Arboretum Et Fruticetum Britannicum: Or, The Trees and Shrubs of Britain, Native and Foreign, Hardy and Half-hardy, Pictorially and Botanically Delineated, and Scientifically and Popularly Described; with Their Propagation, Culture, Management, and Uses in the Arts, in Useful and Ornamental Plantations, and in Landscape-gardening; Preceded by a Historical and Geographical Outline of the Trees and Shrubs of Temperate Climates Throughout the World, Volume 3The Author, 1844 - Plants |
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Page 1262
... bark of this tree be removed in spring , " a venomous and offensive odour is exhaled . " The bark is said to be tonic , stimulant , and more powerfully antiseptic than the Peruvian bark ; and the honey collected from its flowers to be ...
... bark of this tree be removed in spring , " a venomous and offensive odour is exhaled . " The bark is said to be tonic , stimulant , and more powerfully antiseptic than the Peruvian bark ; and the honey collected from its flowers to be ...
Page 1302
... bark of the young branches is smooth , and beautifully green ; but , when old , it becomes of " a greyish colour , and is chapped into deep cracks . On cutting into it , it exhibits a dark dull red , a good deal resembling the colour of ...
... bark of the young branches is smooth , and beautifully green ; but , when old , it becomes of " a greyish colour , and is chapped into deep cracks . On cutting into it , it exhibits a dark dull red , a good deal resembling the colour of ...
Page 1307
... bark silky . Most of the kinds evergreen . Leaves entire , in most alternate ; if not alternate , opposite . Flowers terminal or axillary , mostly in groups , highly fragrant . The whole plant , in most , perhaps in all , intensely ...
... bark silky . Most of the kinds evergreen . Leaves entire , in most alternate ; if not alternate , opposite . Flowers terminal or axillary , mostly in groups , highly fragrant . The whole plant , in most , perhaps in all , intensely ...
Page 1308
... bark is powerfully acrid : it is used in France for forming setons or slight blisters , and is very effica- cious in cases where it is thought desirable to pro- duce a slight serous discharge , without raising a large blister . When ...
... bark is powerfully acrid : it is used in France for forming setons or slight blisters , and is very effica- cious in cases where it is thought desirable to pro- duce a slight serous discharge , without raising a large blister . When ...
Page 1315
... bark is brown and glabrous . Linnĉus has remarked that the wood and bark are so tough , that it is scarcely possible to divide the substance of either without a knife , and this quality has obtained for the plant the English name of ...
... bark is brown and glabrous . Linnĉus has remarked that the wood and bark are so tough , that it is scarcely possible to divide the substance of either without a knife , and this quality has obtained for the plant the English name of ...
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30 years planted acorns álba Amer appears arboretum bark beech beneath birch Borrer Botanic Garden Bracteas branches buds Calyx catkins Char circumference climate of London colour deciduous diameter downy Engravings female Flitwick flowers foliage footstalks Forbes in Sal Forest France fruit genus girt glabrous glaucous green ground growing growth head height Henfield Hort Horticultural Horticultural Society's Garden Identification insect introduced kind Koch Comm lanceolate larvĉ leaf leaves Lodd Loddiges Loddiges's London male Michaux Michx native nearly North nurseries obovate Ovary ovate peduncles petiole poplar produced Pursh Pursh Fl Rees's Cyclo seeds serrated sessile Sexes shoots shrub silky Smith Eng Smith in Rees's smooth soil Spec species specimens stalked Stamens Stigmas Stipules Synonymes Syst timber tree trunk 2 ft variety Willd Willow Woburn Woburn Abbey wood young