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more save Calleh and Jeshur, of that generation, should enter the groomset iundi

Yet for der Futhers" suke. God was kind and compassionwe towards them. Of he forgave them at the intercession of Muses, when provoked to destroy them. He went before them m a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, and proteater them by the anges of his presence. He gave them day by disy mama from heaven and quals for flesh. He caused water to flow out in abundance from the rock. He raised in the wilderness a brazen serpent upon a pole, when the people were bitten by the fery dying serpents, that whosoever looked upon it should be bealed. He gave them power over their ene unes and wrought for them the most wonderful victories.

“Al zhese things happened unto them for ensamples, and they were written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come." Their whole journey toward the prozuiset Janč was typical of the journey of the true Israel toward the heavenly Canaan. They were indeed the true Israel. The true Church was among them; though the great mass of the people were wicked and rebellions. Were they brought chrough the depths of the sea! So all the children of God sre born of water and the Spirit. Were they baptized by sprinkling from the cloud and the sea anto Moses? So are we Zuptired amo Jesus Christ, buried with him by baptism into death—that we may walk in newness of life." Were they to Lee My such as to their daily support, in the wilderness? So arm Were ther je za manna and did they drink of water from the rock! So are we fed by That bread which cometh down sham hear" in the dispensation of the word, and our souls are refreshed from the fountain of life. They “did all eat the same spicces, meat and did ali drink the same spiritual Arink for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them,

that rock was Christ Were they guilty of much murring and rebellion? Did they disbelieve the promises? and their soul disewanggol because of the way! It was but a of the spada, disbelief and backsliding of

Did the anger of the Lord burn against them and did gments destroy them? We may behold in this a lively esentation of his grief and indignation at the misconduct of aints, and of his judgments upon them; though these judgments under the new dispensation are marked with far less seerity. Did he, at the intercession of Moses, oft forgive


sins and extend to them his pardoning and saving mercy? So, at the intercession of Christ, he pardons the iniquities of his people and will acquit them in the judgment. Did Moses lift up the serpent in the wilderness, that whoso looked on it should be healed? So was the Son of man lifted up that "whosoever believeth in him should not perish but might have everlasting life." And did God, finally, bring his ancient Israel into the land of promise, through the waters of Jordon by his servant Joshua? So does He conduct his saints, through death, by Jesus the great captain of their salvation, to a better country which is the desire of their souls, even a heavenly. "The ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with songs and with everlasting joy upon their heads, they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away."


Giving of the Law. Moral and ceremonial. Symbol of the Divine Presence. Tabernacle. Urim and Thummim. Priesthood. Re-institution of the Sabbath. Completion of the Pentateuch. Outpouring of the Spirit. Character of Moses.

Two remarkable Prophecies of Christ.

DURING the wanderings of the Church in the wilderness, four remarkable events occurred which claim particular notice.THE GIVING OF THE LAW. THE RE-INSTITUTION OF THE SABBATH. THE COMPLETION OF THE PENTATEUCH, AND AN EXTENSIVE OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

For 2500 years the Church had enjoyed much precious intercourse with heaven. Christ the angel of the covenant, had appeared to Adam, to Noah, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and established with them the covenant of grace, but she had no written law. On the tenth of the third month after leaving Egypt, the Israelites pitched their camp at the foot of Mount Sinai. There they remained a year. On the morning of the third day of their encampment, the mount was in a smoke and there were thunders and lightnings and a thick cloud upon the mount, for the Lord descended upon it in fire. Such was the majesty of the scene, that the people trembled and stood afar

none save Caleb and Joshua, of that generation, should enter the promised land.

Yet for their Fathers' sake, God was kind and compassionate towards them. Oft he forgave them at the intercession of Moses, when provoked to destroy them. He went before them in a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night, and protected them by the angel of his presence. He gave them day by day manna from heaven and quails for flesh. He caused water to flow out in abundance from the rock. He raised in the wilderness a brazen serpent upon a pole, when the people were bitten by the fiery flying serpents, that whosoever looked upon it should be healed. He gave them power over their ene mies and wrought for them the most wonderful victories.

