw.
A Kaiser, 181, an Emperor.
Kate (Rev. J. Skelton), 192.
Katharine [of Arragon],
Queen, 253, 256-258.
Keen, 218, bold.
Took good keep, 223, heed.
Kelso, Scotland, 62.
Ken, 98, 214, know.
Kenned, 240, knew.
Kent, 21, 165.

Kervin, 215, carved.
Kindness (Bishop G. Doug-
las), 215.

The Court of the King's
Bench, 170.
The King's Bench Prison,
London, 175.

A King's child, 54, Princess,
afterwards Queen, Mary.
A crowned King devoured,
66, James IV of Scotland, de-
feated at the battle of Flod-

Ire (Bishop G. Douglas), 220, A King's son, 78, 79, H. Fitz-

237, Anger.

Ire, 218, anger.
Irous, 200, wrathful.
Isagogical Collation, 184,
introductory compilation.
The Ishmaelites, 283.
Belle Isold [= Isolt], 152.
Iwis, 63, 75, 280, certainly.

[blocks in formation]

Roy, Duke of Richmond
Kirnal, 236, embrasure.
Kirnellis, 215, embrasures of

Kiss the post, 154, to be shut
out, to be too late for any-

Knelland, 295, knelling.
A poor knight, 182, Sir R.
Nanfan, 159.

Story that the Knight told,
19, in Chaucer's Canterbury
Knotted, 7, twisted.
The Kough, 146.
Kuss, 143, kiss.

The lace, 53, the net, the

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Leas, 21, open, untilled
Lecam, 212, body.
His Legacy, 198, his Lega.
tine authority from the Pope.
Leid, 237, men.
Leif, 238, leave.

List to leir, 233, like to learn.
Leirit, 221, taught.
Leising, 226, lying.
Leiss, 214, lies.

Leist [list], 216, inclined to.
Leman, 127, 209, Lover.
Len, 223, grant.
Lent, 13, 295, temporary.
Lese, 207, lose.
Leseth, 113, loseth.
The river Lethe, 272.
Let me, 285, hinder.
Levit, 220, left.
Lewis (Sir T. More), 125.
Libany [? Lybia], 141.
Lief, 123, 238, willing.
Liefsome, 85, pleasant.
Liell, 216, faithful.
Light for summer green,
Liking (Bishop G. Douglas),
(female) 215, (male) 225.
Lines of true belief, 55.
And him list, 238, if it please

Me list not, 114, it does not
please me.

Nought list, 237, liked not.
Livel'hood, 4, livelihood.
Livius, T., 19.
Lomelin, the Lombard; D.,
200, 201.

London, 48, 90, 159, 191.
A Long, 146, a musical note
equal to four Semibreves, or
two Breves.
'Longed, 280, belonged.
'Longeth, 274, belongeth.
Long or, 211, long for before.
'Longs, 77, 81, belongs.
My Lord Admiral, 172. T.
Howard, Duke of Norfolk.
Lore, 290, teaching.

Losel, 181, scoundrel, rascal.

Loselry, 183, rascality.
The lots, 73, chances.
Louis XI, King, 185.
Louse them, 207, clean them-
selves from lice.
Love [=Cupid], 246-248.
Love (Bishop G. Douglas),
217, 218, 220, 223, 225.
Lady Luck (Sir T. More), 125.
Luge, 233, bower of leaves.
Lurdanis, 228, good-for-no-
thing persons.
Lure, 169, allurement.
Lust (Bishop G. Douglas),

213, 220, 221, 223-225, 240.
My lust, 227, pleasure.
Lusthead (Bishop G. Doug-
las), 215, Amiability.
Lute, 12, 13, a musical instru-
ment like a guitar.
Lybius Disconus [= Le
Beau desconnu], Sir, 152.
Lyde [= Lydia],"88.
Lydgate, J., 157.
Lymmit, 212, engaged.
Lyndesay, Sir D., 292–295.
Lylse wulce [= linsey-wool-
sey, a material partly of
linen, and partly of woollen],
164, a pun on the Cardinal's


