Going Inside: A Tour Round a Single Moment of Consciousness" ... extrapolates our current understanding of consciousness from something that happens in less than the blink of an eye--a single moment of the mind's inner workings."--Jacket. |
Reluctant Beginnings | 1 |
Disturbing the Surface | 11 |
Ugly Questions about Chaos | 40 |
Copyright | |
13 other sections not shown
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action activity actually amygdala animal anticipation attention attractor awareness axon ball basal ganglia Behavioral and Brain behaviour brain processing Cambridge centre cerebellum chaos theory cingulate circuitry circuits coding cognitive cognitive science colour complex connections consciousness Crick Desimone Desimone's dopamine dynamic Edelman electrode experience eyes feedback feeling firing focus Friston frontal cortex Gerald Edelman half a second happened hierarchy hippocampus human idea imagery images input kind Kosslyn LaBerge language Libet lobe look mapping areas Massachusetts memory mental milliseconds mind monkey motor movement needed neural neurons neuroscience neuroscientists nucleus accumbens organisation output pathways pattern plasticity population coding pre-conscious prefrontal cortex prefrontal lobes problem produce psychology reaction receptive field representation researchers response scanner scanning scientists seemed sensation sense sensory showed signal simply single-cell recording spikes stimulus studies subjects synapses thalamus thinking thought turn University Press V₁ visual cortex words