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durbar held by, 90-his popularity, 357
-accident to, 474-proposed tour of,
480, 615-departs on a hunting excur-
sion, 746-illness of, 788.

Bhurtpore, account of Lord Lake's attack
upon, 183- destination of the great gun
brought from, 247.

Bishop of Calcutta (Dr. James)-indis-
position of, 90, 119, 218-his death,
372, 473-successor to, 380.
Biographical Notice of the Rev. P. De
Melho, 102 Lieut. Col. Wm. Dick-
son, 220-Sir Edward West, 249-
Lieut. Col. Kelly, 357-Bishop James,
474-Colonel S. Nation, 476-Capt.
Jonathan Scott, 520


Black Sea, steam navigation in, 457.
Bombay Government (General Orders of)
-vacation of assistant commissaries ge-
neral, 96-new regulation regarding ab-
sentees in the civil service, ib.-passage-
money to King's officers arriving from
England, 99-advance of pay to King's
soldiers returning to England, ib.-
couragement to the study of the native
languages, 100-publication of surveys,
ib.-fortress of Asseerghur constituted a
government command, ib.-pay of offi-
cers in the service of native princes, ib.
-supplies for the use of native general
hospitals, 224-misconduct of Mr. Sur-
geon Gall, 225-Lieut. Burrows'



morial, ib.subscriptions to the Native
Pension Fund, ib.-warrant for dis-
tributing the booty taken at Kittoor,
361 services of Lieut. Col. E. H.
Bellasis, 362-appointments to the ge-
neral staff, 487-rank of the superin-
tendent of marine, ib.-public servants
aggrieved by the proceedings of the
Supreme Court, ib.-furloughs to the
Neilgherry Hills, 631-examination of
junior civil servants, ib-strength of
corps of native cavalry and infantry, ib.
-executive engineers quitting stations,
760-Poonah light infantry battalion to
be disbanded, ib.-Ahmednuggur new
police corps, ib.-augmentation of the
shares in the Off-Reckoning fund, ib.
-reduction in the commands of hill
forts, ib.-absence of civil servants, and
allowances for temporary appointments,
779 courts-martial on officers, 631-
court of inquiry, 362-civil, military,
and marine appointments, and fur-
loughs, 101, 249, 487, 519, 632, 761.

(Proclamations of)
-zillah of Kaira abolished, 630-re-
moval of the Courts of Sudder De-
wanee and Sudder Foujdarry Adawlut
from Surat, ib.-seat of the Provincial
Courts of Appeal and Circuit for Guze-
rat changed, 631.

Bombay (local occurrences at)-low rate
of freight from this port to England,
101, 365, 372-dinner given by the

[ocr errors]

Highland Society, 101-order to re-
gulate the religious procession of the
Mohurrum, 102-fire, ib.-ship launch,
ib.-new Mahratta newspaper, 227-
death of Sir Edward West, 249, 363-
census of the population of the island,
365-theatricals, 366-death of Lady
West, 372, 508-return of the Gover-
nor, 506-death of Sir Charles Cham-
bers, ib.-the late libel on the native
troops, 507, 779-tour of the Gover
nor, 650, 777-new weekly paper, 651
-native munificence, ib.-consecration
of Motichund Amichund's temple at
Bycullah, ib.-the weather, 779-re-
vised tariff, 781-new table of exchange,
ib.-address to Mr. Warden on the oc-
casion of his departure for England,
ib.-rates of exchange, and prices of
government securities, 105, 239, 369,
519, 658, 788-shipping arrivals, births,
marriages, and deaths, 102, 251, 366,
507, 651, 782.

Bombay Supreme Court-address of Mr.
Justice Grant to the grand jury at the
commencement of the third quarter ses-
sions, 225-defects in the administration
of justice on the island, ib.-present-
ment of the grand jury, 227-native ex-
jurors, 251-native address to the judges
on the death of Sir Edward West, 363
-collision between the government and
the judges, 385, 500-case of Bap-
poojee Gunness, 487-application for a
writ of habeas corpus in the case of
Moro Ragonath, 489-judgments of
Sir C. H. Chambers and Sir J. P. Grant
on the return to the writ, 489, 634, 761
-Mr. Justice Grant's reasons for issu-
ing the writ, 776-letter from the go-
vernment to the judges, 500-petition to
his Majesty's privy council on the sub-
ject, 800 charge of Mr. Justice Grant
to the jury at the commencement of the
fourth quarter sessions, 647-conduct
of the native jurors, 642, 778.

