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tice of law by a Law Faculty composed of Law School Teachers, practicing Lawyers, and Judges.

2. A series of 14 text-books, combining the case system and the text-book system, especially written by professors and teachers in law schools and legal writers of recognized ability.

3. A supplemental series of specially prepared lectures, by eminent judges, jurists, and active practitioners.

4. Briefs of counsel and opinions of the courts in adjudicated cases of current public interest..

5. An outline of study, correspondence lessons, and co-operation in the reading of law and practical consulting privileges relating to the study of law.

6. Marking and grading of examination papers and the issuing of credit work done, awarding a Diploma upon the satisfactory completion of the Course.

7. The practical office training of the lawyer, giving the student the character of experience in the preparation of legal papers which he would receive in a law office.

8. Practical illustrations of the principles of law by the use of hypothetical problems, assumed cases, and events likely to arise in daily life, together with the general legal rules relating to the various sciences, professions, arts, crafts, businesses, and employments.

9. Practical training in Local Practice Courts, where the student is taught how to try cases. These Courts will be established for third year students in county seats or other convenient points, where fifteen or more students formally register for the Practice Court work.

10. Participation in the School of Pleading and Practice founded and conducted for the exclusive benefit of third year students of the La Salle Extension University.

Our Department of Law has recently been formed with a faculty composed of lawyers and judges of the Chicago Bar, among whom may be mentioned:

William Elmore Foster, LL.B., Dean and Professor of Law of Evidence, Torts and Pleading.

Marshall D. Ewell, A. M., LL.B., M. D., Professor of Jurisprudence, Legal Institutions, Law of Partnership, International Law, etc. Head of the School of Pleading and Practice conducted for the exclusive benefit of the students of the La Salle Extension University.

John P. Ahrens, Professor of Law of Domestic Relations, Bailments, Damages, etc.

Albert F. Wilson, A. B., LL.B., Professor of Law of Contracts, Agency, Corporations, Statutory Construction, etc.

George Frederick Rush, A. M., LL.B., Professor of Equity Jurisprudence, Pleading, etc.

George R. Jenkins, A. B., LL. B., Professor of Sales and Real Property.

The Local Practice Courts will be under the direction of Professor William Elmore Foster, head of the Department of Law, and the School of Pleading and Practice will be conducted by Dr. Marshall D. Ewell. The school of Pleading and Practice and the Local Practice Courts will work in close co-operation and serve to familiarize the student with all the proceedings in a law suit from the time the client states the facts to his attorney, until the case is decided by the court of last resort. The Local Practice Courts will be presided over by a resident judge or an attorney, and the student will learn how to try cases by actually conducting them.

The text-books published by the school consist of 14 volumes and will be made the basis of instruction. The work on this series of books has been done under

the editorship of James Parker Hall, Dean of Law School, University of Chicago, and James De Witt Andrews, author of "Andrews' American Law," editor "Andrews' Stephen's Pleadings," "Cooley's Blackstone," etc. Dr. Andrews is one of the projectors in the plan to state our American "Corpus Juris". These two gentlemen are so well known that any work which comes from their hands can be depended upon to be both accurate and authoritative.

The plan followed in writing this set of law books has been to make a systematic, nontechnical presentation of the field of American Law and Procedure taken as a whole. It proceeds upon the assumption contained in the words of Judge Dillon that "the number of cases is legion, but the principles they establish are comparatively few, capable of being thoroughly mastered and capable also of direct and intelligent statement."

In addition to the frequent citation of cases to illustrate the leading principles, frequent use has been made of hypothetical problems, cases and events such as are likely to arise in daily life. By omitting details and by a careful system of cross-references to avoid duplication and likewise by observing due proportion in the treatment of the various branches of the law, it has been possible in these 14 volumes to give an exceptionally clear and accurate statement of the legal principles actually applied by the courts in litigated cases.

Explanation has been given of various technical matters in the introductory volume, in the glossary, and in connection. with each special topic, so that the subject may be readily comprehended by the intelligent reader without professional guidance.

