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LABO'RIOUS. adj. [laborieux, French; laboriosus, Lat.]

1. Diligent in work; assiduous.

That which makes the clergy glorious, is to be knowing in their professions, unspotted in their lives, active and laborious in their charges, bold and resolute in opposing seducers, and daring to look vice in the face; and, lastly, to be gentle, courteous, and compassionate to all. South. A spacious cave within its farmost part, Was hew'd and fashion'd by laborious art, Through the hill's hollow sides.

Dryden. To his laborious youth consum'd in war, And lasting age, adorn'd and crown'd with peace. Prior.

2. Requiring labour; tiresome; not easy. Do'st thou love watchings, abstinence, and toil, Laborious virtues all? learn them from Cato.


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4. Exercise; motion with some degree of violence.

Moderate labour of the body conduces to the preservation of health, and curing many initial diseases; but the toil of the mind destroys health, and generates maladies.

5. Childbirth; travail.


Sith of women's labours thou hast charge, And generation goodly doest enlarge, Incline thy will to affect our wishful vow. Spens. Not knowing 'twas my labour, I complain Of sudden shootings, and of grinding pain! Mythrows come thicker, and my cries encreas'd, Which with her hand the conscious nurse sup



Not one woman of two hundred dies in labour.

His heart is in continual labour; it even travails with the obligation, and is in pangs 'till it be delivered. South's Sermons.

TO LA'BOUR. v. n. [laboro, Latin.]
1. To toil; to act with painful effort.


When shall I come to th' top of that same hill? -You do climb up it now; look how we labour. Sbakspeare.

For your highness' good I ever labour'd,

More than mine own.


Who is with him? -None but the fool, who labours to out-jest His heart-struck injuries. Shaksp. K. Lear.

Let more work be laid upon the men, that they may labour therein. Exodus.

He is so touch'd with the memory of her benevolence and protection, that his soul labours for an expression to represent it. Notes onthe Odyssey. Epaphras saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that we may stand perfect. Colossians.

2. To do work; to take pains.

The matter of the ceremonies had wrought, for the most part, only upon light-headed, weak men, whose satisfaction was not to be laboured for.


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4.. To be diseased with. [morbo laborare,


Not in use.

They abound with horse,

Of which one want our camp doth only labour. Ben Jonson. was called to another, who in childbed laboured of an ulcer in her left hip. Wiseman. To be in distress; to be pressed. To this infernal lake the fury flies, Here hides her hated head, and frees the fab'ring Dryden. Trumpets and drums shall fright her from the throne,


Assounding cymbals aid the lab'ring moon. Dryd. This exercise will call down the favour of heaven upon you, to remove those afflictions you now labour under from you.

Wake's Preparation for Death.

6. To be in childbirth; to be in travail.
There lay a log unlighted on the earth,
When she was labouring in throws of birth;
For th' unborn chief the fatal sisters came,
And rais'd it up, and tøss'd it on the flame. Dryd.
Here, like some furious prophet, Pindar rode,
And seem'd to labour with th' inspiring God.


To LABOUR. v. a. 1. To work at; to move with difficulty; to form with labour; to prosecute with effort.

To use brevity, and avoid much labouring of the work, is to be granted to him that will make an abridgnent. 2 Maccabees.

Had you requir'd my helpful hand, Th' artificer and art you might command, To labour arms for Troy. Dryden's Æneid. An eager desire to know something concerning him, has occasioned mankind to labour the point, under these disadvantages, and turn on all hands to see if there were any thing left which might have the least appearance of information. Pope. 2. To beat; to belabour.

Take, shepherd, take a plant of stubborn oak, And labour him with many a sturdy stroke.

Dryden. LA'BOURER. n. s. [laboureur, French.]

1. One who is employed in coarse and toilsome work.

If a state run most to noblemen and gentlemen, and that the husbandmen be but as their

Himself he tied, and wrapt his winges twain In limy snares, the subtil loops among. Spens. 2. A snare; a gin.

The king had snared been in love's strong lace. Fairfax.

work-folks and labourers, you may have a good 3. A plaited string, with which women


The sun but seem'd the lab'rer of the year,

fasten their clothes.

O! cut my lace, lest my heart cracking, it

cavalry, but never good stable foot.

Each waxing moon supply'd her wat'ry store,

Break too.

To swell those tides, which from the line did


Shakspeare. Doll ne'er was call'd to cut her lace, Or throw cold water in her face.



Their brimful vessels to the Belgian shore. Dryd. 4. Ornaments of fine thread curiously

Labourers and idle persons, children and striplings, old men and young men, must have divers Arbuthnot.


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Then clap four slices of pilaster on't, That, lac'd with bits of rustic, makes a front. Pope.

