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Lords, and "there was still power in the tone of that voice, raised as it always was, in the cause of peace, humanity and freedom." His old friends and associates, as long as they lived, and younger men, as a tribute, in quest of knowledge, visited at his villa as a Mecca, and were inspired by his wisdom, experience and still charming personality. And from there, as I stated in the opening of this paper, on the 7th day of May, 1868, his spirit, restless on earth, took its flight to an everlasting home, not made with hands, and to a haven peaceful with the perennial beauty of a blessed immortality; his mortal remains were buried beneath a sky foreign from that which mantled the land of his birth and of his peerless achievements, and Westminister Abbey will never be a completed epitome of English history, her sages and her statesmen, until the ashes of Henry Brougham rest by the side of Canning, the greatest and most noble of his political adversaries.

But whether England thus honors herself by honoring his memory or not, with the lapse of fifty years since his death, the time has now come when the Muse of impartial history, calmly reviewing all contemporary criticism of prejudiced partizans, will truthfully record that Lord Henry Brougham ennobled his manhood as a statesman and a patriot, his profession as a great lawyer and an upright judge, and his life as a defender of human liberty and as a benefactor of mankind, and that he left behind him to succeeding generations a stainless and splendid name.

Let the men of this generation learn and follow the lessons of such a life, and there will never be any justification in our time for an Attorney General of the United States at Norfolk or elsewhere, again to compare unfavorably the representative Virginians of to-day with those of the days gone by, nor will there be in this broad land, any need of extraordinary remedies to arouse the redeeming spirit of the people for the preservation of representative government as contemplated by the fathers.

This nation needs few great measures. It needs many great men. The fundamental trouble is with the people. The public welfare and political morals are subordinated to private gain and this distemper largely permeates the body politic down to the voters holding the balance of power at the polls.

But I will not indulge in any gloomy anticipations, I do not despair of this republic. My trust is still in the redeeming spirit of the people. It is not dead. Like Sampson on the lap of Delilah, it only sleeps. The need is for great master spirits like Brougham to arouse the people from their lethargy to a realization of their country's condition; to guide them in the paths of patriotism, and guard them from the delusions of the damagogue.

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