Literary Society-its union with
the Royal Asiatic Society, 190-meet-
ing of, 733.

Auxiliary Bible Society-annual
meeting of, 651.

Boxing as practised by the Burmese, 139.
Bourbon, hurricane at, 787.
Bridge, iron, at Calcutta, 90.
Broughton (Rev. W. G.) appointed arch-
deacon of New South Wales, 123.
Bucharia, misunderstanding between, and
Khiwa, 235.

Buddha Gaya, description of the ruins of,


Buddhism, sketch of, 274, 326-review
of Mr. Upham's work on, 441, 565.
Buddhoo, identity between, and Woden,


Buffalo-fights in Tavoy, 137

Burman Empire, affairs in, 219, 251-
unhealthy state of Rangoon, 224-me-
nacing attitude of the government to-
wards the British, 251.

Burmah, sketches of, by "a Subaltern,"
-Tavoy, 36, 137-the island of Mer-
gui, 141.

Burmese War, anecdotes of, 138-medal
in commemoration of, 685.
Butler (Dr.), his opinion of the origin of
aerolites, 730.


Cadets, rule to be observed in the ap-
pointment of those residing in India,
87-number of sent yearly to India, 728.
Caillé (M.), geographical results of his
late journey in Africa, 201—correspon-
dence between Mr. Barrow and M.
Jomard on the subject of his visit to
Timbuctoo, 202.

Cairo, description of, 78, 298.

Calcutta Government (General Orders of)
-fire engines attached to barracks, 80,
344-distribution of war rockets, ib.-
conversion of the rocket troop into a
troop of horse artillery, ib.-expendi-
ture of government money, ib.-new
Governor-general, 80-batta and pas-
sage-money to King's officers, 205-
fee on the commission of a veterinary
surgeon, ib.-pensions to the heirs of
native Christian drummers, trumpeters,
and buglers, ib.-the six additional re-
giments, ib.-command allowances, 344
-distribution of the Deccan booty, ib.
practice of courts-martial, ib.-exami-
nation of interpreters, ib-qualification
of subalterns before commanding com-
panies, ib.-relief of troops, 345, 598
-officiating interpreters appointed to
charge of a troop or company, 467-new
set of standing orders for the native
infantry, ib.-officers exchanging from
one regiment to another, ib.-facings of
the Nusseeree battalion, ib.-medical
depôt at Saugor, ib.-encouragement to
the study of the native languages, ib.-
travelling charges of civil and military
servants, ib.-Indian allowances, ib.-
Arracan Provincial Battalion, 468-
Sylhet Corps, 598-half-batta stations
and army allowances, 598-Bhurtpore
prize-money, 599 re-occupation of
Mhow, 735-allowances to garrison
surgeons, ib.-allowances to absent ge
neral officers, ib.bounty to foreigners,
736-absence of officers on staff employ,
ib.-courts-martial on officers, 205, 468,
517, 599, 736-civil, ecclesiastical, and
military appointments, and furloughs,
82, 119, 206, 248, 346, 370, 470, 602,

[ocr errors]

Calcutta (local occurrences at)-procla-
mation on the arrival of Lord W. C.
Bentinck, 80-earthquake, 88, 370-
Asiat. Journ. Vol. 27. No. 162.

