Records of the Geological Survey of India, Volume 128, Parts 5-6The Survey, 1993 - Earthquakes Vols. 1- include Report of the Geological Survey, 1867- ; v. 32- include Review of the mineral production of India, 1898/1903- ; v. 75 consists of Professional papers, no. 1-16; v. 76 consists of Bulletins of economic minerals. |
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amphibolite Andhra Pradesh anomaly bands basalt basement basic basin Betul biotite block boreholes carried charnockite chert clay covered Deccan Trap deformation depth dips district dolerite dolomite drilling dykes ENE-WSW exposed fault ferruginous field season folds foliation Formation fractures gabbro geochemical Geological map geophysical GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION gneiss gold mineralisation Gondwana grade grained granite granite gneiss granitoids granulite gravity grey Group hornblende indicated intrusives joints Karnataka kimberlite laterite limestone lineaments located MADHYA PRADESH mafic magnetic magnetite Maharashtra meta metabasalt metasediments migmatite mineral NE-SW NW-SE occur pegmatite phyllite pink Project pyrite quartz quartz veins quartzite regional river rock types Sakoli samples sandstone scale schist schist belt schistose shale shear zone soil sq km strike length structures studies sulphide Supergroup surveys Tamil Nadu tectonic thematic maps thick toposheet traverses trench trending tunnel upto volcanics width के में