Ma, 223, make.
Maccabeus, J., 152.
Macedony [= Macedonia],


Mahound [= Mahomet], 180,
a furious Character in our
early dramas.
Mainy [= meiny], 170, flock.
Make, 65, 155, mate, consort.
Male, 154, a misprint for

Wales, which see.
Man, 227, 230, 290, must.
A poor man, 179, Abdaloni-
mus, King of Sidon.
Man of good, 231, good man.
Mang, 215, 221, mingle.
Manners, Lord Ros; T.,

Manticors, 141, fabulous
beasts of prey, each with a
human head.
Many, 220, 222, many a.
Mardocheus [= Mordecai],



That mare, 134.
Marees deep, 134, marsh.
Margery (Rev. J. Skelton),

King Mark, 152.
Marlions [= merlions], 151,
Marock, 192, Morocco.
Marrit, 217, marred.

Not the

The Marshalsea Prison, Lon-
don, 175.
Martialis, J., 57.
Latin Epigrammatist; but
his friend.
Mary Tudor, Princess, after-
wards Queen, 51, 54, 257
The Mastiff cur, 169, Car.
dinal T. Wolsey.
Mated, 165, daunted, dis-

Maumet [= Mahomet], 197.
Mavis, 146, the song-thrush.
May, 238, it may.
A May, 106, a maiden.
Meautis, the French Secre-
tary; J., 187, 188.
Medea, 138.
Meekness (Bishop G. Doug.
las), 215.

Meis, 225, messes of meat.
Meisit, 232, mitigated.
Meiss, 214, mess of meat.
Mell, 173, 182, meddle.
Mells, 193, 276, meddles.
Men, 222, feudal retainers.
To mer, 215, mar, blunder.
Mercy (T. Vaux, Lord Vaux),

Mere, co. Wilts, 268, 279.
The Merle, 290, the blackbird.
Mess, 241, mess of meat.
Methinks, 8, 81, 84, &c., it

[blocks in formation]

Mirth (Bp. G. Douglas), 215.
I will mischief, 227, suffer

Miss, 231, amiss.
Great miss, 231, greatly amiss.
Mo, 104, 110, 119, &c., more.
Mon, 293, must.
Montreuil, France, 62.
Mony dine, 241, many a

Mony fold, 232, many times.
Mony time, 241, many a time.
More, Sir T., 112-125.
A mornings, 8, in the morn-

At morrowing tide, 226,
in the morning.
Morsels, 242, bites.
Mount-albon, 152, a Castle
in Gascony.
The mountenance, 172, main-
tenance, duration.
Mow, 242, mouth.
Mundy, Sir J., 159, 191.
Murmurs (Bishop G. Doug-
las), 239.

Murr, 145.

Muss, 143, a nonce form of

Muttrell [= Montreuil], 173.
Myn, 214, less.

Naaman Syrus,
200, the
Naías (Rev. J. Skelton), 158.
Nanfan, Sir R., 159.
Nay, 74, never.

Ne, 7, nor; 114, 155, 166, not.
A neck, 86, ?nook.
Need (Bp. G. Douglas), 242.
Neir, 215, near.



upon Tyne,
New-Gate (Bp. G. Douglas),
213, 217, 218, 221, Novelty.
Nicholl, a Cornish man, 205.
Niggard, 120, miser.
Night-walk (Bishop G. Doug-
las), 213.

Nill, 71, 89, will not.
Nobleness (Bishop G. Doug.
las), 215.

Nobles, 191, coins of the
value of 6s. 8d.
Northumberland, Earl of—
see Percy, H. A.
Norwich, 132.

Nott, Dr. G. F., 51, 82, 84.
Nottingham, Earl of, 103.
A fictitious title. There was
no Earl of Nottingham in

He no wait, 219, knew not.
Nowell [= Noel], 131, Christ-


'Noy, 40, 214, 226, 228, annoy.
Noyit, 232, troubled, vexed.

