The Four Gospels: Mark, Luke, and JohnJ. Monroe, 1844 - Bible |
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Abraham apostles Art thou behold believe Bethsaida blessed blind bread Caiaphas called Capernaum cast chap CHAPTER Christ Christian cometh Compare Mat crucified dead death devil disciples divine doctrine evangelist faith Father feast friends Galilee Gentiles give glorified glory gospel hath heard heart heaven Herod Herod Antipas high-priest Holy Irenĉus Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus said unto Jewish Jews John John the Baptist Judas Judea king kingdom kingdom of God Lazarus light Lord Luke Mark Mary Master Messiah mind miracles miracles of Jesus moral Moses nature ness notes on Mat parable passage passover Peter Pharisees Pilate pray prophet reference religion resurrection Sabbath Sabbath day saith unto Samaria Saviour say unto scribes Scripture sent servant shalt Simon Peter sinners sins soul spake speak spirit spoken supposed temple things thou hast tion truth Verily verse whosoever woman words