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be expected to result from its researches into the literature of Afia. He mentions his fatisfaction at having had an opportunity of visiting two ancient feats of Hindu religion and literature, and notices the impediments oppofed by illness to the profecution of his propofed enquiries, and the neceffity of leaving them, as Æneas is feigned to have left the fhades, when his guide made him recollect the fwift flight of irrevocable time, with a curiofity raised to the height, and a regret not easy to be described.

I now return to the correfpondence of Sir William Jones, which in this year, confifts of few letters, and those chiefly addreffed to *John Macpherson, Efq. who, in February 1785, fucceeded to the station of GovernorGeneral of India, on the departure of Mr. Haftings. If, in these letters, Sir William adverts to topics not familiar to his readers, they are fuch as naturally arife out of his fituation and connections. Removed at a diftance of a quarter of the circumference of the

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* The present Sir John Macpherson, Bart.

globe from the scene of politics, in which he had taken a deep intereft, his attention is transferred to new objects and new duties.

The fentiments which flow from his pen, in the confidential intercourse of friendship, difplay his mind more clearly than any narrative; and they are often such as could not be omitted without injury to his character. Some paffages in the letters, which, as less generally interefting, could be fuppreffed without this effect, have not been transcribed,


March 12, 1785.

I always thought before I left England, that a regard for the public good required the most cordial union between the executive and judicial powers in this country; and I lamented the mischief occafioned by former divifions. Since I have no view of happiness on this fide of the grave, but in a faithful discharge of my duty, I shall spare no pains to preferve that cordiality which fub


fifts, I truft, and will fubfift, between the government and the judges.

Lord Bacon, if I remember right, advises every statesman to relieve his mind from the fatigues of business by a poem, or a profpect, or any thing that raises agreeable images; now. as your own gardens afford you the finest prospects, and I fhould only offer you a view of paddy fields*, I fend you for your amufement, what has amused me in the composition, a poem † on the old philofophy and religion of this country, and you may depend on its orthodoxy. The time approaches when I must leave these recreations, and return to my defk in court, where however a knowledge of the Hindu manners and prejudices may not be useless.

Sir William Jones to J. Macpherson, Efq.
May 17, 1785.

I have fo many things, my dear

Sir, to thank you for, that I scarce know where

* Rice fields.

The Enchanted Fruit; or, Hindu Wife. Works, vol. xiii. p. 211.

to begin. To follow the order of time, I muft in the first place give you my hearty

thanks for your kind and pleasing letter of last week, which fhews that mind can grasp your the whole field of literature and criticism, as well as that of politics, and that in the manner of ancient rulers in Afia, particularly Cicero, the governor of Cilicia, you unite the character of the statesman and the scholar. Next for the news, which has on the whole given me pleasure, and in particular, what both pleases and furprises me, that Lord Camden has accepted the post of president of the council. You know the opinion which I early formed of Pitt; and that opinion will be raised still higher, if he has fhewn himself (not merely indifferent, but) anxious that the reins of this government may long continue in the hands which now hold them, and which, though mortals, as Addison says, cannot command fuccefs, will certainly deferve it. I anxiously wish, for the sake of the public, that not only the operations of the law, but the cordial affent of thofe on whom it

depends, have already fecured your feat, as long as it may be confiftent with your happiness to fill it.

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I will not fail to talk with Mr. Chambers on the college, and beg you to affure yourself, that I fhall ever be happy in my sphere to give my humble affistance whenever you may require it.


Sir William Jones to J. Macpherfon, Efq.

May 22, 1785.

It was my intention to prefent you in the author's name, the books which I now fend. The poet Zainudeen was recommended to me foon after I came to India, as a worthy ingenious old man. I inclofe his verses to you, with a hafty translation*

* This translation, as a specimen of the taste and adulatory style of modern Persian poets, is inserted for the reader's entertainment.

Macpherson exalted as the sky, prosperous in thy undertakings, who like the sun receivest even atoms in thy beams! Thou art the just one of this age; and in thy name, that of Nushirovan revives. With the aid of

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