O'ersyle, 235, hide.
Oftsys, 222, ofttimes.
Spaniards' onions, 172, 192,
the nonce use of a word, for
the sake of the rhyme.
On live, 155, 237, alive.
On row, 236, in a row.
On sleep, 244, asleep.
One (Scotch), 290-294, a.
Or[=ere], 45, 214, &c., before.
Isles of Orcady, 142, the

Ormond, the family of, 62.
An ouch, 153, a brooch.
Out and out, 68, thoroughly,

Out ràschit, 226, rushed out.
Outray, 135, overcome, van-

Outstolling, 238, stolen away.
Out-take, 238, except.
Overshoot us, 165, over-
reach us.

Over that, 115, above that.
Overthort, 221, athwart.

[blocks in formation]

Pan, 228, skull.
Pandarus, 153, 154:

A pane, 218, in punishment.
Papingo, 290-295, parrot.
Papy, 272, poppy.
Parald, 215, adorned.
Paramour, 58, sweetheart.
Pardie! 176, by God!
Paris and Vienne, 152, a
mediæval Romance.
Paris, France, 204.
Parker, Lord Morley; H.,
128, 129.

Parlasy [= Palsy, Paralysis!
(Bishop G. Douglas), 239.
Partlet, 151, the name of the
hen in Chaucer's Nun's
Priest's Tale.
Pastance, 108, 292, pastime.
Patience (Bishop G. Doug-
las), 215.
Pay, 239, beating.
Peason, 194, pease.
That foolish peck, 145.
Penelope, 80, 154, 155.
Take pepper in the nose,
173, take offence.
Percy, Earl of Northum.
berland; H. A., 169.
Perdie! 46, 231, by God!
Pergame Pergamos], 138.
Perse [= Persia], 119.
Pertly, 240, briskly.
Petrarch, F., 156, 183.
Dame Philargeria (Rev. J.
Skelton), 167.
King Philip of Macedony,140.
Philip Sparrow (Rev. J.
Skelton), 132-158.
Phillida (H. Howard, Earl of
Surrey), 58-62.
Picarde, 211, a man from

Pieces, 96, of cannon.
Pight pitched], 268, wrap-
ped up.
Pigsney [a pig's eye], 286,

Pill [peel] garlic, 164, to
endure mortification.
Pill [peel] straws, 168, to
do a useless piece of work.

Pill his land, 175, to pillage,

plunder, by over-taxation.
Pinkerton, J., 212.
Pinnace, 90, 94, 95, 97, a
smaller, attendant ship.
The 'Pistle, 146, the Epistle.
Pity (Bishop G. Douglas),
215, 222, 223, 224.
Pity privy (Bishop G. Doug-
las), 213.

Places of Religion, 197,
monasteries, nunneries.
Plain Song, 145, 146, the
simple notes of an air.
Platfute [=flat foot], 290, an
ancient dance tune.

Dame Pleasance (Bishop G.
Douglas), 215, 216, 218-221,
224-228, 233-236, 238, 240.
Plight, 4, condition, position.
Plinius, C., 149.


Ancient Scottish Poems,
ed. by J. Pinkerton, 212.
The Canterbury Tales,
by G. Chaucer, 151, 157;
Virgidemiarum,Six Books
of Satires, by Bishop J.
Hall, 159.

Polling, 163, to rob, by ex-
cessive taxation.

Popingay, 145, parrot.
Thy port, 72, demeanour.
Port, 214, gate.
Portingal, 187, Portugal.
Portingal, Portingals, 96,
100, Portuguese.

A Postle's life, 167, an
Apostle's life.