4. To beat; whether from the form which L'Estrange uses, or by corruption of lash.

Go you, and find me out a man that has no curiosity at all, or I'll lace your coat for ye. L'Estrange.

LACED Mutton. An old word for a whore.

Ay, Sir, I, a lost mutton, gave your letter to her a lac'd mutton, and she gave me nothing for my labour. Shakspeare. LACEMAN. n. s. [lace and man.] One who deals in lace.

I met with a nonjuror, engaged with a laceman, whether the late French king was most like Augustus Cæsar, or Nero. Addison's Spectator. LA CERABLE. adj. [from lacerate.] Such as may be torn.


Since the lungs are obliged to a perpetual commerce with the air, they must necessarily lie open to great damages, because of their thin and laserable composure.

Harvey. To LA CERATE. v. n. [lacero, Latin.] To tear; to rend; to separate by viclence.

And my sons lacerate and rip up, viper-like, the womb that brought them forth. Howel.

The heat breaks through the water, so as to lacérate and lift up great bubbles too heavy for the air to buoy up, and causeth boiling. Derh. Here lacerated friendship claims a tear.

Vanity of Human Wishes. LACERATION.n.s. [from lacerate.]. The act of tearing or rending; the breach made by tearing.


The effects are, extension of the great vessels, compression of the lesser, and lacerations upon small causes.

Arbuthnot. LA CERATIVE. adj. [from lacerate.] Tear ing; having the power to tear.

Some depend upon the intemperament of the part ulcerated, others upon the continual afflux of lacerative humours. Harvey on Consumptions. LA CHRYMAL. adj. [lachrymal, French.] Generating tears.

It is of an exquisite sense, that, upon any touch, the tears might be squeezed from the lachrymal glands, to wash and clean it. Cheyne. LA CHRYMARY. adj. [lachryma, Latin.] Containing tears.

How many dresses are there for each particular deity? what a variety of shapes in the ancient urns, lamps, and lachrymary vessels? Addison. LACHRYMATION. n.s. [from lachryma, Lat.] The act of weeping, or shedding


LA CHRYMATORY. n. s. [lachrimatoire, Fr.] A vessel in which tearsare gathered

to the honour of the dead. LACINIATED. adj. [from lacinia, Lat.] Adorned with fringes and borders.

To LACK. v. a. [laecken, to lessen, Dut.] To want; to need; to be without.

Every good and holy desire, though it lack the form, hath notwithstanding in itself the substance, and with him the force, of prayer, who regardeth the very moanings, groans, and sighs of the heart.


A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness; thou shalt not lack any thing in it. Deuteronomy.

One day we hope thou shalt bring back, Dear Bolingbroke, the justice that we lack. Dan. Intreat they may; authority they lack. Daniel. To LACK. v. n. 1. To be in want.

The lions do lack and suffer hunger. Com.Pray. 2. To be wanting.

Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous; wilt thou destroy all the city for lark of five?


There was nothing lacking to them: David 1 Samuel. recovered all. That which was lacking on your part, they have 1 Corinthians. supplied. LACK. n. J. [from the verb.] Want; need; failure.

In the scripture there neither wanteth any thing, the lack whereof might deprive us of life.

He was not able to keep that place three days, Knolles

for lack of victuals.

The trenchant blade, toledo trusty,
For want of fighting was grown rusty,
And eat into itself, for, lack
Of somebody to hew and hack.
LACKBRAIN. n. s. [lack and brain.] One
that wants wit.

What a lackbrain is this? Our plot is as good a plot as ever was laid. Shakspeare. LACKER. n. 5. A kind of varnish, which, spread upon a white substance, exhibits a gold colour.

To LACKER. v. a. [from the noun.] To sinear over with lacker.

What shook the stage, and made the people stare? Cato's long wig, flower'd gown, and lacker'dchair. Pope. L'A'CKEY.n.s. [laquais, Fr.) An attend. ing servant; a footboy.

They would shame to make me Wait else at door: a fellow counsellor, 'Mong boys, and grooms, and lackeys! Sbaksp. Though his youthful blood be fir'd with wine, He's cautious to avoid the coach and six, And on the lackeys will no quarrel fix. Dryden. Lacqueys were never so saucy and pragmatical as they are now-a-days. Addison's Spectator. TO LACKEY. v. a. [from the noun.) To attend servilely. I know not whether Milton has used this word very properly. This common body, Like to a vagabond flag upon the stream, Goes to, and back, lacqueying the varying tide, To rot itself with motion. Shakspeare,

So dear to heav'n is saintly chastity, That when a soul is found sincerely so, A thousand liveried angels lackey her, Driving far off each thing of sin and guilt. Mils. To LA CKEY. v. n. To act as a footboy; to pay servile attendance.