It is expected that such a set of law books will prove most helpful to those members of the legal profession who have not access to large law libraries, but who feel the need of having a modern and authoritative résumé of the entire field of substantive and adjective law in the form of a convenient text-book series, based upon a discussion of leading and ruling cases arranged in a systematic manner, comprehensive in scope, and scientific in method.

The work is the finished product of specialists, and in this the projectors have had in mind that our American law is too unwieldy to be adequately explained by any one person, any more than an Encyclopedia of Medicine could be well written by a single physician. An accurate statement of the principles of law is thus necessarily a matter of specialists.

For the purpose of proper presentation, however, it is not enough that a writer be a specialist on a legal topic, but he must be able to seize its cardinal

points and present them clearly and for

cibly, with the proper amount of concrete illustration, and without incumbering detail.

No men as a class are so likely to do this as well as professional teachers in university schools of law who are constantly engaged in analyzing and classifying the mass of legal material and in arranging it for presentation to students in the most orderly and forcible manner. By profession such men are legal specialists with a talent for lucid explanation; and their services have been chiefly enlisted in the preparation of this work. All of the articles are written by men who have devoted special study to the topics they have undertaken and most of the writers are professional teachers of law in our larger university schools.

Meeting of New York Law Instructors

OR several years the matter of form


ing a conference or an association

of law instructors in the state of New York has been discussed, and on February 12, 1910, a preliminary meeting was held in New York City. After a luncheon at the City Club, attended by some thirty-five instructors, representing eight of the nine law schools in the state of New York, a meeting was held in the rooms of the Bar Association, located across the street at 42 W. 44th street. The meeting was called to order by Clarence D. Ashley, Dean of the New York University Law School. Paul Fuller, Dean of the Fordham University Law School, was chosen chairman, and Ralph Stout, of the New York Law School, secretary.

In speaking of the purposes for which the meeting had been called, Frank W. Sommer, of the New York University Law School, stated that among the reasons which had given occasion to the belief that there were some matters, apart from methods of study or questions of curriculum, or other questions directly affecting particular law schools, upon which the law instructors of the state might unite in action to general advantage, suggesting among other matters for consideration the question of the alleged methods of marking answers to bar examination questions, whether such questions might not properly be disclosed and be made public by candidates after the examination, whether the answer of candidates should not be placed on file after marking for public inspection, and stated that he hoped that it would be

found that there were some subjects upon which the law instructors of the state could act with substantial unanimity.

The suggestion having been made that it would be desirable, before proceeding further, to ascertain what law schools were represented at the meeting, and by whom, a roll call showed that the following law schools were represented by the following named persons:

Brooklyn Law School-William P. Richardson, Dean; and Professors John Howard Easterday, John Curtin, Charles W. Appleton, David Edgar, Frank Whitehall, John H. Schmidt, and F. D. Crawford.

[blocks in formation]

mar, Frank W. Sommer, William F. Walsh, and William H. Webb.

Dean Kirchwey, of the Columbia Law School, spoke generally upon the purpose of the conference, and suggested that it might first be considered whether a definite organization was desirable.

The Chairman suggested that it might be of advantage first to consider upon what questions, if any, unanimous action could be had, and, first of all, whether there was any unanimity upon the matters suggested by Professor Sommer with reference to requirements for admission to the bar.

Dean Fiero expressed the opinion that the Court of Appeals would be amenable to suggestions from the law instructors, as a body, with regard to admission requirements, and he thought that some form of organization of the instructors should be had. Answering a question from Professor Aymar, Dean Fiero stated that there was no foundation for the rumor that the Bar Examiners delegated the marking of the examination papers to clerks or subordinates.

In response to a question of Professor Abbott, Professor Tompkins stated that there were nine regularly constituted law schools in the state of New York, five of which were in New York City, one in Albany, one in Syracuse, one in Ithaca, and one in Buffalo, of which eight were here represented, and that the only correspondence school of law in the state, so far as known, was the American Institute of Law, 60 Wall street, New York City.