A potestate, 194, potentate.
A Potestolate, 194, Le-

[blocks in formation]

Proper, 232, own.
Proven, 123, prove.
Dame Prudence (Rev. J.
Skelton), 160.
Pryce, 227, prize.
Prysit, 215, prized, valued.
Ptolemy, C., 148, 178.
Puirly, 219, humbly.
Purificate, 291, purified.
Puwit [ Pewit], 146, a name
for the lapwing in 1509.
Pye [= magpie-pecked, 181.
Pyramus, 133.
Pythagoras, 119.

The Quatrivials, 178, the
Quater [= quatre], 190, four.

last four liberal Arts (Astro-
logy, Geometry, Arithmetic,
and Music), making the
Quadrivium of the old
University curriculum.
Querestrers, 150, choristers.
Quhill, 227, until.
Quhissill foot before, 290,
change foot before.
Quick, 49, 138, 172, alive.
Quod, 42, 43, said.

Raddour (Bishop G. Doug-
las), 215, 220, Fear.
Rage (Bp. G. Douglas), 213.
Rair, 236, roar.

The rakehell life, 81, life full
of torments.
Rampand, 234, ramping,

Rampire, 247, rampart.
To a random right, 219,
right at random.
Rappit, 226, rapped.
-, 81.
Rathly, 232, quickly.
Rear-Supper (Bishop


Douglas), 241, a late supper.
Reason (Bishop G. Douglas),
230-232, 232, 236, 240.
Reason (T.Vaux, Lord Vaux),

Reave, 240, bereave, take
Reaving, 163, taking away
by force.
Recheless [retchless], 162,
195, heedless, reckless.
Recrayed, 181, recreant.
I rede, 86, 236, I advise.
The Red Hat, 169, 173, 198,
263, Cardinal T. Wolsey.
Reflary, 149, odour.
Your refuse, 67, refusal.
Regular folk, 256, monks,
of the Religious Orders, as
distinguished from the paro-
chial Clergy.
To reill, 219, roll forward.

[blocks in formation]

Remording, 196, rebuking.
Renaying, 166, denying.
Resolution, 43, decision.
Rest, 235, arrest, constrain.
Restit, 218, arrested.
Richesse, 114, 115, opulence.
Rig-bone, 229, back-bone.
Right (Bp. G. Douglas), 235.
As right, 164, as straight.
At right, 215, of right.
At right, 216, suitable.
Rinkis, 218, brave men.
Roast a stone, 164, to do
some useless piece of work.
Robin (Anon.), 111.
Robin Hood, 166.
Romans, 152.

Rome, 21, 41, 137, 152, 164,

By the rood! 5, 90, 226, 241,
by the cross!
The Lord Ros, 169, T. Man-
ners, Lord Ros.
Ar rotten, 222, rotted in for-

mer time.
Rouk, 212, mist.
Rout, 226, 229, blow.

A rout, 116, 223, 234, 241,

Dare rout, 171, make a noise.
On row, 236, in a row.
Rown, 242, roomy, spacious.
Rownit, 235, whispered.
Roy, Friar W., 159, 252-265.
Royals, 191, gold coins worth


Rub you on the gall-see
Rug, 241, pluck.
Ruth (Bishop G. Douglas),
215, Compassion.
Rye, Sussex, 165.

'S, 104, us.
Sable, 246, in Heraldry, black.
Sacre[= saker], 150, a falcon.
Sadness (Bishop G. Doug-
las), 229, 235, 236.
Sign of Sagittary, 268, the
zodiacal Sign of Sagittarius.
Sail, 215, assail.

The Abbey of Saint Albans,
Saint Cecile, 254. Wolsey's
title, as Cardinal, was S.
Cæcilia trans Tiberim.
Salisbury, 268.
The plain of Salisbury, 142.
Salueth me, 85, saluteth.
Sampler, 9, 138, 139, a piece
of embroidery.
Sapience (Rev. J. Skelton),


Sarum, 279, Salisbury.
Ultra Sauromatas [= Sar-
matas], 187, the Sarmatians,
a Slavic people between the
Vistula and the Don.
Saw, 236, saying.

