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Conduct and Character. Account of the

two New Zealand Youths,

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SECT. VII. Arrival at Ulietea. Astronomical Observa-

tions. A Marine deserts, and is delivered

up. Intelligence from Omai, Instructions

to Captain Clerke. Another Desertion of

a Midshipman and a Seaman, Three of

the chief Persons of the Island confined

on that Account. A Design to seize Cap-

tains Cook and Clerke discovered. The

two Deserters brought back, and the Pri-

soners released. The Ships sail. Refresh-

ments received at Ulietea. Present and

former State of that Island. Account of

its dethroned King, and of the late Regent

of Huaheine,

VIII. Arrival at Bolabola. Interview with Opoony.

Reasons for purchasing Monsieur de Bou-

gainville's Anchor. Departure from the

Society Islands. Particulars about Bola-

bola. History of the Conquest of Otaha

and Ulietea. High Reputation of the Bola-

bola Men. Animals left there and at Ulie-

tea. Plentiful Supply of Provisions, and

Manner of salting Pork on Board. Va-

rious Reflections relative to Otaheite and

the Society Islands. Astronomical and

Nautical Observations made there,

IX. Accounts of Otaheite still imperfect. The

prevailing Winds. Beauty of the Coun-

try. Cultivation, Natural Curiosities.

The Persons of the Natives. Diseases.

General Character. Love of Pleasure.

Language. Surgery and Physic. Arti-

ticles of Food. Effects of drinking Ava.

Times and Manner of Eating. Connex-

ions with the Females. Circumcision.

System of Religion. Notions about the

Soul and a future Life. Various Super-

stitions. Traditions about the Creation.

An historical Legend, Honours paid to

the King. Distinction of Ranks. Pu-

nishment of Crimes. Peculiarities of the

neighbouring Islands. Names of their

Gods. Names of Islands they visit. Ex-

tent of their Navigation,


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Cook's River. The Ships return down it.

Various Visits from the Natives. Lieute-

nant King lands, and takes Possession of

the Country. His Report. The Resolu-

tion runs aground on a Shoal. Reflections

on the Discovery of Cook's River. The

considerable Tides in it accounted for,

SECT. VII. Discoveries after leaving Cook's River.

Island of St Hermogenes. Cape Whitsun-

day. Cape Greville. Cape Barnabas. Two-

headed Point. Trinity Island. Beering's

Foggy Island. A beautiful Bird described.

Kodiak and the Schumagin Islands. A

Russian Letter brought on Board by a

Native. Conjectures about it. Rock Point.

Halibut Island. A Volcano Mountain.

Providential Escape. Arrival of the Ships

at Oonalaschka. Întercourse with the Na-

tives there. Another Russian Letter. Sam-

ganoodha Harbour described,

VIII. Progress Northward, after leaving Oona-

lashka. The Islands Oonella and Acootan.

Ooneemak. Shallowness of the Water

along the Coast. Bristol Bay. Round

Island. Calm Point. Cape Newenham.

Lieutenant Williamson lands, and his Re-

port. Bristol Bay, and its Extent. The

Ships obliged to return on account of

Shoals. Natives come off to the Ships.

Death of Mr Anderson; his Character;


and Island named after him.

Rodney. Sledge Island, and Remarks

on landing there. King's Island. Cape

Prince of Wales, the Western Extreme of

America. Course Westward. Anchor in

a Bay on the Coast of Asia,

IX. Behaviour of the Natives, the Tschutski, on

seeing the Ships. Interview with some of

them. Their Weapons. Persons. Orna-

ments. Clothing. Winter and Summer

Habitations. The Ships cross the Strait, to

the Coast of America. Progress North-

ward. Cape Mulgrave. Appearance of

Fields of Ice. Situation of Icy Cape. The

Sea blocked up with Ice. Sea-horses kill-

ed, and used as Provisions. These Ani-



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