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only to investigations, by which the public interests were effentially affifted, but to those scientific researches, which he more effectually promoted. The art of printing had been introduced into Bengal, by the untaught skill of Mr. Wilkins, and had advanced to great perfection; and many publications equally useful and interesting, iffued from the press which he had established.

The genius, example, and direction of Sir William Jones, anticipated what time might perhaps have effected, but with flower progrefs. With advantages which no European in India poffeffed, he employed the ascendancy derived from his fuperior learning, knowledge, and abilities, to form an inftitution for promoting and preserving the literary labours of his countrymen; and while he exhibited himself an example for imitation, and pointed out in his discourses, thofe extenfive investigations which he only was capable of conceiving, his conduct was adapted to encourage, and invite all who poffeffed talents and knowledge, to contribute to the fuccefs of the inftitution. Life-V. II.

The establishment of the fociety, which does no less honour to him, than to the character of our countrymen in Afia, may hereafter form an important article in the general history of arts and fciences; and, if the future labours of the members should be continued with the fame zeal, the obligations of the public will be proportionably increased*. In the twenty years which have elapfed fince this eftablishment was formed, more accurate information on the history and antiquities, on the arts, fciences, and literature of India, has been given to the world, than ever before appeared; and without disparaging the labours of other inveftigators, and the merit of antecedent publications, the volumes of the Afiatic Researches will ever remain an honourable teftimony of the zeal and abilities of the British residents in Hinduftant.

* Three volumes of the Asiatic Researches were published before the death of Sir William Jones; a fourth was ready for the press, at the time of his demise, in April 1794, and a seventh volume has since been received in England.

+ I cannot omit this opportunity of paying a tribute to the enlightened views and enlarged policy of Marquis

A copy of this work was tranfmitted by Sir William Jones to the Right Honourable Henry Dundas, with a letter intimating a wish that the King would honour the fociety by his acceptance of it, with which his Majefty graciously complied*.

Wellesley, Governor-General of India, in founding a college at Fort William, in Bengal, for the instruction of the servants of the East-India Company, in every branch of useful knowledge. The plan of the institution may perhaps have been more extensive than was absolutely necessary for this purpose, but against the principle of it, no solid objection could be urged. The functions assigned to the servants of the East-India Company, are of great magnitude, variety, and importance; and to discharge them properly requires the education of a statesman and legislator, and a thorough knowledge of the dialects in use in Hindustan. To enable the servants of the Company to acquire the necessary qualifications for the due discharge of these important duties, was the grand object of the institution, which at the same time comprehended the religious instruction, and the superintendance of the morals and habits of the pupils. Considered in a secondary and subordinate point of view, it was calculated to promote the objects proposed in the formation of the Asiatic society. A volume of essays by the students in the college has been published, which does equal honour to them and to the institution.

* The acceptance of the volume by the King, was announced by the following letter:

In the fame year, Sir William prefented to the public a tranflation of an ancient Indian drama, under the title of Sacontala, or the Fatal Ring, exhibiting a most pleasing and authentic picture of old Hindu manners, and one of the greatest curiofities that the literature of Afia had yet brought to light. Calidas, the author of it, whom Sir William Jones calls the Shakspeare of India, lived in the first century before Chrift, not many years after Terence, and he wrote feveral other dramas and poetical pieces, of which only Sacontala has received an European drefs. The violation of the unities, as well as the mixture of foreign mythology, which conftitutes the ma

Lord GRENVILLE to the Right Honourable H. DUNDAS.
Whitehall, Feb. 22, 1790.

Having laid before the King, Sir William Jones's letter to you; I am directed by His Majesty, to signify his gracious acceptance of the volume transmitted by you; and at the same time to express His Majesty's satisfaction in the progress of the sciences in the British establishment in India, and his approbation of the important undertaking in which Sir William Jones is engaged.

I am, Sir,

Your most obedient humble servant,

chinery of the play, are irreconcileable with the purer tafte, which marks the dramatic compofitions of Europe: but, although the translator declined offering a criticism on the characters and conduct of the play, "from a "conviction that the taftes of men differ as "múch as the fentiments and paffions, and "that in feeling the beauties of art as in smell


ing flowers, tafting fruits, viewing profpects, "and hearing melody, every individual must "be guided by his own fenfations and the in66 communicable affociations of his own ideas," we may venture to pronounce that, exclufive of the wild, picturesque, and fublime imagery which characterises it, the fimplicity of the dialogue in many of the scenes, and the natural characters of many of the perfonages introduced, cannot fail of exciting pleasure and interest in the reader; who will wish with me, perhaps, that Sir William Jones had not rigidly adhered to the determination which he expreffed, not to employ his leifure in tranflating more of the works of Calidas.

In December 1789, the author of these me

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