Professor Gifford stated, as matters which the conference should take up for action, first, that it was radically wrong that the Bar Examiners should mark (as was commonly reported to be the case) solely with reference to whether the candidate's answer to a question was right

or wrong; secondly, that the candidate. should be permitted to take away examination papers, and such questions should not be kept secret after the examination.

Dean Irvine expressed the opinion that the efforts of the conference should be directed toward the Court of Appeals, and, further, that the association should proceed slowly, and only upon substantial unanimity; that he concurred with Professor Gifford, but that care should be taken as to the mode of procedure.

Professor Petty agreed with Professor Gifford that there were some things upon which all could unite, viz., that the marking should not turn upon whether the answer to a question was right or wrong.

Professor Waters also suggested that the association should not proceed hastily, and stated that the Faculty of Syracuse University of Law School would favor organization of law instructors, but only unanimous action.

Professor Abbott thought that the association should first consider the mode of action and plan of organization, and particularly whether it should remain at loose conference, or whether a more compact organization was necessary.

Dean Richardson expressed the opinion that the association should first organize, and stated that he would read and move for adoption the following resolution:

Resolved, that a permanent organization of the law teachers of the state be formed; that a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and an executive committee of five be now elected; that the officers and committee elected be constituted a committee to prepare a declaration of purposes and by-laws, which shall be printed and submitted to each of the instructors here gathered; and that such committee hereafter call a further

meeting for the purpose of acting upon such declaration and by-laws, and for action on the questions raised at the conference.

This resolution having been duly seconded, the chairman called for remarks. thereon.

Dean Ashley stated the origin of the idea of organization among the law instructors, and suggested as additional questions to be considered what was to be understood by the expression "successfully completing a law school course," as used in admission requirements, also how the character committees might be aided by the law schools. He thought there should be an organization, but that it should be an organization of individuals, and not of schools. He favored the resolution offered or some similar resolution.

Dean Fiero offered an amendment to the above resolution that the printed matter referred to should be submitted to all of the law instructors throughout the state, and not only to those here present, which amendment was accepted by Dean Richardson.

Dean Kirchwey thereupon offered two amendments to the resolution:

First. That the resolution should include only teachers of law in regularly constituted law schools. This amendment was accepted by Dean Kirchwey.

Second. That there be substituted a resolution for the appointment of a committee of five, who shall be charged with the duty of formulating proposals for action, and particularly to report upon the organization of the association and its plan and scope, which report shall be acted upon at some subsequent meeting.

Dean Richardson thought that officers should be elected without delay, as a representative gathering was present.

Professor Reeves suggested that the committee should consist of nine mem

bers, or one from each law school in the state, and this modification was accepted by Dean Kirchwey and made part of his amendment.

The chairman thereupon called for a vote upon Dean Kirchwey's amendment, viz., that a committee of nine should be appointed, who should report upon the organization of the association and its plan and scope, which report should be acted upon at a subsequent meeting, and this amendment was unanimously adopted.

Dean Fiero moved that the present chairman and secretary continue to act as such, as ex officio members of the committee to be appointed, and that the chairman appoint the other members of the committee, which was also unanimously voted.

Dean Chase again referred to the report of the New York County Lawyers' Association, and suggested that some few of the members present be appointed to confer with Mr. Dos Passos, of that association, about the report, before it might be submitted to the Court of Appeals.

Dean Irvine suggested that the proceedings of this conference should be brought to the attention of the Court of Appeals.

Dean Chase moved that a committee of four, of which Dean Ashley and Dean Kirchwey should be two members, should confer with Mr. Dos Passos, or other members of the New York County Lawyers' Association, about any changes suggested in the rules of admission to the bar, and also to call upon the Court of Appeals for opportunity to be heard before any further changes in such rules should be adopted, which motion was thereupon unanimously adopted.

There being no further business, the meeting was on motion duly declared adjourned.

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