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Her inward, wandering fears gave birth
To woes, that frown'd amid her mirth;
And cast a shadow, dim and blind,
Across the heaven of her pure mind.
When Music woke its sweetest tone,
And every care was lull'd to rest,
She loved desponding notes the best ;
They seemed an echo from the breast,
And were the most her own.

When round the circle all was glad,
And pensive dreams in joy forgot,

Though she, alone of all, was sad,

Their happier state she envied not.—

Oh! when her coral lips unclosed,
What magic melody reposed

Upon that witching tongue!
Unconscious she, but listeners found
A spell within the elfin sound,

They wist not whence it sprung; Enraptured there they linger'd on, Yet own'd the gently soothing tone Seem'd sad, for one so young:

It came like music o'er the sea,

At summer day's delightful close; When winds and waters silent be; And down on earth, with lustre free, The star of evening glows!

And Rouen's knights, the young, the brave, The chace and tournament would leave, Forsake the din of war, to crave

A smile, a sigh from Genevieve;

But yet those looks, those smiles express'd
The unthaw'd coldness of her breast;
In her sad, melancholy mien,
Another Niobe was seen;

And they who hoped a mutual flame,
Who sadly went, and fondly came,
Felt, what their fears had pictured worst,
Despair to hopes by passion nursed.-
Yet idly do not deem, this told

A heart unfeeling, false, or cold;

If others be, hers was not such,

With purest flame that bosom burn'd; One loved she well; with warmth as much Her passion was return'd ;—

To her his heart, his vows were given,

She was the day-star of his heaven!

How lovely is the afternoon

Beneath the summer smile of June!

It is a very blessedness

To breathe the air, so pure, and mild;
From out the bosom all distress

Is banish'd, and all care exiled:
A brighter blue invests the sky,
Where colour'd clouds reposing lie,
With all their rainbow tinctures fair,
Forming a paradise in air;

A fresher foliage decks the grove,
Whose echoes only murmur love,
Where, 'mid its central glooms, profound,
The amorous stock-dove's cooing fills
The silence with a gentle sound,
And peaceful thought instils.

In silvery current glides the stream,
Upon whose surface burns the beam
Of the bright sun, and mocks the sight
With prodigality of light;

Receding hills, and hanging wood

Beneath are in its mirror view'd,

And, in a sky of soften'd glow,

Dark rooks and white clouds sail below :


The larch-tree gains a tint of blue;
The pine-tree's bark a crimson hue;
Majestically round her throws

The palm her wide, umbrageous boughs,
And shelters, through the glowing hours,
With welcome shade, the lowly flowers,-
The laughing flowers of varied dyes,
With fragrant breath, and radiant eyes,
Which look, as pitying that bright sun,
Whose circuit is so nearly run,

And, turning, hold their blossoms bright
Towards the great fountain source of light:
Thus, onwards through the scorching sands
Of shelterless, Arabian lands,

As pilgrims toil, on march divine,

They turn their face towards Mecca's shrine.

Within the shadowy castle grove,
The lone retreat of pensive love,
There was a beauteous jasmine bower,
Where roses shed a rich perfume;
The honey-suckle blent its flower,
The lilac bough its spiral bloom;
The acacia shot above; beneath

Lilies and violets widely strew'd,
An odorous, dim-eyed multitude,
Profusely shed their summer breath,
As past the wandering zephyr swept,
Which stirr'd the luscious guelder rose,
And kiss'd the bright laburnum boughs,
Whose yellow clusters waved and wept.
There Baldwin rests with Genevieve,

An hour secluded to beguile;

With hope to burn, with doubt to grieve;
Yet fondly, tenderly believe

That fortune on their lot would smile!-
What though contending rivals press'd
To woo her love, and gain her hand;
Though this was once a royal guest;

And that had armies to command;
What though a father's hatred fell

Between their hearts, when love unites

The lightning's wing may but impel

More deep in earth the trunk it blights: Distance to absence still bequeathes

The dream that lives, the thought that breathes; Disaster to responsive hearts

A doubled tenderness imparts;

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