Oft have I servants seen on horses ride, The free and noble lacquey by their side. Sandys. Our Italian translator of the Æneis is a foot poet; he lackeys by the side of Virgil, but never mounts behind him. Dryden.

LACKLINEN.adj. [lack and linen.] Wanting shirts.

You poor, base, rascally, cheating, lacklinen mate; away, you mouldy rogue, away. Shaisp. LA'CKLUSTRE. adj. (lack and lustre.] Wanting brightness.

And then he drew a dial from his poke, And looking on it with lacklustre eye, Says very wisely, It is ten o'clock. Shaksp LACO'NICK. adj. [laconicus, Lat. laconique, Fr.] Short, brief; from Lacones, the Spartans, who used few words.

I grow laconick even beyond laconicism; for sometimes I return only yes, or no, to questionary or petitionary epistles of half a yard long. Popt LA CONISM. n. s. [laconisme, Fr. Laconismus, Lat.] A concise style: called by Pope, laconicism. See LACONICK.

As the language of the face is universal, so it is very comprehensive: no laconism can reach it. It is the short-hand of the mind, and crowds a great deal in a little room. Collier of the Aspect. LACONICALLY. adv. [from laconick.] Briefly; concisely.

Alexander Nequam, a man of great learning, and desirous to enter into religion there, writ to Camden's Remains.


Many that are not mad Have sure more lack of reason.


the abbot laconically.


LACTARY. adj. [lactareus, Lat.) Milky; 1. A frame made with steps placed be

full of juice like milk.

From lactary, or milky plants, which have a white and lacteous juice dispersed through every part, there arise flowers blue and yellow. Brown.

LACTARY. n. s. [lactarium, Lat.]



LACTATION. n. s. [lacto, Lat.] The act or time of giving suck. LA'CTEAL. adj. [from lac, Lat.] Milky; conveying chyle of the colour of milk.

As the food passes, the chyle, which is the nutritive part, is separated from the excrementitious by the lacteal veins; and from thence conveyed into the blood. LACTEAL. n. 5. The vessel that conveys chyle.


The mouths of the lacteals may permit aliment, acrimonious or not sufficiently attenuated, to enter in people of lax constitutions, whereas their sphincters will shut against them in such as have strong fibres. Arbuthnot.

LACTEOUS. adj. [lacteus.] Lat; 1. Milky.

Though we leave out the lacteous circle, yet are there more by four than Philo mentions. Brown. 2. Lacteal; conveying chyle.

The lungs are suitable for respiration, and the lacteous vessels for the reception of the chyle. Bentley. LACTE'SCENCE.n.s. [lactesco, Lat.] Tendency to milk, or milky colour.

This lactescence does commonly ensue, when wine, being impregnated with gums, or other vegetable concretions, that abound with sulphureous corpuscles, fair water is suddenly poured upon the solution. Boyle on Colours. LACTE SCENT. adj. [lactescens, Lat.] Producing milk, or a white juice.

Amongst the pot-herbs are some lactescent plants, as lettuce and endive, which contain a wholesome juice. Arbuthnot. LACTIFEROUs. adj. [lac and fers, Lat.] What conveys or brings milk.

He makes the breasts to be nothing but glandules, made up of an infinite number of little knots, each whereof hath its excretory vessel, or lactiferous duct. Ray on the Creation.

LAD. n. s. [leode, Saxon, which commonly signifies people, but sometimes, says Mr. Lye, a boy.]

1. A boy; a stripling, in familiar language.


We were

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Aboy; language.


young man, in pastoral

For grief whereof the lad nould after joy, But pin'd in'd away in anguish, and self-will'd d annoy. Spenser.

The shepherd lad,

Whose offspring on the throne of Judah sat So many ages.

LADDER. n. 5. [hladne, Saxon.]


tween two upright pieces.


Whose compost is rotten, and carried in time, And spread as it should be, thrift's ladder may Tusser. Now streets grow throng'd, and busy as by day, Some run for buckets to the hallow'd quire; Some cut the pipes, and some the engines play, And some more bold mount ladders to the fire. Dryden.

Easy in words thy stile, in sense sublime; 'Tis like the ladder in the patriarch's dream, Its foot on earth, its height above the skies. Prior.

I saw a stage erected about a foot and a half from the ground, capable of holding four of the inhabitants, with two or three ladders to mount Gulliver's Travels,


2. Any thing by which one climbs.

Then took she help to her of a servant near about her husband, whom she knew to be of a hasty ambition; and such a one, who wanting true sufficiency to raise him, would make a ladder of any mischief.

