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on the back of the paper, of the best couplets. The smaller volume contains part of the epic

Jesus (blessed be his name!) the government acquires its stability from thy mind. I have composed a poem in words of truth, beginning with a panegyric on the company. It contains a recital of the wars of the English, described with an animated pen. By the command of Hastings, entitled to reverence, I began a book on the victory of Benares; but before the completion of my task, that honourable man returned to his country. In thy government has my work been completed, and with thy name have I adorned its opening, in hope that thou wilt send me fresh materials, to decorate with golden verses the checks of my book. If I compose a Shahnameh, on the glorious name of the King of England, the book will fly over Iran and Turan, and the deeds of thy nation will blaze like the sun; if I sing the achievements of the English, the name of Parveiz will be no more mentioned. If I open a chapter of their conquests, Afrasiab will tremble under the earth; the rapid motion of my dark reed will make Rustem halt and droop. Hear my strains with discernment, and my pen shall soar with the wings of a falcon. Favour me, as Sultan Mahmoud shewed kindness to Ferdosi, that we may be a pair of tuneful nightingales.

The actions of all nations are commemorated, let those of the English be celebrated under thy auspices. May thy orders be resistless as the sea; the head of the contumacious be in thy power, and the seal of government bear thy name!

On the names mentioned in this translation, it may be sufficient to observe that Ferdosi is the Homer of Persia,


poem, which is written with enthusiasm; the other volume is filled with odes and elegies, all in the old man's writing. He is married to immortal verfe, and his highest ambition is to be an atom in one of your funbeams.

Sir William Jones to J. Macpherfon, Efq.

May, 1785.

The ornament of the faith (for that is the bard's name) Zainudeen will wait upon you on Wednesday; his ftyle of compliments is moderate in comparison of most Oriental compofitions; other poets of this country would have entreated you not to ride on horseback, left you fhould cause an earthquake in India when you mounted. This was actually faid to a prince at Delhi, who pleasantly bade the poet comfort himself, and affured him, that he would ever after go in a palanquin.

who composed an heroic poem under the title of Shahnameh; that the name of Nushirovan, is proverbial for justice; that Iran and Turan are Persia and Tartary; and that the other persons introduced were kings or heroes of those countries.

Sir William Jones to J. Macpherson, Esq.

May 26, 1785.

The regulation which you made concerning the Madriffa* is so falutary, that few things would grieve me more than to fee it fruftrated. Your predeceffor has often mentioned to me, the high opinion which he had formed of the rector, but (I know not for what reafon) he is very unpopular. Perhaps it is only faction, too common in most col

*The passages in these letters relating to the Madrissa or college, as an establishment of national importance, merits a more particular explanation. Mr. Hastings, whilst he held the office of governor-general, with a view to promote the knowledge of Mohammedan law, as essential to the due administration of justice to the natives of India, had established a college at Calcutta, in which native students were admitted and taught at the public expence. This institution was dictated by a wise policy; it was calculated to conciliate the affections of the Mussulmans, and to ensure a succession of men properly qualified by education to expound the law of the Koran, and to fill the important offices of magistrates in the courts of justice. The president of this college had been selected with every attention to his character and ability; but some representations having been made to his disadvantage, the succeeding governor-general, J. Macpherson, Esq. consulted Sir William Jones, on the regulations proper to be established for promoting the laudable ob、 jects of the institution, and controlling its conduct,

leges at our universities, of the ftudents against the head.

It is a remark of Johnfon's*, that as fpiders would make filk, if they could agree together, fo men of letters would be useful to the public, if they were not perpetually at variance. Besides my approbation as a good citizen of your regulations, I have a particular intereft in the conduct of Mujduddeen, who is Maulavy† of the court, and as fuch ought to be omni exceptione major. I believe from my converfation with him, that he is not a man of deep learning; but his manners are not unpleafing. The propofal which you make, cannot but produce good effects; but I hardly know any member of our fociety who answers your description for a vifitor under your directions, except Mr. Chambers, and his report might be depended on. I will, if you please, propofe it on Thursday.

The students brought a complaint before me laft term, which I difmiffed as not being with

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in my cognizance, that their allowances were taken by the head, who left them without fubfiftence; but whether this be true or falfe, it will not be amifs for the Maulavy to know, that he is fubject to vifitation from time to time.

If the beft intentions can ensure safety, you have nothing to apprehend; but, alas! my friend, if you can be safe only in fixed unanimous opinions of ftatute law, you can seldom, I fear, act with perfect confidence. Such is the imperfection of human language, that few written laws are free from ambiguity; and it rarely happens that many minds are united in the fame interpretation of them.

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A ftatefman told Lord Coke, that he meant to confult him on a point of law. "If it be "common law," faid Coke, "I fhould be "afhamed if I could not give you a ready "anfwer; but if it be ftatute-law, I fhould "be equally afhamed if I answered you im“mediately."

I will here only fet down a few rules of interpretation which the wisdom of ages has

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