meeting to discuss the new custom-
house regulations, ib.-resistance to a
magistrate, 89-government loans, 90
-new iron bridge over Tolly's Nullah,
ib.-Levee and drawing-room, ib.—the
Governor-general's first durbar, 1b.-
-indisposition of Bishop James, 90,
119, 218 outrage by some of the na-
tive police officers, 91-alarming epi-
demic among the children, 201, 216-
petition of the native inhabitants against
the jury act, 213-strike amongst the
post-office peons, 217-meeting for the
purpose of discussing Mr. Waghorn's
steam-navigation project, 218, 479-
march of Unitarianism and Deism, 219
-petition against colonization, 353-
inland steam-navigation, 354, 474, 477
-theatricals, 355-popularity of the
Governor-general, 357-death of Bi-
shop James, 473-accident to the Go-
vernor-general, 474-proposed fishery,
476-new steam-boat for river naviga
tion, 477-alleged frauds in the reve-
nue, 477-fatal accident on the river,
478-proposed tour of the Governor-
general, 480, 615-thunder-storm, 480
-meeting of the Committee for con-
ducting the petitions against the stamp-
tax, 615-law expenses, 616-diminu-
tion in the expenditure, 616, 747—
monument to Sir David Ochterlony,
618-Europe trade, 619-estimation of
indigo crop for 1829, ib.-native libe
rality, ib.-gaieties, 620, 747-depar-
ture of the Governor-general on a hun-t
ing excursion, 746, 788-reform com-
mittee,747-trade with Sydney, 748-
scarcity of money, ib.-import of indigo,
749-races, ib.-half-batta controversy,
617, 749-Civil Service Annuity-Fund,
750-Tontine of India, 751-attempt
to blow up the Penang Merchant, ib.-
commercial fraud, ib.-disputes in the
Scots Church, 752-rates of exchange
and prices of government securities, 105
239, 369, 519, 658, 788-shipping
arrivals and departures, births, mar-
riages, and deaths, 92, 120, 220, 249,
358, 371, 480, 518, 621, 753.

Calcutta Supreme Court-further proceed-
ings in the case of the Rev. Jas. Bryce,
D.D., v. Samuel Smith, 83-motion
for a writ of habeas corpus to bring up
the body of Goluck Chunder Bon-
nergee, 84-action for trespass, Beeby
Fesa Fenissa, v. Plowden, late sheriff
of Calcutta, ib.-native jurors, 91–
trial of Maria Davis, for murder, 207—
criminal informations under the stamp
regulation: the Advocate-general, v.
Young and others, 211, 347, 358, 472,
605-motion for a criminal information
against D. Dale, Esq., 215-action
brought by Lolloo Baboo, against the
United Company, to receive the amount
of certain notes lost through the post-

office, 606-ex-officio information filed
by the Advocate-General against Wil-
liam Morton and John Morgan, for
conspiracy, 608, 743-law expenses,
616-trial of Mariano Lewis, for mur-
der, 746-trial of Hurrochunder Ghose,
for forgery, ib.

Asiatic Society, proceedings of,
73, 452, 589, 591, 732—its co-operation
with the Royal Asiatic Society, 452-
meetings of the Physical Committee of,
73, 198, 336, 589, 729.

Medical and Physical Society-
proceedings of, 75, 200, 453, 590, 732.

Agricultural and Horticultural
Society-proceedings of, 593.

Native Female Education Society
-annual meeting of, 89-examination
of the schools belonging to, 752.

Auxiliary Church Missionary So.
ciety-fifth report of, 354.
Cambridge, meeting of the Society esta-
blished at, for propagating the Gospel
in foreign parts, 243.

Canara, state of slavery in, 21, 145.
Canton, visit to:-account of the joss-
houses, 47-description of a Chinese
dinner, 50-theatrical performances, 51
-the Fatee gardens, 52-tea planta-
tion, 53-Company's factory, 54-Chi-
nese cooks, 55.

irruption into the city of, 784-see
also China.

Cape of Good Hope-yearly revenue and
expenditure of the colony, 236-pro-
posed system of taxation in, ib.—repre-
sentative system, 237-locusts, ib.--
Death of King Chaka, 786.

Cargoes of East-India Company's ships,
lately arrived, 254, 662, 804.
Carnatic Commissioners, twenty-fifth report
of, 450.

Cataract, observations of Mr. Raleigh on
extraction of the lens for, 200.
Cathewra, destruction of the hamlet of,

Caubul, calamity in, 620.

