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as the great encourager of Perfian and Sanfcrit literature, they deemed him entitled to every mark of diftinction, which it was in their power to offer: and although they were aware, that the numerous and important duties of his public ftation, might prove an infurmountable objection to his acquiefcence, they nevertheless determined to folicit his acceptance of the honorary title of prefident of the fociety, as a just tribute of respect, which the occafion feemed to demand, and which could not have been omitted, without an appearance of inattention to his diftinguished merit.

The application was received with the acknowledgment due to the motives which dictated it but Mr. Haftings, for the reasons which had been anticipated, declined his acceptance of the proffered title, and “begged

leave to refign his pretenfions to the gen

"tleman, whofe genius had planned the in

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stitution, and was moft capable of conduct

ing it, to the attainment of the great and

fplendid purposes of its formation." Sir

William Jones, upon the receipt of this anfwer, was immediately and unanimously requefted to accept the presidency of the fociety. On this occafion, he addreffed the following letter to Mr. Haftings:


Independently of my general prefumption, that whatever you determine is right, I cannot but admit the folidity of the reafons, which induce you to decline that precedence, to which, if our fociety were in its full vigour instead of being in its cradle, you would have a title paramount to all, who have been, are, or will be, in this country. Every part of your letter (except that which your kind indulgence makes fo honourable to me) carries with it the clearest conviction. Your first reafon (namely, an unwillingness to accept an honorary truft, and want of leisure for one, that may require an active part) must appear fatisfactory to all. I truft, you will confider our act as proceeding folely from our anxiety to give you that diftinction, which justice obliged us to give. As to myself, I Life-V. II.


could never have been fatisfied, if, in traverfing the fea of knowledge, I had fallen in with a ship of your rate and ftation, without ftriking my flag. One thing more, my dear Sir, I muft affure you of, that in whatever manner your objections had been stated, I should have thought them juft and wife; and if it were not for the pleasure, which your friendly communication of them has given me, I should repent of the trouble which our intended hohas occafioned.


I return Mr. Turner's letters, with many thanks for the entertainment which Lady J. and myself have received from them. I promise myself much delight and instruction from his conversation, and hope that when he fhall think proper to communicate a relation of his travels *, he will prefer our fociety to that of London. I will pay my re

* This relation was published in 1800, under the title of "An Account of an Embassy to the Court of Teshoo

Lama in Tibet;" &c., by Captain Samuel Turner. It is exceedingly curious and interesting. The author, whose amiable manners and good qualities had endeared him to his friends, was seized with an apoplexy as he was walking the streets of London, and died within two days.

spects to you in the evening, and am concerned, from a selfish motive, that the place where I now write, will fo foon lofe one of its greatest advantages. Believe me to be, with unfeigned regard, dear Sir,

Your faithful and obedient fervant,


To this public and private record of the merit of Mr. Haftings, in promoting and encouraging the purfuits of literature in Afia, the addition of any further teftimony muft be fuperfluous; yet I cannot deny myself the fatisfaction of ftating briefly the grounds of his claims to that diftinction, which excited the acknowledgments and prompted the folicitation of the society.

Mr. Haftings entered into the fervice of the Eaft-India company, with all the advantages of a regular claffical education, and with a mind ftrongly impreffed with the plcafures of literature. The common dialects of Bengal, after his arrival in that country, foon became familiar to him; and at a period

when the use and importance of the Perfian language were fcarcely fufpected, and when the want of that grammatical and philological affiftance, which has facilitated the labours of fucceeding ftudents, rendered the attainment. of it a task of peculiar difficulty, he acquired a proficiency in it. His fuccefs not only contributed to make known the advantages of the acquifition, but proved an inducement to others to follow his example, and the general knowledge of the Perfian language, which has been fince attained by the fervants of the East-India company, has confpired to produce political effects of the greatest national importance, by promoting and accelerating the improvements, which have taken place in the system of internal administration in Bengal.

If Mr. Haftings cannot claim the merit of having himself explored the mine of Sanscrit literature, he is eminently entitled to the praise of having invited and liberally encouraged the researches of others. But he has a claim to commendations of a higher nature;

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