I must climb her window,

The ladder made of cords.




Northumberland, thou ladder, by the which My cousin Bolingbroke ascends my throne.


Lowliness is young ambition's ladder, Whereto the climber upwards turns his face. Shakspeare.

3. A gradual rise.

Endow'd with all these accomplishments, we leave him in the full career of success, mounting fast towards the top of the ladder ecclesiastical, which he hath a fair probability to reach. Stwift. LADE. N. S.

Lade is the mouth of a river, and is derived from the Saxon lade, which signifies a purging or discharging; there being a discharge of the waters into the sea, or into some greater river. Gibson's Camden.

To LADE. v. a. preter. laded; part. passive, laded or laden. [from hladen, Saxon.] It is now commonly written load.

1. To load; to freight; to burden. And they laded their asses with corn, and departed thence.

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Some we made prize, while others burnt and With their rich lading to the bottom went. Wal. The storm grows higher and higher, and threatens the utter loss of the ship: there is but


one way to save it, which is, by throwing its rich LADY-BEDSTRAW. n.s. [gallium.] It is lading overboard. It happened to be foul weather, so that the mariners cast their whole lading overboard to save themselves.


Why should he sink where nothing seem'd to

press? Flis lading little, and his ballast less. Swift. LA'DLE. n. s. [hlædle, Saxon, from hladan; leaugh, Erse.]

1. A large spoon; a vessel with a long handle, used in throwing out any liquid from the vessel containing it.

Some stirr'd the molten ore with ladles great. Spenser. When the materials of glass have been kept long in fusion, the mixture casts up the superfluous salt, which the workmen take off with


A lad'e for our silver dish

Is what I want, is what I wish.



2. The receptacles of a mill wheel, into which the water falling turns it. LA'DLE-FULL. n. s. [ladle and full.]

If a footman be going up with a dish of soup, let the cook with a ladlefull dribble his livery all the way up stairs.


LADY. n. s. [hlærdig, Saxon.] 1. A woman of high rank; the title of lady properly belongs to the wives of knights, of of all degrees above them, and

to the daughters of earls, and all of higher ranks.

I am much afraid, my lady, his mother, play'd

false with a smith.


I would thy husband were dead; I would make thee my lady. I your lady, Sir Johu? alas, I should be a pitiful lady. Shakspeare.

I am sorry my relation to so deserving a lady should be any occasion of her danger and affliction. King Charles.

2. An illustrious or eminent woman.
O foolish fairy's son, what fury mad
Hath thee incens'd to haste thy doleful fate?
Were it not better I that lady had,

Than that thou hadst repented it too late?

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Miller. A small red insect vaginopennous.

N. S.

a plant of the stellate kind. LADY-BIRD. LA'DY-COw. LADY-FLY.


Fly lady-bird, north, south, or east or west, Fly where the man is found that I love best.


This lady-Ay I take from off the grass, Whose spotted back might scarlet red surpass. Gay. LADY-DAY. n. S. [lady and day.] The day on which the annunciation of the Blessed Virgin is celebrated. LA'DY-LIKE. adj. [lady and like.] Soft; delicate; elegant.

Her tender constitution did declare,

Too lady-like a long hatigue to bear. LADY-MANTLE.



n. s. [alchimilla.] A Miller.

LADYSHIP. N. s. [from lady.] The title of a lady. Madam, he sends your ladyship this ring.


If they be nothing but mere statesmen, Your ladyship shall observe their gravity, And their reservedness, their many cautions, Fitting their persons. Ben Jonson's Catiline. I the wronged pen to please, Make it my humble thanks express Unto your ladyship in these.



'Tis Galla; let her ladyship but peep. Dryden. LADY'S-SLIPPER. n.s. [calceolus.] A plant. LADY'S-SMOCK. n.s. [cardamine.] A plant.

When dazies pied, and violets blue,

And lady's-smocks, all silver white,
Do paint the meadows much bedight.



See here a boy gathering lilies and lady-smocks, and there a girl cropping culverkeys and cowslips, all to make garlands. Walton's Angler.

LAG. adj. [læng, Saxon, long; lagg, Swedish, the end.]

1. Coming behind; falling short.

Shakspeare's Henry IV.

I could be well content To entertain the lag end of my life With quiet hours. The slowest footed who come lag, supply the show of a rearword. Carew's Survey.

I am some twelve or fourteen moonshines Lag of a brother. Shakspeare's King Lear. 2. Sluggish; slow; tardy. It is out of use, but retained in Scotland.

He, poor man, by your first order died,

And that a winged Mercury did bear;
Some tardy cripple had the countermand,
That came too lag to see him buried.
We know your thoughts of us, that laymen



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