Cawnpore, alledged discontent among the
European troops at, 358, 477.
Ceylon, singular species of mollusca found

on the coast of, 75-account of the
ancient city of Anurajapura in, 79-
death of the Rev. P. De Melho in, 102
-letters from, by a "Seven Years' Re-
sident, 330-division of labour in, 341
-inundation in, 366-political condi-
tion of, 571, 709-law appointments for,
380-colonial appointments, 102, 366
-shipping arrivals, 653-births, mar-
riages, and deaths, 122, 366, 652, 782.
Chambers (Sir C. H.), his conduct at
Bombay, in reference to the case of
Moro Ragonath, 388, 489, 500-death
of, 506.

Champollion (M.), progress of his mission

to examine the monuments of Egypt,
77, 296 554.

China, character of certain petitions pre-
sented to Parliament on the subject of
free trade to, 626-religious toleration
in, 734.

(occurrences in)-important change
in the mode of conducting the Ameri-
can trade at Canton, 1-memorial of
the American merchants to the Hoppo
on the subject, 3-bis reply, 4-case of
the Americans, as stated in a New
York paper, 5-Chinese account of the
Tartar rebél, Changkihur, 104, 234,
657-trade in tea carried on with the
Russians at Kaiakta, 203-new title to
the god of war, 233-honours bestowed
on Changling, the Commander-in-chief
in Western Tartary, 234, 429, 657-
improvements at Macao, 234-trade, ib.
-execution of Changkihur, 429-pu-
nishment of the rebels taken during the
war, ib.-proclamation concerning the
intercourse of Hong merchants and
foreigners at Canton, 430-formation
of a religious association in Haongshan,
457 establishment of the Heavenly
Flower and White Bone Societies, ib.
-new foreign trade regulation at Can-
ton, 512-petition of Messrs. Magniae
and Co. to the government on the sub-
ject of Manhop's debts, 513-edict by
the governor of Canton on the subject
of petitions from foreign merchants, 514
-enforcement of the sumptuary laws
against luxury, 516-embassy from Ne-
paul, ib.-state of the insolvent Hong
merchants, ib.-ministerial changes at
Peking, 559-irruption into the city of
Canton by some of the Company's
servants, 784-further commotion in
the empire, 700-rates of exchange at
Canton, 519, 658, 788-arrival of
Company's ships, 516-births, mar-
riages, and deaths, 517, 657.

Chinese theatricals, 51-cooks, 55-no-
tions of original sin, 180-laws rela-
tive to foreigners, 368-incantations,
455-jest, ib.-associations, 457-pu-
nishment of transportation and slavery,
516-epithets applied to foreigners, ib.
-mourning, 597-prize essay, 733-
toleration in religion, 734.-poetry,725.
Cholera morbus, history of, as it appeared
recently in H.M.'s 14th regt. of Foot
at Berhampore, 76-employment of
phosphorus in the cure of, 77-exemp-
tion of Madras from, 223, 360-report
on, as it lately appeared in the district
of Kemaon, 590.
Churning of the Ocean, 32.

Cinchona, history of the genus, 729.
Civil Service Annuity Fund of Bengal,
meetings of the subscribers to, 475,750.
Civil servants, Bombay, new regulations
respecting, 96, 779.

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Cochin-China, embassies from, to Siam,
511-great conflagration in, ib.-
bassy from, to Manilla, ib.
Coffee House, Turkish, scene in, 417.
Colebrooke (H. T., Esq.), his description
of the Hindu courts of justice, 175.
College, East-India, at Haileybury-
mination at, in Dec. 1828, 113.


of Fort William-rumoured al-
terations in its constitutions, 90,

Anglo-Chinese, at Malacca-sixth
report of, 655.

Combermere (Lord), tour of, 370.
Colonization, the climate of India hostile
to, 287-petition of the native land-
holders of Bengal against, 353.
Constantinople, ancient diplomatic rela-
tions between the court of, and that of
Delhi, 588.

Confucius, notice of Dr. Schotts' transla-
tion of the works of, 335.

Coosima, account of the volcano of, 455.
-Corrie (Archdeacon), his zealous labours
in India, 312.

[ocr errors]

Coulthard (Capt.), remarks by, on the trap
formations of the Saugur district, 74.
Court of Inquiry on Lieut. T. E. Rogers,

362-Major Greville, 470.

