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afford to pay for education, as their means are so scanty, therefore their children would remain in ignorance were it not for the schools.'

"INFANT SCHOOL.-The attendance at the Infant School has averaged, during the past year, 60 daily.

"It is much to be regretted that the very confined school-room is not at least three times its present size; if so, it could be filled, as the teacher has continually the painful task of refusing admittance to many children who are brought by their parents, and much disappointment is expressed.

"Your Committee have no doubt the following extracts from the Report of Miss Gomm, the Infant School teacher, will be very interesting to their friends, as they add great weight to the necessity of enlarging this branch of their operations:

"The greatest attention possible is paid by many during the Scripture lessons. The delight the little creatures take in the Bible stories is remarkable, always asking, before each lesson, if what they are about to be told of is in real earnest, because it is supposed many of the parents are in the habit of deceiving them. To show the interest taken in these lessons, the following facts will prove. Whilst teaching one day in reference to the willingness of God to give to every one that asketh of Him a new heart, a little boy was observed sitting with his hands folded, and apparently thinking; all at once he said, 'Teacher, when God does give people good hearts, what does he do with the bad ones?'

"At another time the Scripture lesson was upon the suf ferings of our Saviour, when a very little girl said, ‘Teacher, Jesus Christ was very foolish to leave that beautiful place in heaven, live in a stable, be beat, spit upon, and crucified. I would not have done so ; I would have stopped in heaven.' The teacher endeavoured to show her what would have

become of us if he had not suffered. To which this little child replied, 'Oh! then it was very kind, and I love him for it.'

"Many of these little infants will not go to their beds unless they are allowed to say their prayers. One mother told the teacher, that her boy, who is about two years and a half old, will go by himself and repeat the Lord's Prayer every night before retiring to rest. Another mother stated, that her boy almost drove her crazy when she hurried him to bed without having said his prayers, and that she was glad to make him get out again to say them, to stay his crying.' "SUNDAY SCHOOL.—The attendance during the past year has been as follows :—

On the books-Boys






.... 80

Average attendance, 155.

"Of these, 90 can read with various degrees of proficiency, some very well; 52 are in the elementary class.

"There is evident improvement in the children, and the progress made is very encouraging. The operations of the Sabbath School, however, are much hindered by the want of male teachers. 'The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.' Your Committee hope that their heavenly Master will raise up pious labourers to enlist in this honourable and self-denying work.

"To Mr. Le Dieu, the superintendent of the Sabbath School, and to the teachers, your Committee are under deep obligations, for the unremitting attention and persevering zeal with which they have continued their efforts to train up the dear children committed to their charge, in the love and fear of God.

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Showing an increase of 34 since the last Report. The average attendance, 100.

"The boys make considerable progress, evincing great eagerness to attain the rudiments of education. Many come from the manufactories in which they are engaged straight to the school; and the desire for instruction must indeed be strong to induce them to attend school at eight o'clock at night, after having been engaged in laborious employment from the break of day. Such pursuit of knowledge under difficulties cannot but be gratifying in the extreme.

"The girls also make visible progress, and are equally desirous of self-improvement; on the whole, their demeanour, attention, and progress, are of the most encouraging nature.

"It is greatly to be regretted that the various appeals to pious young persons to aid as teachers in this field of usefulness, have hitherto been so coldly responded to, but the calls of the uneducated class are loud and urgent.

"If, notwithstanding the present deficiency in the number of teachers, most encouraging improvement is discernible, how much greater progress might reasonably be expected were this urgent call responded to by a few active, diligent, pious, young people! May our Saviour incline the hearts of such to give a helping hand to those who are at present so praiseworthily and successfully sowing the seeds of usefulness, industry, and piety, upon that ground that so greatly needs mental culture! "To Mr. Crompton, the superintendent of the

Evening School, and to the teachers, your Committee also are under deep obligations for their unwearied exertions in the work of educating the poor and ignorant souls who crowd these courts and alleys.

"In connection with the schools it may be satisfactory to mention, that the following books have been distributed amongst the scholars, in exchange for reward tickets given for punctual attendance and good conduct :—

Union Spelling & Reading Books, upwards of 400
Magazines (Children's) upwards of.
Bibles and Testaments, upwards of.
Various Religious Works

Small Reward Books, upwards of.....
School Hymn Books






"CLOTHING FUND. -Your Committee have much pleasure in laying before the Subscribers the gratifying progress of the Clothing Fund :

In 1848-49 the Deposits amounted to and Premiums to.

In 1849-50 the Deposits amounted to and Premiums to...

In 1850-51 the Deposits amounted to and Premiums to......


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"The above figures show that this Fund is much appreciated by the parents of the children. Money that would doubtless have been spent in the maddening beverages of the public-house has been happily expended in procuring necessary and comfortable habiliments for their offspring.

"The following is a list of the articles issued to the children belonging to this useful and necessary portion of your Committee's operations :—

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"SUNDAY EVENING.-Your Committee, finding from frequent inquiries that very many of the poor residing in the courts and alleys which surround the schools did not attend any place of worship, being very destitute of clothing, resolved to open the school-room (there being no other opportunity offered them) for devotional purposes, in the hope that many who frequent the beer-shop and spend the Sabbath evening in rioting and drunkenness might be led to attend, and, God blessing the effort, they may be plucked as brands from the burning,' and be led through his mercy to flee from the wrath to come.'

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"It was opened on the 26th February last, and the attendance and attention paid have been equal to the most sanguine expectations.

"Your Committee desire publicly to record their acknowledgments to Mr. VANDERKISTE, the indefatigable City Missionary of the district, for his kind co-operation and exertions to advance the interests of the institution.

"To the Daily Press your Committee are deeply indebted for the very favourable notice taken of the schools on several occasions.

"Having thus briefly stated their circumstances, your Committee would commit this good cause to God, and to the word of his grace, knowing that he

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