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The Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Virginia State Bar Association was called to order at eleven o'clock A. M. by Mr. A. R. Long, of Lynchburg, Va., Chairman of the Executive Committee, who said:

Ladies and Gentlemen: In electing last year the President who is to preside over this meeting, the Association for the second time in its history went outside the ranks of its members engaged in the active practice of their profession and made its selection from among those who, as teachers of the law, serve their profession and their country in the law schools of the State. In the first instance the Honorable John Randolph Tucker, of Washing

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ton and Lee University, lawyer, statesman, teacher, was chosen; and, last year, worthily following this high precedent, the Association élected to its chief executive office the distinguished Dean of the law faculty of the University of Virginia, Professor William Minor Lile, whom I now have the pleasure of introducing to you as your president.

President Lile then read his address.

(See Appendix).

Secretary Minor: The President desires me to announce the appointment of the following committees, the first named in each instance being the chairman:

Committee on Publication-John A. Coke, Jos. C. Taylor, James E. Cannon.

It being the duty of this committee to pass upon what matter shall be published in the report of the annual meeting of the Association it is important that the members should be in close proximity to the place of residence of the Secretary, and therefore, as will be noted, all three members have been selected from Richmond.

Committee to Recommend Officers-R. T. Barton, L. L. Lewis, Ro. M. Hughes, S. C. Graham, Jas. R. Caton.

Committee on Memorials to Deceased Members-Geo. L. Christian, H. H. Downing, Jas. H. Corbitt.

Secretary Minor: Just in this connection I will read a list of names of members, notice of whose death I have received through the newspapers during the past year and since our last annual meeting. It is very possible, and, in fact, quite probable, that I have failed to see the names of some of our members who have died, and, as I read this list, I am going to ask those present to pay close attention and if any one happens to know of the death of a member whose name does not appear here I will thank him to let me know such name or names after we adjourn, so that the same may be added: Leonidas D. Yarrell, Alexander E. Warner,

William R. Abbott, Jr., Archer A. Phlegar, John W. Woods, Robert W. Withers, Edwin M. Pilcher, J. U. Burges, Judge John M. White, S. D. May and E. Beverly Slater.

The President: The next order of business is the report of the Secretary and Treasurer.

Secretary and Treasurer Minor then read his report as Secretary, which, on motion, was received and filed.

(See report at end of minutes).

Mr. Minor also read his report as Treasurer, which, on motion, was adopted.

(See report at end of minutes.)

The President: The next business in our regular order is that of reports of standing committees, and the first is the report of the Executive Committee.

Mr. A. R. Long, Chairman, read the report of the Executive Committee.

(See report at end of minutes.)

The President: I believe unless there is some objection offered to the report of the Executive Committee that it is customary to receive and file the same without formal action by the meeting, and the chair hearing no object the report will take that course.

The next business in order is the report of the Committee on Admissions.

Colonel E. E. Stickley, of Woodstock, then read the first and second reports of the Committee on Admissions, which, on motion, were adopted.

(See reports at end of minutes.)

The President: Next is the report of the Committee on Legis

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