Shill peascods, 164, shell
pease. See Pilí.
The Shot, 247, the Harque-

Spent our shot, 164, our


Full sawris sweet, 225, of Shoveller, 145, a duck with

very sweet savours.
Say, 226, tell.
Scant, 260, scarcely.
Scantly, 193,268,277, scarcely.
'Scape, 19, 55, 202, escape.
'Scaped, 274, escaped.
To scathe, 239, to injure.
Schore, 216, 223, threat.
Schott, John or Hans,


a broad bill.

Fingers shrined with gold,
116, wearing gold rings.
Sidney, Sir P., 51.
Inward sights, 176, percep
tions of right and wrong.
A silk, 233, ?a veil.
Silly, 225, 241, blessed.
A silly man, 88, simple man.
Silver and sable, 246, in
Heraldry, white and black.
Simon, P. (Anon.), 92, 97, 98,
102, 103.

172, Dame Simonia (Rev. J. Skel-
ton), 167.

Schure, 230, shore.
Scorn, 221, rally, jeer.
Scotland, 95, 101, 172.
Scottish King, 171,
James V.
The Scots, 168.
Scouner, 230, shun, shrink.
Scoup, 239, scope, aim.
Screecheth, 113, shriek.
Scrope, J. (Rev. J. Skelton),

Scutes, scutus [= écus], 166,
French gold coins of the
value of 3s. 4d.
Seat, 54, dwelling, residence.
Secular folk, 256, the paro-
chial Clergy.

Se Dean, 150, ? Sub Dean.
They are to seek, 170, at a
loss, without adequate know-

Seigit, 239, besieged.
Seinge, 219, war-cry.
Seisit, 232, in possession.
Art that selleth words, 40,
eloquence, advocacy.
Semblance (Bishop G. Doug-
las), 221.

Sembland, 238, appearance.
Semble, 216, to assemble.
Sembly, 218, assembly.
Semit, 233, seemed.
Sen, 218, 219, 227, &c., since.
Sendill, 214, seldom.
Sene, 219, afterwards.
Seneca, L. A., 129.
Serve, 231, deserve.
Service, 130, feudal tenure.
Servit, 228, deserve.
Set, 218, although.
Seymour, Duke of Somer.
set; E., 65.
Seymour; Lady A. [Stan-
hope, afterwards], 65-67.
Shaftesbury, 268.
Shave, 59, shaved.
Shaving, 163, fleecing.
Shed, 218, separated.
Shelton, -, 62.

Shent, 265, put to shame.

Sim Sly (Rev.J. Skelton), 189.
Sin (Bishop G. Douglas), 229.
Sing, 237, sign.

Sinke = cinque], 190, five.
A grim Sire, 173, 194, Car-
dinal T. Wolsey.
Sisters Three, 88, the Fates.
Sith, 67, 248, since.
Sithen, 223, although.
Skelton, Rev. J., 132–203.
Sker, 292, scared.
Skift, 239, shift.

But skill,227, without question.
Can but little skill, 155, have
but little knowledge of.
Skill, 224, argument.
Sla, 226, slay.

Slade, 276, dell, vale.
Slake, 66, 67, 85, quench, as-

Slake, 46, slacken, untie.
Slee, 231, skilful.
Sleep [Somnus], 272-274,

On sleep, 244, asleep.
Sleight (Bp. G. Douglas), 213.
Sleight, 234, craft, wiles.
Sleit, 215, sleet.

Slipper, 113, 116, 119, slip-
pery, unstable.
Sío, 137, slay.

Slough, 64, the cast-off skin.
Smirk, 239, an affected smile.
Smure, 239, smother.
Snyte, 145, snipe.
In sobering, 219, cleansing.
Socrates, 119, 135.
The Sodomites, 176, the peo-
ple of Sodom.
Soke, 217, slacken, be delayed.
Solfa, Solfe, 145, 148, 170, to
sing solfeggii.
Solomon, King, 81.

Soote season, 64, sweet season.
A Souter, 274, a shoemaker.

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