Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 116 |
Archaeological models and Asian IndoEuropeans | 19 |
From the dialects of Old IndoAryan to ProtoIndoAryan and ProtoIranian | 43 |
The Nuristani languages | 103 |
Copyright | |
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Afghanistan Andronovo archaeological Aryan āsas Aśoka Aśokan attested Bactrian Bailey Bailey's BMAC borrowed British Academy Buddha Buddhist Sanskrit Cambridge Central Asia century chariot Chinese Chionites Classical Sanskrit Common Toch consonant culture derived dialect documents early eastern etymology evidence Gandhara Gāndhārī Geldner hapax Hephthalites Hoffmann hymns India Indo-Aryan Indo-European Indo-Iranian Indus inscriptions intervocalic Iran Iranian languages Kāņva Khot Khotanese Kidara Kidarites king Konow kritām Kushan Kuwayama later linguistic loanwords Lubotsky manuscripts Margiana Mayrhofer meaning Middle Iranian Mitanni Mitanni Aryans noun Nuristani languages Old Avestan Old Iranian Old Persian origin Ossetic Pāli Panjab Parpola passage period Pinault Prakrit probably Proto-Indo-Aryan Proto-Iranian region Rgveda Rgvedic root Saka sanskritised Sasanian Scythian Sims-Williams Sogd Sogdian South Asia steppe studies suffix syllable term texts Tocharian tradition translation tribes Turkish Vedic verb vocabulary vowel Wiesbaden Witzel words xarənah Yasna Yašt Young Avestan Yuezhi Zone