Court-Martial on Private J. Joyce, 81-

Lieut. J. M. McGregor, 205-Lieut.
W. H. W. Midford, 468-Lieut. E.
Keily, 468-Lieut. and Adj. W. Dyer.
483-Capt. John Rawlins, 599-Lieut,
G. G. B. Lowther, 601-Lieut. Jas.
Littlejohn, 631-Lieut, N. Macdonald,
736-Major G. M. Greville, 738-
Lieut. J. G. Campbell, 739, 740-
Lieut. W. Krefting, 739-Lieut. E.
Rushworth, 740-Lieut. Midford, ib.
-Lieut. Col. Sir E. K. Williams,
756-orders of the Indian govern-
ments respecting the practice of, 93,
344, 359.

Court of Chancery-further proceedings in
the case of Freeman v. Fairlie, 242.
Cutcherry, a collector's, described, 341.


Dale (Judge), motion for a criminal in-
formation against, at Calcutta, 215.
Dalhousie (Earl of) appointed Commander-
in-chief in India, 379.

Dart (Mr.), retirement of, from the office
of secretary to the Court of Directors,
Debate at the East-India House on 17th

Dec. 1828-East-India volunteers, 106
-half-year's dividend, ib.-burning of
Indian widows, 106, 108-survey of
the Indian coasts, 108-conveyance of
letters in India, 109-appointment of
interpreters, 111-18th March 1829-
Hon. Company's accounts, 465-Par-

Deism in Calcutta, 219.

Delhi, employment of the king of, 92—
ancient diplomatic relations of the Courts
of, and Constantinople, 588.
Dervishes, dancing, 726.

Despotism in Asiatic governments, inquiry
respecting, 538.

Dewar (Mr.) appointed chief justice at
Bombay, 380-knighted, 659.
Diamond mines of Punnah described, 589.
Dickson (Lieut. Col. Wm.), biographical
notice of, 220.

Dillon (Capt.), reward conferred on, by
the French government, 520.
Dinner given to his Majesty's ministers by
the East-India Directors, 115.

Dorn (Dr.), his account of the astro-
nomical globe in the Royal Asiatic So-
ciety's museum, 373.

Dranunculus extracted from the leg of a
horse, 200.

Duel at Penang, 230.

·D'Urville (Capt.), progress of the French
expedition under, 456-its return to
France, 659.

[ocr errors]

Earthquake in Bengal, 88, 370-at Bhooj,

East, division of labour in, 341-reflec-
tions of M. de Sismondi on the war in,
East-India House, goods declared for sale
at, 126, 253, 382, 522, 662, 804-
change in the secretaryship at, 379-
attempt of the country buyers to stop
the silk sale at, 379-ballot at, for a
director, 520-see also Debates.
East-India Directors, correspondence be-
tween the Court of, and the principal
tea-dealers on the subject of "lot-
money," 245-proposed alteration in
the election of, 287-list of, for the
year 1829, 662.


Edible Birds' Nests, construction of, 36.
Egypt, mission of M. Champollion to,
77, 296, 554-officers belonging to the
Pacha of, educating in England, 123.
Elephant, sagacity of, 343.
Exchanges, rates of, at Calcutta, Madras,
Bombay, Singapore, Canton, and Syd-
ney, 105, 239, 369, 519, 658, 788-
new table of, for Bombay, 781.

[blocks in formation]

Fishery, proposed, at the mouth of the
Hooghley, 476.

France, expedition from, to examine the
monuments of Egypt, 77, 296, 554—
particulars of the expedition sent by, to
discover the vestiges of La Perouse,
456, 659-rewards conferred on Capt.
Dillon by the King of, 520.
Franklin (Capt. J.), his account of the
diamond mines of Punnah, 589.


Gaieties at Pondicherry, 95, 224 -at
Poonah, 228-at Madras, 486, 759-
at Calcutta, 620, 747.

Geographical Society of Paris-meetings
of, 201, 454.

