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M. J. Gazin, archivist of the colony of Martinique, has prepared, and the Conseil Général of the island has caused to be printed, an elaborate general bibliography of the island, which students of West Indian history will find useful, Éléments de Bibliographie Générale Methodique et Historique de la Martinique (Fort de France, imp. Antillaise, pp. 348).

The history of an interesting commercial enterprise in the old Spanish colonial empire is related in Ramón de Basterra, Los Navios de la Ilustración, Real Compañía Guipuzcoana de Carácas y su Influencia en los Destinos de América (Carácas, 1925, pp. 307).

The Hispanic American Historical Review for May, besides two articles noted on a later page, contains an interesting account of the archives of Francisco de Miranda, lately acquired from the present Lord Bathurst by the government of Venezuela.

The Duke University Press has published Chile and its Relations with the United States, by Henry C. Evans, jr.

A comprehensive history of the Brazilian Empire, to embrace five or six volumes, is being prepared by Tobias Monteiro under the title Historia do Imperio. Vol. I. has appeared, A Elaboracão da Independencia (Rio de Janeiro, Briguiet, 1927, pp. viii, 870).

Los Primeros Alemanes en el Río de la Plata (Buenos Aires, 1926, pp. 233), by Dr. Robert Lehmann-Nitsche of La Plata, is chiefly devoted to the troubled career of Hans Brunberger of Mainz.

The Instituto de Investigaciones Históricos, of Buenos Aires, expects before long to publish vol. XIX. of its Documentos para la Historia Argentina, containing the annual letters for 1609-1614 of the Jesuit province of Paraguay, Chile, and Tucuman, with an introduction by Father Carlos Leonhardt, S.J.

The Junta de Historia y Numismática Americana, of Buenos Aires, has published a facsimile reprint of the Actas Secretas del Congreso General Constituyente de las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, 1816-1819 (pp. xiv, 306).

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: T. T. Waterman, The Architecture of the American Indians (American Anthropologist, April-June); Lieut.Comm. R. T. Gould, R. N., The Landfall of Columbus: an Old Problem Re-stated (Geographic Journal, May); Frederick Houghton, The Migrations of the Seneca Nation (American Anthropologist, January-March); J. Paine, James Wolfe (Army Quarterly, April); John Adams as he Lived: Unpublished Letters to Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, Professor of Physic at Harvard College, I., II. (Atlantic Monthly, May, June); R. S. Harvey, Some Legal and Historical Phases of the American Revolution (Georgetown Law Journal, March); W. S. Middleton, John Morgan, Father of Medical Education in North America (Annals of Medical History, March); K. S. Latourette, Voyages of American Ships to China,

1784-1844 (Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, April); Marguerite M. McKee, Service of Supply in the War of 1812, II. (Quartermaster Review, March-April); Capt. W. F. Ritter, Q. M. C., Rail Transportation: an Historical Military Study (ibid.); J. D. Hill, Some Economic Aspects of Slavery, 1850-1860 (South Atlantic Quarterly, April); Comm. R. C. Parker, U. S. N., A Personal Narrative of the Koszta Affair (United States Naval Institute Proceedings, March); R. W. Neeser, Historic Ships of the Navy: [Hartford] (ibid., May); Rear-Adm. J. C. Watson, U. S. N., Farragut and Mobile Bay: Personal Reminiscences (ibid.); Brig.-Gen. E. J. McClernand, With the Indian and the Buffalo in Montana, concl. (Cavalry Journal, April); George Robitaille, Mgr. Laval et ses Historiens, II. (Canada Français, April); Douglas Hemmeon, The Canadian Exiles of 1838 (Dalhousie Review, April); W. P. M. Kennedy, The Political Development of Canada, 1867– 1927 (Edinburgh Review, April); id., Sixty Years of Canadian Progress, 1867-1927 (Quarterly Review, April); S. G. Morley, New Light on the Discovery of Yucatan and the Foundation of the New Maya Empire (American Journal of Archaeology, January); C. H. Haring, The Genesis of Royal Government in the Spanish Indies (Hispanic American Historical Review, May); J. Torre Revello, Escritos hallados en Poder del Espía Inglés Roberto Hodgson, 1783 (Boletín del Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, no. 29); L. F. Hill, Confederate Exiles to Brazil (Hispanic American Historical Review, May); G. Friederici, Die Städtegründung im Kolonialen Spanisch-Amerika (Iberica, IV. 4).