"All these things happened unto them for ensamples, and they were written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come.' Their whole journey toward the promised land was typical of the journey of the true Israel toward the heavenly Canaan. They were indeed the true Israel. The true Church was among them; though the great mass of the people were wicked and rebellious. Were they brought through the depths of the sea? So all the children of God are born of water and the Spirit. Were they baptized by sprinkling from the cloud and the sea unto Moses? So are we baptized into Jesus Christ, buried with him by baptism into death-that we may walk in newness of life." Were they to live by faith, as to their daily support, in the wilderness? So are we. Were they fed by manna and did they drink of water from the rock? So are we fed by "That bread which cometh down from heaven" in the dispensation of the word, and our souls are refreshed from the fountain of life. They did all eat the same spiritual meat and did all drink the same spiritual drink, for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was Christ." Were they guilty of much murmuring and rebellion? Did they disbelieve the promises? and was their soul discouraged because of the way? It was but a type of the imperfection, stupidity, disbelief and backsliding of saints. Did the anger of the Lord burn against them and did his judgments destroy them? We may behold

representation of his grief and ind

saints, and of his judgments

ments under the new

verity. Did he, at

sins and extend to them his pardoning and saving mercy? So, at the intercession of Christ, he pardons the iniquities of his people and will acquit them in the judgment. Did Moses lift up the serpent in the wilderness, that whoso looked on it should be healed? So was the Son of man lifted up that "whosoever believeth in him should not perish but might have everlasting life." And did God, finally, bring his ancient Israel into the land of promise, through the waters of Jordon by his servant Joshua? So does He conduct his saints, through death, by Jesus the great captain of their salvation, to a better country which is the desire of their souls, even a heavenly. "The ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with songs and with everlasting joy upon their heads. they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away."


Giving of the Law. Moral and ceremonial. Symbol of the Divine Presence. Tabernacle. Urim and Thummim. Priesthood. Re-institution of the Sabbath. Completion of the Pentateuch. Outpouring of the Spirit. Character of Moses.

Two remarkable Prophecies of Christ.

DURING the wanderings of the Church in the wilderness, four remarkable events occurred which claim particular notice.THE GIVING OF THE LAW. THE RE-INSTITUTION OF THE SABBATH. THE COMPLETION OF THE PENTATEUCH, AND AN EXTENSIVE OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

For 2500 years the Church had enjoyed much precious intercourse with heaven. Christ the angel peared to Adam, to Noah, to Abr established with them the coven written law. On the tenth of Egypt, the Israelites pitched Sinni There they remained


off and said unto Moses "Speak thou with us and we will hear; but let not God speak with us lest we die." And Moses went up to God in the mount.

The ten Commandments were first given. To express their importance and perpetuity, they were written, by the finger of God, on tables of stone. These commandments have their foundation in the nature of God and man, and in the relations which men bear to God and to one another. They contain the primary principles of all law. They are obligatory upon all men to the end of time.

Next, God gave to Moses the political and ceremonial law of Israel. He had set apart this nation for himself. Its government was to be a Theocracy. God was to be its King. He therefore gave his statutes for the regulation of the commonwealth.

It was also to form his visible church; and he prescribed such ceremonial observances as would maintain the knowledge of the true Jehovah; keep the Jews separate from the Heathen; and, by lively types and shadows, prefigure the gospel dispensation.

Under this divine constitution the worship of Israel consisted much in sacrifices and offerings; in presenting to God slain animals and the fruits of the earth.

Sacrifices had been offered by the pious from the promise of a Saviour. They were doubtless of divine origin. They were now reduced to a regular system. God prescribed three kinds for the Jewish nation;-the whole burnt offering; the sacrifice, and the thank offering. The first was the most ancient and excellent. It was expiatory. The whole victim, whether a bullock, a lamb, a turtle dove or young pigeon, was burnt; and a libation of wine was poured out upon the altar. The second was a sin offering or trespass offering, made on account of legal pollutions, or sins of ignorance. The third was an expression of gratitude for mercies received. The slain animals were accompanied with unleavened cakes; and most of the ani mal, and the cakes were converted by the person offering, into an entertainment for the poor. All these sacrifices were so many symbols. corresponding with the several branches of piety. In the expiatory sacrifice, the offerer came before God confessing that he was a sinner and that he deserved to die, as the animal died. The acceptance of the sacrifice on the part was a confirmation of the divine promises of pardon to

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