Glasgow, trade of, with India, 122.
Goorkhan, origin of the title of, 42.
Goods declared for sale at the East-India
House, 126, 253, 382, 522, 662, 804.
Gordon (Mr. Peter), his account of the

political condition of Ceylon, 571, 701.
Grant (Sir J. P.), conduct of, at Bom-
bay, in the matter of Moro Ragonath,
388, 489, 634, 761-petition from, to
his Majesty's Privy Council, 800.
Gun, Bhurtpore, placed in front of the
barracks at Woolwich, 247.


[ocr errors]

Haileybury College, examination at, in
December 1828, 113.

Hammer (J. Von), review of his "His-
tory of the Ottoman Empire," 584-
memoir by, on the diplomatic relations
between the courts of Delhi and Con-
stantinople, 588.

Hatim Beni Tye, adventures of, 302, 393,
541, 680-notice of Mr. Forbes's new
translation of, 403.

Hastings (Hon. Warren), statue of, 247.
Herculaneum, discoveries at, 342.
Heber (Bishop), his picture of the trades-
men and indigo-planters in India, 87-
inscription on the monument erected to
his memory at Madras, 94-merits of
his "Journal," 216-progress of the
subscription at Madras for defraying
the expences of his monument, 223-
eulogy on, by a French reviewer, 340
-remarks by, on the Church Mis-
sionary Society, 708.


Hill, fall of a, in the Southern Concan,

Hindu Courts of Justice, disquisitions re-
specting, 175-the sovereign prince,
177- the chief judge, ib-the asses-
sors, 178-the audience, ib.-the do-
mestic priest, ib.-ministers of state,
ib.-officers of the court, ib.-conduct
of judges, 179-punishment of ini-
quitous judges, ib.-court house, 180
-time and mode of sitting, ib.
Hooghley, proposed fishery at the mouth

of, 476-fertilizing principle of its
inundations, 729.

Hough (Mr.), notice of his "Letters on
the Neilgherries," 448.

Humboldt (Baron), remarks by, on the
comparison of languages, 325.

Hutchins (Ens. W. J.), murdered at Di-
napore, 617.

Hyacinth (Father), work preparing by,
341-his plan of Peking, 707.
Hyderabad, reported commotion in, 478.


Ibn Batuta, review of Mr. Lee's transla-
tion of the travels of, 575.
Incantations in China, 455.

India, state of slavery in, 19, 143-dis-
graceful abandonment of natives of,
brought to Europe as domestics, 150-
division of labour in, 341-large atlas
of, 56, 723-ryot's property in, 552.

(British)-rule to be observed in the
appointment of cadets in, 87-manu-
factures exported from Glasgow to, 122
-answer to some remarks on Sir Tho-
mas Munro's evidence regarding the
trade of, 160-petition of certain na-
tives of, against the Jury Act, 213-
resolutions of the Liverpool anti-mo-
nopolists respecting the trade to, 258-
the climate of, hostile to colonization,
287-description of a collector's cut-
cherry in, 341-petition of the native
landholders of Bengal against coloni-
zation in, 353-inland steam naviga-
tion, 354, 474-Earl of Dalhousie
appointed commander-in-chief of, 379
-present distribution of his Majesty's
forces in the country, 380-collision
between the government and the King's
judges at Bombay, 385, 500, 634-
collection of the land revenue in the
south of, 405-remarks on the pilgrim
tax and exposure of the sick in, 439—
alledged frauds in the revenue of, 477
-observations on Mr. Mill's history of,
525, 665-character of the indigo plan-
ters in Bengal, 569-diminution in the
expenditure of, 616, 747-comparative
statement of the number of native col-
lectors employed in four Zemindary,
and four Ryotwary provinces of, 679-
character of certain petitions presented
to Parliament, on the subject of free trade
to, 686-re-occupation of Mhow by the
Bengal troops, 735-mistakes in the
legislation for, 752.

(not British)-mission from the
Governor-general of India to Runjeet
Singh, 85-operations of Runjeet, 92,
215, 355, 480,753-occurrences at Del-
hi, 92-continued illness of the Nawab
Azof Jah, 215, 356, 480-hostile ap-
pearance of a body of Pindarees in
Khandesh, 215-disturbances at Luck-
now during the Mohurrum, 355-

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