Dr. Carleton J. H. Hayes is a professor of history in Columbia University.

Mr. Crane Brinton is an instructor in history in Harvard University. Dr. Dixon Ryan Fox is a professor of history in Columbia University. Dr. Charles S. Sydnor is a professor of history in the University of Mississippi.

Dr. George L. Burr is professor of medieval history, emeritus, in Cornell University

Dr. Constantine E. McGuire is one of the directors of the Institute of Economics, Washington, particularly concerned with fiscal history.

Dr. Carl F. Brand is an assistant professor of history in Stanford University.

Dr. Julius W. Pratt is professor of American history in the University of Buffalo.

Mr. Paul S. Smith is professor of history in Whittier College, California.

AM. HIST. REV., VOL. XXXII.-65. (991)



The names of contributors are printed in small capitals. (R) indicates that
the contribution is a review.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


viewed, 311.

ALLEN, T. G:, (R) Moret's "Nil et
Civilisation Egyptienne", 300.
Allgemeine Münzkunde und Geldge-
schichte", by Luschin von Eben-
greuth, reviewed, 89.

ALLISON, J. M. S., (R) Pirenne's
"Belgique", VI., 854.

Allison, W: H., paper by, 437.
America, "Young America", by M. E.
CURTI, 34-55; Friederici's
deckung und Eroberung Amerikas ",
I., reviewed, 126,
"American Architecture", by Joseph
Jackson, reviewed, 368.

"America in Civilization", by R. E.
Turner, reviewed, 608.

"Americana", by Milton Waldman, re-
viewed, 366.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


American Historical Association
dowment fund, newspaper support of,
227-228; Meeting at Rochester, 429-
454; entertainment, 429; time limit
of papers, 430-431; business meeting,
445-449; treasurer's report, 449-451;
officers of, 452; committees, 452-
454; "Report", 1921, reviewed, 656.
"American History, Recent ", by J. C.
Malin, reviewed, 341.

American Immigration as a Field for
Research, by M. L. HANSEN, 500-518.
"American in England", by R. E.

Spiller, reviewed, 620.
Americanization of immigrants, 508.
"American Jewish Bibliography", by
A. S. W. Rosenbach, reviewed, 657.
'American Opinion of German Unifi-
cation", by J: G. Gazley, reviewed,

"American Orations", reviewed, 926.
"American Party Leaders", by C: E:

Merriam, reviewed, 174.

"American People ", by T: J. Werten-
baker, reviewed, 881.

[ocr errors][merged small]

46 American Railways",
Thompson, reviewed, 173.
American Revolution, Renaut's "Pro-
vinces-Unies et la Guerre d'Amé-
rique", I., V., reviewed, 135; part
played by Locke and Calvinism in,
475, 487; Benson's Sweden and the
A. R.", reviewed, 661; Guttridge's
David Hartley ", reviewed, 929.
"American Sources for the Economic
and Social History of the War", by
W. G. Leland and N. D. Mereness,
reviewed, 343.



[ocr errors]

American Spirit in Architecture", by

T. F. Hamlin (Pageant of America,

XIII.), reviewed, 326.

American Spirit in Letters ", by S. T:
Williams (Pageant of America, XI.),
reviewed, 326.

"American Transcontinental Trails",
I., reviewed, 373.

American Wool Manufacture", by A.

H. Cole, reviewed, 133.

"Am Hofe der Herzöge", by Otto Car-

tellieri, reviewed, 584.

Ancient World", I., by Mikhail Ros-
tovtzeff, reviewed, 831.

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